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Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.




Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.


ESL EFL ENGLISH MERRY CHRISTMAS BUNTING BANNERS Create a real festive*English Language*** look and feel in your classroom with this set of bunting / banners spelling out MERRY CHRISTMASI I use bunting / banners not only to create an English & World Languages ambiance in the learning environment, but also to promote everyday and seasonal language and core vocabulary for learners of all ages. Each sheet of bunting has a small tag that you can clip to a line of string across the room (like a washing line!), or to a wall. I created these for the ESL/EFL classroom, but of course they look great in any classroom! Have a browse in my store for more English Christmas resources, and a wide range of other English teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies. This resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. Downloading does not transfer ownership. The resource may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way outside your own classroom. It is non-editable in a zipped format. Please read the Terms of Use. THANKS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!


5 Resources
PRIMARY FRENCH KS3 FRENCH YEAR 7 FRENCH TARGET LANGUAGE POSTERS @ £2.00 EACH IN THE BUNDLE All files are non-editable in a zipped format. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. French target language display posters creating an instant introduction to 40 commonly-used expressions in your French classroom. The posters also give the learning environment a fabulous French look and feel, promoting French as a living language, featuring in the everyday life of your learners. They introduce learners to a range simple everyday language in French from the very beginning of their learning, and they are able to familiarize themselves with both the ‘look’ of French words, and how sounds are represented in the written form. The language is simple and effective, suitable for absolute beginners. I use the posters to promote use of the target language in contexts that we meet frequently and regularly, such as Asseyez-vous ! Levez la main ! and Qui a fini ? There are some greetings, such as Bonne journée ! and Bonjour tout le monde ! It’s important to build routines in the languages classroom, using only the target language, and avoiding translating everything orally when we speak to learners. It’s easy to develop conversational routines too, starting with greetings, and asking how people are - I generally do this with talk time, encouraging learners to ask each other how they are for example. The posters do show the English translation, as I’ve found that this facilitates learner understanding initially, and certainly helps them feel more confident in the very early stages. I explain that the words do not necessarily match correctly, for example Quel jour sommes-nous ? literally means What day are we? but translating correctly means recreating meaning in the second language: in English, we ask What is the date today? This is really useful knowledge for both current and future learning. I also move the posters around a little in our first lesson, and give learners sheets with certain expressions in English, and they walk around looking for the corresponding expression in French, writing it down on their sheet - I’ve included one of these in each set. I’ve found this to be a really successful way of getting learners to write and spell correctly in French, again from the very beginning of their learning. I definitely focus a lot on pronunciation, emphasizing that words often do not sound how they look - accurate pronunciation needs a lot of practice, and the written word can actually confuse learners unless we work on pronunciation and producing the accurate sounds of words, and look closely at linking spelling with sound. The expressions in Set 1 are: Let’s speak French; Hello everyone; Goodbye everyone; How are you?; I’m very well thanks; Sit down please; Stand up please; Look please; Listen please; Repeat please; Everyone together; Once again; Put your hands up; Don’t shout out; Put your hands down; Quietly please; Stop please; Put your things away; Well done The expressions in Set 2 are: Do you understand?; Yes, I understand; A volunteer please; Let’s start please; Put your pencils down; Open your workbooks; Close your workbooks; Who has finished?; I have finished; Louder please; Have a good day; Have a good weekend; Sit in a circle; What is your name?; My name is…; What is the date today?; The date us…; More quickly; More slowly; Very good There are two backgrounds to choose from - French flag or plain white, so 80 posters in total. The flag background will definitely use a lot of printer ink, but I always laminate my posters, so that I can use them for years. The plain white background looks great too! Have a browse in my store for more French classroom decor and flashcards, and a wide range of ther French teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles, resource boxes and freebies - I’ve included a couple here for you try. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH KS2 FRENCH YEAR 7 FRENCH CLASSROOM LANGUAGE FRENCH TARGET LANGUAGE POSTERS The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. French classroom language display posters which creates an instant introduction to 20 commonly-used expressions in your French classroom. The posters also give the learning environment a fabulous French look and feel, promoting French as a living language, featuring in the everyday life of your learners. They introduce learners to a range simple everyday language in French from the very beginning of their learning, and they are able to familiarize themselves with both the ‘look’ of French words, and how sounds are represented in the written form. The language is simple and effective, suitable for absolute beginners. I use the posters to promote use of the target language in contexts that we meet frequently and regularly, such as***Asseyez-vous ! Levez la main ! and Écoutez !*** There are some greetings, such as Bonjour tout le monde ! and Comment ça va ? It’s important to build routines in the language classroom, using only the target language, and avoiding translating everything orally when we speak to learners. It’s easy to develop conversational routines too, starting with greetings, and asking how people are - I generally do this with talk time, encouraging learners to ask each other how they are for example. The expressions in this set are: Do you understand?; Yes, I understand; A volunteer please; Let’s start please; Put your pencils down; Open your workbooks; Close your workbooks; Who has finished?; I have finished; Louder please; Have a good day; Have a good weekend; Sit in a circle; What is your name?; My name is…; What is the date today?; The date us…; More quickly; More slowly; Very good There are two backgrounds to choose from - French flag or plain white, so 40 posters in total. The flag background will definitely use a lot of printer ink, but I always laminate my posters, so that I can use them for years. The plain white background looks great too! Have a browse in my store for more French posters / flashcards, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning materials, with French resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


