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Why did the First Gulf War take place?
An activity to guide your students to evaluate, analyse and link the causes of the First Gulf War.
Including an information sheet on the main causes, a template for organizing and linking the causes and and an exam style question for applying their knowledge.

The causes of the Iran Iraq war.
This activity is designed to enable your students to evaluate, analyse and link the causes of the Iran Iraq war.

Causes of the Berlin Blockade
A differentiated activity for students on the Berlin Blockade. This lesson is designed to encourage the students to use their analytical skills to order, link and evaluate the information.

Why was Saddam Hussein able to come to power in Iraq?
Covering the IGCSE and GCSE unit on why Saddam Hussein was able to come to power in Iraq. Including key information, written tasks and an exam style question t consolidate knowledge.

Why was there a revolution in Iran in 1979?
A unit of work on the Iranian Revolution. Including information on the main causes including;
Lack of democracy
The White Revolution
Repression by the secret police (SAVAK)
Tasks include;
Ordering the causes by importance,
Explaining different views of the Shah,
A practice exam question on the topic
And more!

The Iranian Revolution; An interactive activity
Why was there a revolution in Iran in 1979? This simulation exercise will allow your students to find out.
The students are asked to take decisions as if they were the Shah of Iran. The choices good or bad are then awarded points and the actual choice the Shah made is explained. Through evaluating the choices and connecting the consequences the students gain a deeper understanding in a fun and interactive way.
Including a page of follow up tasks to consolidate their knowledge and demonstrate their understanding.

Motivational Poster Set
A set of 5 posters for middle and high school students to encourage them while proving attractive and useful classroom decoration.

Growth Mind Set Quote Posters
A set of 5 quotes to encourage a growth mind set including;
It always seems impossible until it is done.
Believe you can and you are half way there
Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.
Mistakes are proof you are trying
You miss 100% of the shots you never take.

Christmas Join the Dots a set of 10
A set of 10 join the dot activities for your students to keep them active and engaged during the holiday period.

Learning Quotes Display
A set of 5 posters with quotes about learning to inspire, decorate and make your students think.

Africa Countries and Capitals Word Search
A set of 5 word searches on the countries and capitals of Africa.
Reinforce general or subject knowledge or introduce them to some new places and names in a fun way.

Countries and Capitals of Asia
A set of 5 word searches on the countries and capitals of Asia.
Reinforce general or subject knowledge or introduce them to some new places and names in a fun way.

European Countries and Capitals Word Searches
A set of word searches to reinforce geographical knowledge including;
2 word searches on European Countries
Eastern European Countries and Capitals
Central European Countries and Capitals
Western European Countries and Capitals

US States and Capitals Word Search
Use this set of word searches to reinforce the students knowledge of US States and their capitals.
2 word searches on all states.
Mid Western States
North Eastern States
The Southern States

Country Names Word Searches
A set of 5 word searches which contain a diverse list of country names.
Reinforce vocabulary, build general knowledge and enjoy!

Dolch Sight Words Word Searches
A set of 16 word searches with Dolch sight words .
The word searches are grouped by letter to reinforce learning throughout the year,

Synonyms Word Searches
Word searches with synonyms for;
Reinforce classroom learning with these fun activities

Adjectives for people wordsearches
Includes two word searches with a wide variety of adjectives for people.
The first contains a wide range of positive adjectives about people.
The second contains a wide range of negative adjectives about people.
Reinforce the students vocabulary with this fun and engaging task. Answer keys supplied,