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Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.




Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.


ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN NUMBERS WORKSHEETS BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. ideal for advanced beginner English into intermediate English students. Word searches are a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word, practising and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set features ten differentiated word searches, focusing on Numbers 0-100 in English, with each consecutive grid increasing in challenge. The searches offer a really useful learning opportunity - enabling learners to engage with the target vocabulary, but also aligning with cross-curricular learning - working on reading, writing, spelling, numeracy and language skills in generaL. Learners are able to identify which direction words are located in within the grid by referring to the arrow key. As they move through the grids, their language skills are challenged in a range of ways - from straightforward vocabulary searching, to gap-fill, scrambled letters and sentence questions, which feature mathematical language in English and more complex linguistic structures. Hyphens are really important in English numbers, and the grids feature these quite clearly, in order to ensure that learners can practise this aspect of language. There are two formats to choose from - the search grids and answer keys as separate worksheets, and also a file with both grids and answer keys together, so that you can print each grid and key double-sided, according to which suits your classroom needs better. Your students will find this freebie helpful: ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-100 LIST FREEBIE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-numbers-0-100-list-12628110 Have a browse in my store for more English resources and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


KS2 ITALIAN KS3 ITALIAN PRIMARY ITALIAN FOR CHILDREN ELEMENTARY ITALIAN BEGINNER ITALIAN DAYS OF THE WEEK WORD SEARCHES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. This resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Parole Intrecciate Word searches are a simple and effective way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in***Italian***, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set is aimed at beginner Italian students of all ages, focusing on I giorni della settimana. The target vocabulary also includes related words such as oggi, domani and dopodomani. Additionally, ordinal numbers primo, ultimo, secondo and so on, provide an additional language learning opportunity, and to increase the challenge in a number of grids. Students have to apply their broader knowledge of Italian in order to know which word to search for in the grid, for example il terzo giorno della settimana? This makes the activity more comprehensive and engaging than a straightforward days of the week vocabulary exercise. The set features 10 differentiated word searches, with an increasing level of challenge. Grids 1-5 feature Italian prompts and Italian responses in the grid. Students also complete a list of corresponding translations in English for additional consolidation. Grids 6 & 7 feature questions in Italian such as mercoledì : l’altroieri? and students have to work out that they are seeking lunedì in the grid. Grids 8-10 feature English prompts, with students looking for the corresponding Italian word in the grid, and also writing the Italian word in the vocabulary list. Each grid is in landscape format, and has an accompanying answer key so that students can check their own responses. There is an accompanying Italian-English vocabulary list which features all the vocabulary used in the word searches. This kind of activity is really versatile, and useful in a range of learning contexts: starters, refreshers, finishers. fun-time fillers or sub / cover lessons at any time during the school year, as well as during the period where this is the current language focus. Students benefit from revisiting the word searches over several weeks until they are absolutely confident with the range of vocabulary. Have a browse in my store for more Italian resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. GRAZIE MILLE E BUON APPRENDIMENTO!


PRIMARY FRENCH KS3 FRENCH KS2 FRENCH NUMBERS 0-10 TEN DIFFERENTIATED WORD SEARCHES & ANSWER KEYS. Files are non-editable in a zipped format; the product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only - please read the Terms of Use carefully. Ideal for Primary French Immersion and beginner French students of all ages and stages, providing them with a great opportunity to engage with the written word in French, at the same time developing essential beginner French vocabulary. They are easily differentiated too: the grids have an increasing level of challenge, to ensure that all students can feel confident about their learning - and lots of chances to keep challenging themselves. The direction the words are located in the grid is indicated with arrows. There are 5 French to French grids, with an additional number vocabulary list to complete for extra spelling practice. There are also English to French grids with a vocabulary list, which is an effective way of consolidating vocabulary. All the grids have a corresponding answer key, which are essential in order to maximise the learning potential of the activity. They facilitate learner independence, also giving them an additional opportunity to engage with the target language - they also genuinely enjoy assessing their own, and each others' work. The word searches are in landscape format. The word searches are really versatile, useful in a range of learning contexts, such as starter and refresher activities, fun-time fillers, cover lessons, or free-choice activity at any time during the school year. Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH ÊTRE ET AVOIR WORD SEARCHES KS2 FRENCH ÊTRE ET AVOIR WORD SEARCHES FRENCH FOR CHILDREN ÊTRE ET AVOIR WORD SEARCHES KS3 FRENCH ÊTRE ET AVOIR WORD SEARCHES Files are non-editable in a zipped format; the product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only - please read the Terms of Use carefully. Word searches are a simple and effective way of encouraging students to engage with the written word in French, refreshing and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This set is aimed at beginner French students of all ages, focusing on the key verbs être and avoir in the present tense. They introduce students to the concept of verb conjugation from the very beginning of their learning, which enhances their French across all four skills. They provide an popular alternative to more traditional grammar exercises or drills. The set features 10 differentiated word searches, with an increasing level of challenge. There are 5 search grids with French prompts and French responses in the grid. Students also complete a list of corresponding conjugations in English for additional consolidation. These are followed by 5 search grids with English prompts and French responses in the grid. They also write out the corresponding French conjugations, as well as looking for them in the grid. Each grid is in landscape format, and has an accompanying answer key so that students can check their own responses. There is also a reference sheet with both verbs conjugated in full in the present tense. This kind of activity is really versatile, and useful in a range of learning contexts: starters, refreshers, finishers. fun-time fillers or sub / cover lessons at any time during the school year, as well as during the period where the verbs are the current language focus. Students benefit from revisiting the word searches over several weeks until they are absolutely confident that they can conjugate the verbs accurately in any context. Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH CHRISTMAS KS3 FRENCH CHRISTMAS BINGO GAMES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. This product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Ideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for French language learners of all ages - in my experience, adult learners really enjoy a few competitive games of bingo too! I’ve described the games as not grade-specific, as the general goal for me is not to learn a lot of French Christmas vocabulary as such, but to work quite specifically on French language skills development. There are 100 grids in total, in both colour & BW. The color grids definitely look really good, but can prove expensive to prep - I have sets that I’ve laminated, and students use wipe-free pens, so that the grids can be used many times. Younger learners do tend to prefer the BW grids, taking some additional time to colour them in themselves. I often combine that activity with revision of colours, which can work really well too. The games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game. This set comprises the following: 40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Colour and BW 40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour & BW 10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Colour & B&W 10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Colour & B&W Calling card, featuring 32 French Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural. Students should also be the bingo caller, rather than always the teacher. Calling card, featuring the English translation of the French Christmas words. This is great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in French in the grid. JOYEUX NOËL ET BONNE ANNÉE !