PRIMARY FRENCH KS2 FRENCH YEAR 7 FRENCH CLASSROOM LANGUAGE FRENCH TARGET LANGUAGE POSTERS The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. French classroom language display posters which creates an instant introduction to 20 commonly-used expressions in your French classroom. The posters also give the learning environment a fabulous French look and feel, promoting French as a living language, featuring in the everyday life of your learners. They introduce learners to a range simple everyday language in French from the very beginning of their learning, and they are able to familiarize themselves with both the ‘look’ of French words, and how sounds are represented in the written form. The language is simple and effective, suitable for absolute beginners. I use the posters to promote use of the target language in contexts that we meet frequently and regularly, such as***Asseyez-vous ! Levez la main ! and Écoutez !*** There are some greetings, such as Bonjour tout le monde ! and Comment ça va ? It’s important to build routines in the language classroom, using only the target language, and avoiding translating everything orally when we speak to learners. It’s easy to develop conversational routines too, starting with greetings, and asking how people are - I generally do this with talk time, encouraging learners to ask each other how they are for example. The expressions in this set are: Let’s speak French; Hello everyone; Goodbye everyone; How are you?; I’m very well thanks; Sit down please; Stand up please; Look please; Listen please; Repeat please; Everyone together; Once again; Put your hands up; Don’t shout out; Put your hands down; Quietly please; Stop please; Put your things away; Well done There are two backgrounds to choose from - French flag or plain white, so 40 posters in total. The flag background will definitely use a lot of printer ink, but I always laminate my posters, so that I can use them for years. The plain white background looks great too! Have a browse in my store for more French posters / flashcards, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning materials, with French resource boxes, special offer bundles, and lots of freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


5 Resources
ESL EFL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? 3 GAMES @ £2.50 EACH IN THE BUNDLE All products consist of non-editable files in zipped formats. They are copyright, all rights reserved. They may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Set 1 focuses on fruits in English; Set 2 on vegetables in English, and Set 3 on a combination of fruits and vegetables in English, ideal for advanced beginner English and intermediate English students. I have… Who has… ? is a lively & communicative whole-group language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing target vocabulary in English. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. Point out particular phonemes and sounds, such as the soft c in lettuce compared to the hard c in carrot, and the addition of n to a when preceding a noun starting with a vowel, such as an aubergine or an orange for example. The aim of the game is to create an English sentence chain as quickly as possible. The game works well if the sentence sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. There are 29 fruits featured across the 3 games: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberries; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. and 28 vegetables: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini All the fruits and vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocab - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their English language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is***implicit input on grammatical concepts*** such as the***lack of adjectival agreement and gender***, and position of adjectives, which are often entirely new concepts for many ESL/EFL learners. Nouns feature definite, indefinite and partitive articles too. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more. The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing English language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students. Laminate the cards if you can - they’re more learner-friendly, and they remain in excellent condition for years. Have a browse in my store for more English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAMES!


