I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage.
Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought.
Please use and enjoy.
I have brought 20 years classroom experience to these resources. They are structured in small steps to build skills and confidence, providing opportunities to practice and reinforce techniques at every stage.
Open ended challenges are incorporated to encourage development of creative skills and encourge independent thought.
Please use and enjoy.
Set C includes 5 worksheets developing pupils’ ability to work with percentages, fractions and decimals, and to understand the relationship between them.
The sheets give pupils extensive practice in understanding and consolidating concepts.
Worksheets Set C
C:1 Shelley’s Fashion Emporium Calculate the new price of clothes after 10% and 15% reductions.
C:2 Michaela’s Jewel Box Calculate the new price of jewels after reductions of multiples of 10%.
C:3 Pete’s Property Prices Calculate the new price of houses after increases of 15%, 20% and 25%.%.
C:4 Percentages, Fractions
and Decimals Writing percentages, fractions and decimals in order of size, and comparing them using and =.
Calculators will be needed.
C:5 Percentages, Fractions and Decimals
Word problems Word problems mixing percentages, fractions and decimals.
Set B includes 7 worksheets developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of percentages.
Pupils learn that percentages are fractions represented in hundredths.
They learn to relate percentages to decimal fractions.
They learn to convert fractions into percentages and decimal fractions with and without the use of a calculator.
The sheets provide material which progresses gradually and give pupils extensive practice in understanding and consolidating concepts.
A brief introduction on each sheet explains the new concept and gives pupils a handy reference while they complete the sheet.
Worksheets Set B
B:1 Percentages
and Fractions Percentages representing fractions of 100.
Placing on number line
B:2 Percentages and Fractions
Order in size Place simple percentages and fractions in size order. Use the symbols < > =
B:3 Percentages
Without Calculators Finding simple percentages: 50% 10%, 5%, 1%. Adding them to find more challenging percentages.
B:4 Percentages
With Calculators Using the % key to find more complex percentages.
B:5 Percentages
and Decimals Representing percentages as decimal fractions.
B:6 Percentages,
Fractions and Decimals (i) Writing fractions as percentages and decimal fractions
B:7 Percentages,
Fractions and Decimals (ii) Changing fractions to decimals in order to compare them.
Using < > =
A calculator may be used.
Number for Year 1 Jumbo Pack
72 worksheets with answers for your pupils covering addition and subtraction in varied and interesting ways.
- Complete coverage of National Curriculum topics in more detail than widely-available commercial schemes.
- Excellent material for Differentiated work in the classroom.
-For fast finishers who need supplementary material which is more challenging
- For pupils who would benefit from more practice on a particular topic
See more previews of these materials on the Mathsright website
82 pages of differentiated exercises to keep your pupils amused and instructed.
These resources have been created to provide complete coverage of National Curriculum topics in more detail than widely-available commercial schemes.
These exercises provide excellent material for Differentiated work in the classroom.
Whether you have fast finishers who need supplementary material which is more challenging, or pupils who would benefit from more practice on a particular topic, there should be suitable exercises in these packs. Designed to deliver the requirements of the National Curriculum in Mathematics for 2014.
Counting, addition and number lines.
20 worksheets to support the teaching of Number Writing for K & G1.
Number Writing practice
Counting with Number Lines
Using Number Lines
One More & One Less
The worksheets in Time Pack A are ideal for pupils in year 2, providing them with extensive practice in reading and writing time to 5 minutes. They can also be used for revision in lower key stage two.
They address the National Curriculum requirements for Year 3 pupils to be familiar with clock faces using Roman numerals, and for Year 4 pupils to understand and use the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets cover both analogue and digital clock faces.
A1 Telling the Time: past the hour Writing time past the hour in 2 ways
A2 Telling the Time: past the hour (ii) Writing time past the hour in 2 ways Drawing hands on clock faces
A3 Telling the Time: minutes to the hour Writing time to the hour in 2 ways
A4 Telling the Time: minutes to the hour (ii) Writing time to the hour in 2 ways Drawing hands on clock faces
A:5 Telling the Time: past and to the hour Writing time past and to the hour in 2 ways
A:6 Telling the Time: past and to the hour (ii) Drawing hands on clock faces to show times past and to the hour
A:7 Telling the Time: My Day Drawing times on clock faces and writing times in 2 different ways. Pupils choose times appropriate to their own day.
A:8 Writing times in words and figures Writing times from figures to words and words to figures
A:9 Roman Numerals (i) Reading clocks with Roman numerals.