PRIMARY GERMAN CHRISTMAS KS3 GERMAN CHRISTMAS BINGO GAMES* Files are non-editable in a zipped format. This product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Iideal multi-skill language learning activity for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills for German language learners of all ages - in my experience, adult learners really enjoy a few competitive games of bingo too! I’ve described the games as not grade-specific, as the general goal for me is not to learn a lot of German Christmas vocabulary as such, but to work quite specifically on German language skills development. There are 100 grids in total, in both colour & BW. The color grids definitely look really good, but can prove expensive to prep - I have sets that I’ve laminated, and students use wipe-free pens, so that the grids can be used many times. Younger learners do tend to prefer the BW grids, taking some additional time to colour them in themselves. I often combine that activity with revision of colours, which can work really well too. The games are designed for players to cross off all the words or pictures on their grids in order to win the game. This set comprises the following: 40 picture-only bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) You can give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students then select grids randomly from the bowl. For additional challenge, students can play all four grids in a single game. Colour and BW 40 words & pictures bingo 12-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) Colour & BW 10 picture-only 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Distribute the grids among students, several grids per student, which they choose randomly for every game. There should be several winners per game, depending on the size of the group. Colour & B&W 10 words & pictures 30-square grids (A4 portrait format) Colour & B&W Calling card, featuring 32 German Christmas words. Print or photocopy double-sided to minimise prep. There are 8 check columns per page, so that you can really get the most from each card - call the words randomly, ticking them off as you go, so that you can check the winning grids. You can vary the use of the definite and indefinite article, singular or plural. Students should also be the bingo caller, rather than always the teacher. Calling card, featuring the English translation of the German Christmas words. This is great for additional challenge - students hear the English word, and translate it quickly, looking for it in writing in German in the grid FROHE WEIHNACHTEN UND EINEN GUTEN RUTSCH INS NEUE JAHR!


KS3 GERMAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS KS4 GERMAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS GCSE GERMAN DATES DAYS MONTHS SEASONS 10 DIFFERENTIATED GERMAN WORD SEARCHES WITH ANSWER KEYS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. This set is aimed at advanced beginner and intermediate German students. It focuses not only on the core vocabulary of days, months and seasons, but also on key dates in the German calendar, including all national official holidays - Bundeseinheitliche Feiertage - and a range of other Feiertage and important dates, such as Faschingsdienstag and der Fall der Berliner Mauer. Many of these dates, both national and / or regional across German-speaking countries, are religious in origin, such as Karfreitag and Allerheiligen. This is a popular alternative to more traditional teacher-led presentations about German traditions, festivals and national holidays, and provides a really useful springboard and stimulus for class discussion and more comprehensive research. The target vocabulary includes definite and indefinite articles, as well as ordinal numbers erst-, letzt-, zweit- and so on, increasing the challenge in a number of grids. The search questions are equally important: students have to apply their broader knowledge of German and Germany in order to know which word to search for in the grid, for example Alle vier Jahre gibt es ? or ? wird am 3. Oktober gefeiert? The set features 10 differentiated word searches, with varying levels of challenge. Grids 1 and 2 feature German prompts and German responses in the grid. Students also complete a list of corresponding translations in English for additional consolidation. Grids 3,4, and 5 feature English prompts, which students translate into German, and then look for in the grid. Grids 6-10 feature a series of questions, which students have to answer before they can complete the search grid. For example ***Ein Jahr hat vier ?***, ? hat im Schaltjahr neunundzwanzig Tage and ***Der Tag der Deutschen Einheit ist am ?***. Grid 10 also features a range of dates such as 6. Januar to give students plenty of opportunity to practice the use of the full stop after the number in German dates. There is an accompanying German national holidays and key dates list which students can also use as a longer-term reference resource. Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!