GCSE SPANISH DOMINOES GAMES High-frequency Spanish verbs dominoes games: 3 games and challenges are a lively alternative to more traditional grammar & vocabulary ‘drilling’ activities. They will help students build up and embed their vocabulary and knowledge of high-frequency Spanish verbs in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. There are 99 common Spanish verbs in the infinitive form, along with the corresponding English verbs. Students can work happily challenging themselves and each other to create a perfect domino bilingual verb sequence, on the classroom floor, or on a long(ish) table, by matching the Spanish and English verbs. The game has a bonus multi-focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading, and also helps students identify cognates and words that may look similar to English, but mean something different. There are three games, each with a different level of challenge: Challenge One features the verbs in alphabetical order, Spanish to English Challenge Two features the verbs in random order, also Spanish to English Challenge Three again features the verbs in random order, but this time from English to Spanish, which works a little different in terms of vocab recall There’s a full alphabetical Spanish-English verb list, which students find really useful as they begin to build and embed their verb vocabulary - we find it useful to have a quick look through the list prior to playing for the first time, and it’s also really good for some additional whole-group pronunciation practice. Each challenge is on a different background, so that they can be easily identified. To ensure successful learning, play regularly as you work with verbs and vocabulary - against a timer in teams works well to map both improved recall and word recognition, as well as increasing confidence - students genuinely enjoy seeing if they can beat their own time record. Dominoes games work really well in language learning as a free-choice activity - I have folders of resources for students to select their own activity, according to what they feel they would most like to revisit. We have free-choice activity time every few lessons for a half hour or so, which also provides a welcome break from the particular target focus. There’s definitely prep involved - printing and cutting out. I always laminate my dominoes games, as they’re far more learner-friendly, and they last for absolutely years, so once you’re prepped the set or several sets, you will never have to prep the games again. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN APRENDIZAJE!


EFL ESL ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH FRUITS & VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? GAME This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. A lively & communicative whole-group language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits and vegetables in English, ideal for advanced beginner English and intermediate English students. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. I point out particular phonemes and sounds, such as the soft c in lettuce compared to the hard c in carrot, and the addition of n to a when preceding a noun starting with a vowel, such as an aubergine or an orange for example. The aim of the game is to create an English sentence chain as quickly as possible. There are 28 fruits featured in the game: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon and 28 vegetables: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as the lack of adjectival agreement and gender, and position of adjectives, which are often entirely new concepts for many ESL/EFL learners. Nouns feature definite, indefinite and partitive articles too. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing English language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students. I’d definitely recommend you laminate the cards, despite the extra prep and expense. They’re far more learner-friendly, and they will last for absolutely years. Have a browse in my store for more English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAME!


ESL EFL ENGLISH VEGETABLES ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. A lively and communicative whole-group language learning game, perfect for practicing, reinforcing & refreshing a range of vegetables in English, ideal for advanced beginner English into intermediate English students. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. Point out particular phonemes and sounds, such as the soft c in lettuce compared to the hard c in carrot, and the addition of n to a when preceding a noun starting with a vowel, such as an aubergine for example. The aim of the game is to create an English sentence chain as quickly as possible. There are 28 vegetables featured in the game: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as the lack of adjectival agreement and gender, and position of adjectives, which are often entirely new concepts for many ESL/EFL learners. Nouns feature definite, indefinite and partitive articles too. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students***applying their developing English language knowledge creatively and practically***, which is an essential element of successful language learning. It’s a really popular activity too. Have a browse in my store for more ESL / EFL English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAME!


ESL EFL ENGLISH FRUITS ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN BEGINNER ENGLISH FRUITS I HAVE, WHO HAS GAME This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. A lively & communicative whole-group language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in English. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. I point out particular phonemes and sounds, such as the soft g in orange compared to the hard g in grapefruit, and the addition of n to a when preceding a noun starting with a vowel, such as an apple for example. The aim of the game is to create an English sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with the first card, and ending with the final card, the last card. There are 29 fruits featured in the game:green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberry; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as the lack of adjectival agreement and gender, and position of adjectives, which are often entirely new concepts for many ESL/EFL learners. Nouns feature definite, indefinite and partitive articles too. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing English language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class - this is a really popular activity with my students. Have a browse in my store for more ESL / EFL English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAME!


ESL EFL ENGLISH NUMBERS ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN NUMBERS BEGINNER ENGLISH NUMBERS 0-31 I HAVE, WHO HAS? The resource is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your classroom in any way. The license is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. The product is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. A lively whole-group communicative language learning game, perfect for practicing, reinforcing & refreshing how to count from 0 - 31 in English. The game has a***multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading***, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too. The aim of the game is to create an English number chain as quickly as possible, starting with the first card zero, and ending with the final card, thirty-one. The game works just as well if the number sequence is placed on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. Laminate the cards if you can - they’re more learner-friendly, and they remain in excellent condition for years. Distribute the cards, one or two per student, depending on how many students you have in your group. I often play too - students really do enjoy it when I join in, and they seem to work that little bit harder on their concentration and pronunciation. Students walk around the room, talking to each other in their best English accent, sharing the information on their cards, until they have arranged the numbers in the correct order. Have a browse in my store for more ESL / EFL English resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND ENJOY THE GAME!