A:10 Roman Numerals (ii) Writing times onto clock faces with Roman numerals.
A:11 Roman Numerals (ii) More practice writing times onto clock faces with Roman numerals.
A;12 Digital 12 hour clock (i) Reading times on a digital 12 hour clock
A:13 Digital 12 hour clock (ii) Writing times on a digital 12 hour clock
A:14 Digital 12 hour clock (iii) Reading and writing times on analogue and 12 hour digital clocks.
A:15 Digital 24 hour clock (i) Reading times on a 24 hour digital clock
A:16 Digital 24 hour clock (ii) Writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
A:17 Digital 24 hour clock (ii) Reading and writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
The worksheets in Time Pack B are ideal for pupils in years 3 and 4, providing them with extensive practice in reading and writing time to the nearest minute.
They address the National Curriculum requirements for Year 3 pupils to be familiar with clock faces using Roman numerals, and for Year 4 pupils to understand and use the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets cover both analogue and digital clock faces.
B:1 Time: past the hour Writing time past the hour in 2 ways.
B:2 Time: past the hour (ii) Writing time past the hour in 2 ways
Drawing hands on clock faces.
B:3 Time: minutes to the hour Writing minutes to the hour in 2 ways.
B:4 Time: minutes to the hour (ii) Writing minutes to the hour in 2 ways.
Drawing hands on clock faces
B:5 Time: Minutes past and to the hour Writing minutes past and to the hour in 2 ways.
B:6 Time: Minutes past and to the hour (ii) Drawing hands on clock faces to show minutes past and to the hour.
B;7 Digital 12 hour clock (i) Reading minutes past the hour on a digital 12 hour clock
B:8 Digital 12 hour clock (ii) Reading minutes to the hour on a digital 12 hour clock
B:9 Digital 12 hour clock (iii) Writing times on a digital 12 hour clock
B:10 Digital 12 hour clock (iv) Reading and writing times on analogue and 12 hour digital clocks.
B:11 Digital 24 hour clock (i) Reading minutes past the hour on a 24 hour digital clock
B:12 Digital 12 hour clock (ii) Reading minutes to the hour on a 24 hour digital clock
B:13 Digital 12 hour clock (iii) Writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
B:14 Digital 12 hour clock (iv) Reading and writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
The worksheets in Time Pack C are ideal for pupils in years 2, 3 and 4, and provide useful revision for years 5 and 6. They offer extensive practice at finding times “later than…,” or “earlier than….”
All the worksheets add and subtract to the nearest 5 minutes. They prepare pupils for the sheets in Pack D which add and subtract to the nearest minute.
The worksheets in Pack C are differentiated and may be chosen according to the needs of the pupils.
C:1 Later than….. (i) Adding 10, 15 and 20 minutes. No crossing of the hour.
Word questions.
C:2 Later than… (ii) Adding hours and minutes.
Word questions.
C:3 Later than… (iii) Adding minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. Crossing the hour.
C:4 Later than …. (iv) Adding hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
C:5 Earlier than…. (i) Subtracting minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. No crossing of the hour. Word questions.
C:6 Earlier than…. (ii) Subtracting hours and minutes.
Word questions.
C;7 Earlier than…. (iii) Subtracting minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. Crossing the hour.
C:8 Earlier than…. (iv) Subtracting hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
The worksheets in Time Pack E are ideal for pupils from years 2 to 6. They offer extensive practice at calculating the duration of activities, to the nearest 5 minutes and the nearest minute.
Word problems develop the pupils’ ability to relate questions of duration to real life situations, and to organise relevant information in their calculations. The word problems sheets contain increasingly challenging questions, and are most appropriate for upper key stage 2.
Practice is given in using the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets in this pack are differentiated and should be chosen according to the needs and abilities of the pupils.
Time Worksheets: Set E
Sheet Title Contents
E:1 Duration (i) Duration: less than an hour in 5 minute intervals.
E:2 Duration (ii) Duration: more than an hour, in 5 minute intervals.
E:3 Duration (iii) Duration: less than an hour in minute intervals.
E:4 Duration (iv) Duration: more than an hour, in 5 minute intervals.
E:5 Duration: Word problems (i) Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest 5 minutes.
E:6 Duration: Word problems (ii) Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest 5 minutes. Time must be subtracted for breaks in the activities.
E;7 Duration: Word problems (iii) Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest minute.
E:8 Duration: Word problems (iv) Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest minute. Problems may require addition or subtraction of time.
