KS4 French Clothe - I have a problem
Titre : J’ai un problème
Les objectives:
Some will be able to remember 7 (and above) problems
Most will be able remember at least 5 problems
All will be able to remember at least 3 problems
KS4 French Clothes - In the shop, what you want
Titre : dans le magasin de vêtements
Les objectives:
Some will be able to create a dialogue “in a clothes”
Most will be able to explain in detail what they want
All will be able to say what kind of clothes they want in a shop.
KS3 French lesson consoldation on TV and Cinema
L’objectif : Comparing TV programmes and movies
All must be able to remember the different kind of TV programmes and movies
Most should be able to give opinion on them
Some could be able to form complex sentence comparing them
Literacy: verbs, word order, comparative and superlative
Document to help student develop their target language.
Comment vas-tu ? (informel) Comment allez-vous ? (formel)
Je vais… bien / très bien / mal / très mal
Pourquoi ? Parce que je suis…