GCSE FRENCH KS3 PRESENT TENSE CONJUGATION PRACTICE FOCUS ON 25 HIGH-FREQUENCY REGULAR & IRREGULAR FRENCH VERBS My students really like this kind of grammar activity, as they like to work and learn independently, which is a successful way of varying teaching and learning methodologies - I’ve found it’s really important to avoid predominantly teacher-led learning in the languages classroom. There are 150 conjugations across 3 differentiated conjugation challenges with full answer key. I use these kinds of workbooks in lots of different ways: for practice during the introduction phase, for independent choice in class time, for home learning, for practice and revision during vacation and at return to class, and for cover lessons - they’re really versatile, and ideal for advanced beginner French students who are getting to grips with conjugation in French, and building their verb vocabulary. The workbooks focus on the mechanics of conjugation, rather than usage, and I’ve found that when my students are able to provide the correct conjugation very quickly, and out of a specific context, they feel really confident that their conjugation skills are developing well. The resource is structured as follows: Two alphabetical verb reference lists: French-English and English-French. Three conjugation challenges, each with 50 individual conjugations: Conjugation Challenge 1: each verb conjugated in French across a range of pronouns, with students writing the corresponding English verb conjugation. Conjugation Challenge 2: gives the infinitive of each verb in French, specifying the target pronoun. Students write the corresponding verb conjugation in French. Conjugation Challenge 3: students write the corresponding French verb conjugation, and its infinitive, from an English prompt. Notes and Next Steps template which students visit regularly - it really does encourage them to think about where they are now, how confident they feel, and what they might need to work on a little more to be absolutely sure of their conjugation skills. answer key: Try this free sampler to see if it’s the kind of learning activity that will work well for your students: FRENCH VERBS CONJUGATION PRACTICE SAMPLER https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-verbs-conjugation-practice-sampler-12307809 Have a browse in my store for more French grammar activities, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning materials, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too! The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be amended, copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BONNE CONJUGAISON !


FRENCH PRESENT TENSE KS3 FRENCH RE VERBS PRESENT TENSE KS4 FRENCH PRESENT TENSE GCSE FRENCH PRESENT TENSE RE VERBS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Focus on conjugating French RE verbs in the present tense. The challenge cards are perfect for advanced KS3 French and beginner KS4 French students, who are really getting to grips with the concept of conjugation. This kind of activity really does help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their conjugation skills in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The questions have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in French in general, and certainly in conjugating French RE verbs in the present tense in particular. To get the most from the questions, I frequently look at the multiple-choice questions as a whole-group, identifying not only why there is a single correct response, but what the errors are in the other choices - identifying errors, and explaining precisely why something is inaccurate or incorrect, helps students to think about language a little more laterally, and ensures that they are thinking concepts through, rather than simply relying on learned responses. The set comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards = answer key & answer recording sheet = question card template - creating new language enables learners to apply language practically, and gives them opportunity to think about how language works Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BONNE CONJUGAISON !


6 Resources
PRIMARY SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS2 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS3 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? 3 GAMES @ £2.50 EACH This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. = Game 1: focus on fruits = Game 2: focus on vegetables = Game 3: focus on blend of fruits and vegetables Whole-group lively & communicative language learning games, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in Spanish. The games have a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - I point out particular phonemes, accents and sounds too - such as the tilde on the letter ñ, and how important that is in creating the correct sound of the word. The aim of the game is to create a Spanish sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with Tengo la primera tarjeta, and ending with the final card, Tengo la última tarjeta. There are 29 fruits featured across the games: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberries; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. with 29 vegetables: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini. All the fruits and vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their Spanish language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing Spanish language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class. This is an integral element to successful language learning, and is a really popular activity with my students. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. íMUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!