PRIMARY GERMAN NUMBERS 0-31 CHALLENGE CARDS KS2 GERMAN NUMBERS 0-31 CHALLENGE CARDS KS3 GERMAN NUMBERS 0-31 CHALLENGE CARDS 48 DIFFERENTIATED CHALLENGE CARDS WITH ANSWER KEY, RECORDING SHEET AND NUMBER REFERENCE LIST Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user licence only. Please read the Terms of Use. Challenge cards are an ideal language learning activity, and really help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their German language skills in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. This set focuses on German numbers 0-31, which is usually described as beginner German vocabulary. The questions however are aimed more at advanced beginner German students and are also useful as a general skills refreshers for those preparing to enter into intermediate German. The questions are entirely in German, with reference to German mathematical vocabulary, and range in complexity and challenge. To maximise the learning potential of the questions, I frequently look at the multiple-choice questions as a whole-group activity, identifying not only why there is a single correct response, but what the errors are in the other choices. Identifying errors, and explaining precisely why something is inaccurate or incorrect, helps students to think about language a little more laterally, and ensures that they are thinking concepts through, rather than simply relying on learned responses. The resource comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards - laminate if possible, as they will remain in excellent condition for years. I often print out as single pages, rather than individual cards, as this saves prep time = answer key (2 pages) this can also be laminated, and shared among groups of students for class work = recording sheet - simply print as many as your particular groups need. My students generally use their class workbooks for working out and noting responses, though recording sheets are definitely useful for more formal assessment purposes. = numbers 0-31 in German reference list Have a browse in my store for more German resources, including special offer bundle and freebies. VIELEN DANK UND VIEL SPAß IN DER DEUTSCHSTUNDE!


2 Resources
FRENCH CONDITIONAL TENSE KS4 FRENCH GRAMMAR GCSE FRENCH GRAMMAR KS5 FRENCH GRAMMAR A LEVEL FRENCH GRAMMAR FRENCH CONDITIONAL TENSE CONJUGATION PRACTICE BUNDLE The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be amended, copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. THIS BUNDLE IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED AND IS NOT FOR SALE AT THIS TIME - PLEASE CHECK BACK SOON.


FRENCH FOR CHILDREN PRIMARY FRENCH YEAR 7 FRUITS BINGO - 180 DIFFERENTIATED BINGO GRIDS & 40 CALLING CARDS Files are non-editable in zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Games with goals: these French fruits bingo games for young beginner French learners. This set features 12 fruits in masculine, feminine, singular and plural forms. The games are ideal for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills in French, as well as learning key beginner French vocabulary. There are 180 bingo grids and 40 calling cards. All the grids are designed for all the squares to be crossed off in order to win the game, and depending on the size of your class, there can be several winners per game. The grids with pictures are in both color and BW: color looks great, and I laminate these for class, using them with wipe-clean pens so that they can be recycled for years. The BW versions work really well for quick games - print and go! There are 12 fruits featured - I’ve found this to be a reasonable and manageable number for young learners. The fruits are: green apple : lemon : oranges : peach : raspberries : pineapple : kiwi : pear : bananas : green grapes :strawberry : watermelon This set includes the following non-editable files: = 40 picture-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages). I give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students select grids randomly from the bowl. = 40 French word-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - perfect for improving listening skills and great for quick translation when using the English, rather than French, calling cards. = 40 English word-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - I use these with the French calling cards, it’s great practice in both listening and vocabulary recall. = 40 mixed French words, English words and pictures 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - these are ideal for multi-skill language learning, with students using all their French knowledge at once. I use the French calling cards for these grids. = 20 mixed picture and French word 9-square grids, 4 per page (5 pages) = 20 calling cards in French, 4 per page (5 pages) = 20 calling cards in English, 4 per page, (5 pages) Have a browse in my store for more French for children resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPÉTIT !


4 Resources
PRIMARY FRENCH YEAR 7 FRENCH FRUITS VEGETABLES BINGO - 360 DIFFERENTIATED BINGO GRIDS & 80 CALLING CARDS: TWO SETS @ £3.75 EACH IN THE BUNDLE Files are non-editable in zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Games with goals: these French fruits and vegetables bingo games are ideal for young beginner French learners. This bundle features two sets of bingo games, with 12 fruits and 12 vegetables in masculine, feminine, singular and plural forms respectively. The games are ideal for developing listening, speaking, reading, writing and spelling skills in French, as well as learning key beginner French vocabulary. There are 360 bingo grids and 80 calling cards in this bundle, everything you need for lots of games with all your students. All the grids are designed for all the squares to be crossed off in order to win the game, and depending on the size of your class, there can be several winners per game. The grids with pictures are in both colour and BW: colour looks great, and I laminate these for class, using them with wipe-clean pens so that they can be recycled for years. The BW versions work really well for quick games - print and go! Each set features 12 fruits and 12 vegetables respectively, and I’ve found this to be a reasonable and manageable number for young learners. The fruits are: green apple : lemon : oranges : peach : raspberries : pineapple : kiwi : pear : bananas : green grapes : strawberry : watermelon The vegetables are: mushrooms : cauliflower : carrots : lettuce : cucumber : tomato : cabbage : potatoes : garlic : broccoli : peas : onions I have folders ready with lots of different bingo grids in them, so that they are good to grab and go whenever students select them, or I decide it’s time for a quick practice and refresh session. I distribute the grids in a variety of ways, for example students get a random selection of pages, and they select the order of grids they play from. Students can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables, and then select individual grids randomly. Each set includes the following non-editable files: = 40 picture-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages). I give students a random selection of pages, with students selecting the order of grids they play from. You can also cut out the grids, and place them in a small bowl or similar object on tables. Students select grids randomly from the bowl. = 40 French word-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - perfect for improving listening skills and great for quick translation when using the English, rather than French, calling cards. = 40 English word-only 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - I use these with the French calling cards, it’s great practice in both listening and vocabulary recall. = 40 mixed French words, English words and pictures 9-square grids, 4 per page (10 pages) - these are ideal for multi-skill language learning, with students using all their French knowledge at once. I use the French calling cards for these grids. = 20 mixed picture and French word 9-square grids, 4 per page (5 pages) = 20 calling cards in French, 4 per page (5 pages) = 20 calling cards in English, 4 per page, (5 pages) Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPÉTIT !


FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES KS3 FRENCH KS4 FRENCH GCSE FRENCH KS5 FRENCH ALEVEL FRENCH FRENCH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES CARDS ACTIVITIES LES PAYS FRANCOPHONES All files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. French-speaking countries, capital cities and flags game cards provide great cross-curricular learning opportunities for any appropriate age group, at any time of the school year. Students can develop their language skills, as well as their knowledge of both the French-speaking and wider world, in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The set features 41 countries / territories where French is an official language, with each picture card showing the continent and national flag, and the corresponding text card detailing continent, country and capital city. There is a set of detachable continent, country and capital city labels. Labelling is a really successful and popular learning activity. There may be a number of countries and capital cities that students do not know, or are not aware of, so the games help them fully develop their general awareness, knowledge and understanding of Les pays francophones. I’ve used the definite article, as I’ve found that this helps embed the concept of gender in French, and that proper nouns, such as countries, are subject to gender agreement rules too. There is a country, capital city and flag reference list of all countries and capital cities, including the continent on which each is located. Students find it useful to read this through before playing I generally allow them only 60 seconds on a timer to really focus their reading and increase the sense of competition if we are playing competitive team games. I’ve described a range of popular games and activities in the product pack. The list can also be used as a year-round reference resource, which students can file in their workbooks or learning files. Laminate the cards and reference sheets if you can - it’s really worth the extra prep time and expense, as they’re far more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years. Play regularly for maximum learning potential. Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON VOYAGE !




ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR FRENCH-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for French-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a third collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programs. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in French - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage. There are two alphabetical lists - one English-French, and one French-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for French-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR FRENCH-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for French-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a second collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programs. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in French - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage. There are two alphabetical lists - one English-French, and one French-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for French-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!


ANGLAIS LANGUE SECONDE ALS ESL EFL ENGLISH PREPOSITIONS FOR FRENCH-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH Create an instant English language reference resource for French-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English prepositions. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a collection of 40 high-frequency English prepositions for French-speaking English learners, ideal for advanced beginner English students into intermediate English students. They are common English prepositions, so students will see, hear and use them regularly in daily life. It’s an important step in language learning to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize key English vocabulary, and are confident with the meaning of that vocabulary in French - at that point they can move on to looking at using the prepositions in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning all prepositions at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English vocabulary, adding to the list as their knowledge grows, and embedding it into long-term memory through frequent usage. There are two alphabetical lists - one English-French, and one French-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocabulary lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocabulary to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more English resources for French speakers, as well as general English Language Learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too! Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!