E:9 My Day Pupils make their own timetable to record the start and finish times of activities during the day. They calculate the time spent on those activities.
E:10 24 hour clock Challenging questions based on a timetable using the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets in Time Pack D are ideal for pupils in years 3 to 5, and provide useful revision for year 6. They offer extensive practice at finding times “later than…,” or “earlier than….”
All the worksheets add and subtract to the nearest minute.
The worksheets in Pack D are differentiated and may be chosen according to the needs of the pupils.
Time Worksheets: Set D
Sheet Title Contents
D:1 Later than….. (i) Adding minutes. No crossing of the hour.
Word questions.
D:2 Later than… (ii) Adding hours and minutes.
Word questions.
D:3 Later than… (iii) Adding minutes. Crossing the hour.
D:4 Later than …. (iv) Adding hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
D:5 Earlier than…. (i) Subtracting minutes. No crossing of the hour. Word questions.
D:6 Earlier than…. (ii) Subtracting hours and minutes.
Word questions.
D;7 Earlier than…. (iii) Subtracting minutes. Crossing the hour.
D:8 Earlier than…. (iv) Subtracting hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
Converting measures of time
The worksheets in Time Pack F are ideal for pupils in upper key stage 2. Pupils practise converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
The use of a calculator will enable pupils to work more quickly through the additions and subtractions and focus on the method of converting units of time.
Word problems develop the pupils’ ability to relate questions of duration to real life situations, and to organise relevant information in their calculations.
The worksheets in this pack are differentiated and should be chosen according to the needs and abilities of the pupils.
Time Worksheets: Set F
Sheet Title Contents
F:1 Hours to minutes Calculating the number of minutes in full hours, and in hours + minutes or fractions of an hour.
F:2 Minutes to hours Starting with minutes, calculate the number of whole hours, and hours + minutes, or hours and fractions of an hour.
F:3 Calculating with hours and minutes (i) Addition and subtraction of hours and minutes. The minutes remain within the hour.
F:4 Calculating with hours and minutes (ii) Addition and subtraction of minutes. Convert answer to hours and minutes.
F:5 Calculating with hours and minutes (iii) More challenging addition and subtraction of minutes: mixed units. Give answers in minutes and convert to hours and minutes.
F:6 Hours and days Converting hours to weeks, days and hours. Use the table provided.
Use a calculator to subtract weeks and days from the remaining hours.
F;7 At the Zoo A problem solving activity. Choose tasks which can be completed in 3 hours.
F:8 Problem solving Challenging word problems.
The worksheets in Time Pack G are ideal for pupils in key stage 2. Pupils practise converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
Pupils are given the opportunity to work with different timetables, using the 12 hour and 24 hour clocks. They learn to use am and pm. They practice calculating time duration.
Time Worksheets: Set G
Sheet Title Contents
G:1 Valley Bus Lines Reading a bus timetable using the 12 hour clock.
G:2 Hot Rail Reading a train timetable using the 12 hour clock
G:3 International Line Reading a train timetable using the 24 hour clock
G:4 What’s on the box? Reading a TV timetable
G:5 Choices, choices! Problem solving using a TV timetable.
Time Pack A is ideal for pupils in year 2, providing practice in reading and writing time to 5 minutes. They can also be used for revision in lower key two.
Time Pack B is ideal for pupils in years 3 and 4, providing them with extensive practice in reading and writing time to the nearest minute.
They address the National Curriculum for Year 3 pupils to be familiar with clock faces using Roman numerals, and for Year 4 pupils to understand and use the 24 hour clock.
Both analogue and digital clock faces.
Telling the Time: past the hour Writing time past the hour in 2 ways
Telling the Time: past the hour (ii) Writing time past the hour in 2 ways
Drawing hands on clock faces
Telling the Time: minutes to the hour Writing time to the hour in 2 ways
Telling the Time: minutes to the hour (ii) Writing time to the hour in 2 ways
Drawing hands on clock faces
Telling the Time: past and to the hour Writing time past and to the hour in 2 ways
Telling the Time: past and to the hour (ii) Drawing hands on clock faces to show times past and to the hour
Telling the Time: My Day Drawing times on clock faces and writing times in 2 different ways. Pupils choose times appropriate to their own day.
Writing times in words and figures Writing times from figures to words and words to figures
(i) Reading clocks with Roman numerals.
(ii) Writing times onto clock faces with Roman numerals.
(ii) More practice writing times onto clock faces with Roman numerals.