PRIMARY SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS2 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES KS3 SPANISH FRUITS VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in Spanish. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - I point out particular phonemes, accents and sounds too - such as the tilde on the letter ñ, and how important that is in creating the correct sound of the word. The aim of the game is to create a Spanish sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with Tengo la primera tarjeta, and ending with the final card, Tengo la última tarjeta. There are 28 fruits featured in the game: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. with 28 vegetables: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini. All the fruits may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their Spanish language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing Spanish language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class. This is an integral element to successful language learning, and is a really popular activity with my students. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. íMUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!


PRIMARY SPANISH VEGETABLES KS2 SPANISH VEGETABLES KS3 SPANISH VEGETABLES I HAVE, WHO HAS? This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing and refreshing a range of vegetables in Spanish. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - I point out particular phonemes, accents and sounds too - such as the tilde on the letter ñ, and how important that is in creating the correct sound of the word. The aim of the game is to create a Spanish sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with Tengo la primera tarjeta, and ending with the final card, Tengo la última tarjeta. There are 28 vegetables featured in the game: artichoke; asparagus; aubergine; green beans; beetroot; broccoli; Brussels sprout; cabbage; carrot; cauliflower; celery; cucumber; garlic; leek; lettuce; mushroom; onion; peas; green pepper; red pepper; yellow pepper; potato; sweet potato; radish; spinach; sweetcorn; tomato; zucchini. All the vegetables may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their Spanish language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing Spanish language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class. This is an integral element to successful language learning, and is a really popular activity with my students. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. íMUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!


PRIMARY SPANISH FRUITS KS2 SPANISH FRUITS KS3 SPANISH FRUITS I HAVE, WHO HAS? This resource consists of non-editable files in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing a range of fruits in Spanish. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking & reading, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. It’s perfect for pronunciation practice too - I point out particular phonemes, accents and sounds too - such as the tilde on the letter ñ, and how important that is in creating the correct sound of the word. The aim of the game is to create a Spanish sentence chain as quickly as possible, starting with Tengo la primera tarjeta, and ending with the final card, Tengo la última tarjeta. There are 29 fruits featured in the game: green apple; red apple; banana; cherry; date; fig; gooseberries; grapefruit; green grapes; red grapes; honeydew melon; kiwi; lemon; lime; mango; nectarine; olive; orange; papaya; peach; pear; pineapple; pumpkin; raspberry; redcurrants; rhubarb; starfruit; strawberry; watermelon. All the fruits may not be in my longer-term learning plan, but the learning objective moves beyond simply learning individual units of vocabulary - the images help students infer meaning from context, supported by the visual prompts and clues - this in turn supports them in developing their Spanish language skills in the longer and more complex sentences. There is implicit input on grammatical concepts such as adjectival agreement, gender, definite, indefinite and partitive articles and position of adjectives, either preceding or proceeding the particular noun. This is a very successful way of really getting the most of what looks like a straightforward game for consolidating the target vocabulary - it is actually so much more! The question card template provides an additional learning activity, with students applying their developing Spanish language knowledge creatively and practically, as they make game cards for the class. This is an integral element to successful language learning, and is a really popular activity with my students. Have a browse in my store for more Spanish resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. íMUCHAS GRACIAS Y BUEN PROVECHO!


PRIMARY FRENCH KS3 FRENCH HOW TO TELL THE TIME IN FRENCH I like to give my students comprehensive vocab books and reference resources. They enable them to work more independently, both in class and at home. This French Telling the Time Reference Book has 14 pages, and features every analogue clock time in French. There’s a My Notes page too - I encourage students to make notes on their progress, and think about how they are progressing - we use this to inform and guide whole-group discussion about learning and progress in general, which is a really popular and effective activity too. Have a browse in my store for more French reference books, and a wide range of other French teaching and learning activities, with special offer bundles, resource boxes, and lots of freebies too! The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BON APPRENTISSAGE !


FRENCH PRESENT TENSE FRENCH ER VERBS PRESENT TENSE KS3 FRENCH GRAMMAR KS4 FRENCH CONJUGATION PRACTICE GCSE FRENCH PRESENT TENSE ER VERBS Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The product is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use. Focus on conjugating French ER verbs in the present tense. The challenge cards are perfect for advanced KS3 French and beginner KS4 French students, who are really getting to grips with the concept of conjugation. This kind of activity really does help to create a lively language learning environment. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their conjugation skills in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The questions have a bonus multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading and spelling. They’re great for helping students familiarize themselves with, and develop competence in, speaking, reading, writing and spelling in French in general, and certainly in conjugating French ER verbs in the present tense in particular. To get the most from the questions, I frequently look at the multiple-choice questions as a whole-group, identifying not only why there is a single correct response, but what the errors are in the other choices - identifying errors, and explaining precisely why something is inaccurate or incorrect, helps students to think about language a little more laterally, and ensures that they are thinking concepts through, rather than simply relying on learned responses. The set comprises the following non-editable files: = 48 differentiated question cards = answer key & recording sheet = question cards template***:creating new language enables learners to apply language practically, and gives them opportunity to think about how language works Have a browse in my store for more French resources, including special offer bundles and freebies. MERCI BEAUCOUP ET BONNE CONJUGAISON !


ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN VOCABULARY CARDS BEGINNER ENGLISH VOCABULARY CARDS 54 English words & phrases with 54 matching German vocab cards for German-speaking learners of English The product is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed in any way. The license for purchase is a single-user license only. Please read the Terms of Use carefully. Students can develop, embed, reinforce and refresh their beginner English vocabulary in a cooperative, communicative and interactive way, independently of the teacher. The game cards and accompanying Recall & Write activities have a***multi-skill focus on listening, speaking, pronunciation, reading, writing and spelling***. It doesn’t matter if any of the words or phrases don’t feature in your medium or even longer-term learning plan: this is a great way of encouraging your students to engage with new language, and to build their vocabulary at the same time. This set features 54 words & phrases in the following categories: Greetings - Begrüßungen Days of the week - die Tage der Woche Months of the year - die Monate des Jahres Four seasons of the year - die vier Jahreszeiten Useful phrases for the classroom - Englisch im Klassenzimmmer Questions and Answers - Fragen und Antworten The Reference, Recall & Write book has 8 pages. It includes an alphabetical English-German reference list of all 54 words & phrases. The***Recall and Write challenges*** help students familiarize themselves with, and really embed, the range of vocabulary in the set, and also get used to reading, writing and spelling in English. It’s also a great way of developing literacy skills in English. There are two written recall challenges: Challenge One requires students to write the corresponding German word or phrase from an English prompt. The words and phrases are in random, rather than category order - this challenges the memory more than when the vocab is in the order learners first learn it in. Challenge Two requires students to write the corresponding English word or phrase from a German prompt. The words and phrases are again in random, rather than category order. We use the Ideas, Notes and Next Steps page regularly, reflecting not only on the words and phrases they feel confident about, but also how they think their skills in listening, speaking, pronouncing English, reading and writing are developing - and equally importantly, what they can reasonably do to keep improving. Laminate the game cards if you can - they are far more learner-friendly, and the additional prep and expense is definitely worth it, as the cards will remain in excellent condition for years. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS!


ENGLISCH ESL EFL ENGLISH COMMON VERBS FOR GERMAN-SPEAKING LEARNERS OF ENGLISH English language verb reference resource for German-speaking students focusing on high-frequency English verbs. I’ve found that the lists are a great learning support resource, and they’re really popular with students too. They work well when students keep them carefully in learning files or folders for current and future reference, either in class or at home. They also work well printed double-sided and laminated for small-group work in class. This list is a fourth collection of 25 high-frequency English verbs that students will meet in the beginning to intermediate stages of English learning programmes. They are common English verbs, so they will see, hear and use the verbs regularly in daily life. They include regular and irregular verbs, and are all in the infinitive form - it’s an important step in learning is to ensure that students quickly develop a useful vocabulary bank, are able to recognize English verbs, and are confident with the meaning of those verbs in German - at that point they can move on to looking at conjugation and using the verbs in a communicative and practical context. Students shouldn’t take on the task of learning 25 verbs all at once though - this is more of a longer-term reference resource that students can use to audit their developing English verb vocabulary - embedding the verbs into long-term memory will come through frequent usage. There are two alphabetical lists - one English-German, and one German-English, as I’ve found that beginner language students prefer to have both as a reference resource. There are two backgrounds to choose from - England flag (which looks good as grammar / vocabulary display), and black wave - students tell me that this makes vocab lists more visually appealing, which is really useful when they’ve got a lot of vocab to work through and learn. Have a browse in my store for more ESL EFL English Language reference resources, including materials for German-speaking English learners, and a wide range of other ESL EFL English Language activities, with special offer bundles and lots of freebies too. Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, amended, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. It is free to download, but Terms of Use still apply. The license is a single-user license only. THANKS AND ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH LESSONS!