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MarinaCF's Shop

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Resources mainly for French - Year 7 to Year 13. A few resources for Spanish (Year 8). I spend a lot of time creating resources linked to authentic material (videos, articles, etc.) I would be very grateful if you left some feedback if you download some of my resources. Thank you; merci; gracias :)




Resources mainly for French - Year 7 to Year 13. A few resources for Spanish (Year 8). I spend a lot of time creating resources linked to authentic material (videos, articles, etc.) I would be very grateful if you left some feedback if you download some of my resources. Thank you; merci; gracias :)
Sondage dans la classe - La musique

Sondage dans la classe - La musique

Students stand up and walk around the classroom to ask these questions to their classmates. Good activity to start a lesson. They must then talk about their classmates' answers as part of a feedback discussion.
La Manif pour Tous - JT France 2

La Manif pour Tous - JT France 2

Worksheet that goes with the following video from the Journal Télévisé (France 2): http://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-jt/france-2/20-heures/jt-de-20h-du-dimanche-16-octobre-2016_1864079.html (7'15 to 9'14) Possible to link with Pre-U French syllabus or first year of A-Level
Mariage pour tous vs. Manif pour tous

Mariage pour tous vs. Manif pour tous

Different pictures relating to MARIAGE POUR TOUS or MANIF POUR TOUS. Idea of activity: stick the photos around the classroom; students walk around with a pen of a different colour and write their thoughts/opinions about each photo and react to what the others are writing too. At the end: discussion around what they have written.
Ma liste de cadeaux d’anniversaire idéale

Ma liste de cadeaux d’anniversaire idéale

Resources for younger years (KS3): they chose 5 presents that they would like and draw them or stick a picture. They write the price in € under the picture. Then, in the box below they explain why they would like each one, using the structure “je voudrais”.
Internet: Grammar exercises

Internet: Grammar exercises

Worksheet of grammar exercises on the topic of the Internet. Grammar covered: Verbs + à / de / nothing Pronouns (direct & indirect; y and en; stressed pronouns) translation Aimed at Sixth Formers.
Louane: une interview

Louane: une interview

This worksheet goes with an interview of LOUANE. It also gives the opportunity to students to do some research on “Les Victoires de la musique”. Fits in A-Level Year 1 (La musique francophone contemporaine)
Le Futuroscope

Le Futuroscope

Worksheet to be completed in a language LAB or for homework as pupils will need to use the website of the Futuroscope (to be put into French language). This resource will need to be adapted as for one question, it asks pupils to look into the date of the creation of this resource (7 March).
Comprendre la laïcité en France

Comprendre la laïcité en France

This worksheet goes with the following website: http://generationlaicite.fr/ Pupils need to go on the website and find the answers for the questions on the worksheet. Then, they click on “lexique” and complete the second exercise. Ideal for A-level of Pre-U pupils (Year 12 or 13).
Le plan de revitalisation des centre-villes - Gouvernement Macron

Le plan de revitalisation des centre-villes - Gouvernement Macron

-Article “A quoi ressemble le plan de revitalisation des centres-villes présenté par le gouvernement ?” + activity to find synonyms in the article -FranceInter (link on the worksheet): “Ces communes qui espèrent avec le plan Coeur de ville” + questions For A-level course or Pre-U
Candide - chapitre 2

Candide - chapitre 2

Worksheet of questions on chapter 2 of “Candide” (Voltaire). You might need to change the lines if you have a different edition of the book.