(i) Reading times on a digital 12 hour clock
(ii) Writing times on a digital 12 hour clock
(iii) Reading and writing times on analogue and 12 hour digital clocks.
(i) Reading times on a 24 hour digital clock
(ii) Writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
(ii) Reading and writing times on a 24 hour digital clock
Time: past the hour Writing time past the hour in 2 ways.
Time: past the hour (ii) Writing time past the hour in 2 ways
Drawing hands on clock faces.
Time: minutes to the hour Writing minutes to the hour in 2 ways.
Time: minutes to the hour (ii) Writing minutes to the hour in 2 ways.
Drawing hands on clock faces
Time: Minutes past and to the hour Writing minutes past and to the hour in 2 ways.
Time: Minutes past and to the hour (ii) Drawing hands on clock faces to show minutes past and to the hour.
(i) Reading minutes past the hour on a digital 12 hour clock
(ii) Reading minutes to the hour on a digital 12 hour clock
(iii) Writing times on a digital 12 hour clock
(iv) Reading and writing times on analogue and 12 hour digital clocks.
(i) Reading minutes past the hour on a 24 hour digital clock
(ii) Reading minutes to the hour
The Differentiated worksheets in Time Pack C are ideal for pupils in years 2, 3 and 4, and provide useful revision for years 5 and 6. Offer extensive practice at finding times “later than…,” or “earlier than….”
The worksheets add and subtract to the nearest 5 minutes.
The worksheets in Time Pack D are ideal for pupils in years 3 to 5, and provide useful revision for year 6.
All the worksheets add and subtract to the nearest minute.
Adding 10, 15 and 20 minutes. No crossing of the hour.
Word questions.
Adding hours and minutes.
Word questions.
Adding minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. Crossing the hour.
Adding hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
Subtracting minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. No crossing of the hour. Word questions.
Subtracting hours and minutes.
Word questions.
Subtracting minutes to the nearest 5 minutes. Crossing the hour.
Subtracting hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
Adding minutes. No crossing of the hour.
Word questions.
Adding hours and minutes.
Word questions.
Adding minutes. Crossing the hour.
Adding hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
Subtracting minutes. No crossing of the hour. Word questions.
Subtracting hours and minutes.
Word questions.
Subtracting minutes. Crossing the hour.
Subtracting hours and minutes. Minutes crossing the hour.
Time Pack E - years 2 to 6. Calculating duration, to the nearest 5 minutes and the nearest minute.
Time Pack F - upper key stage 2. Converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
Time Pack G -key stage 2. Converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
Work with different timetables, using the 12 hour and 24 hour clocks. Use am and pm. Practice calculating time duration.
Word problems. The word problems sheets contain increasingly challenging questions - upper key stage 2.
The worksheets are differentiated.
Duration: less than an hour in 5 minute intervals.
Duration: more than an hour, in 5 minute intervals.
Duration: less than an hour in minute intervals.
Duration: more than an hour, in 5 minute intervals.
Word questions, to the nearest 5 minutes.
Word questions. Time must be subtracted for breaks in the activities.
Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest minute.
Word questions finding duration of activities, to the nearest minute. Problems may require addition or subtraction of time.
Pupils make their own timetable to record the start and finish times of activities during the day.
Challenging questions based on a timetable using the 24 hour clock.
Number of minutes in full hours, and in hours + minutes or fractions of an hour.
Calculate the number of whole hours, and hours + minutes, or hours and fractions of an hour.
Addition and subtraction of hours and minutes. minutes remain within the hour.
Addition and subtraction of minutes. Convert to hours and minutes.
More challenging addition and subtraction: mixed units. Give answers in minutes and convert to hours and minutes.
Converting hours to weeks, days and hours. Use the table provided.
Use a calculator to subtract weeks and days from the remaining hours.
A problem solving activity. Choose tasks which can be completed in 3 hours.
Challenging word problems.
Reading a bus timetable using the 12 hour clock.
Reading a train timetable using the 12 hour clock
Reading a train timetable using the 24 hour clock
Reading a TV timetable
Problem solving using a TV timetable.
Pack A - year 2, extensive practice in reading and writing time to 5 minutes.
Pack B - years 3 and 4, extensive practice in reading and writing time to the nearest minute.
Covers National Curriculum requirements for Year 3 pupils to be familiar with clock faces using Roman numerals, and for Year 4 pupils to understand and use the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets cover both analogue and digital clock faces.
Pack C - years 2, 3 and 4, Offers extensive practice at finding times “later than…,” or “earlier than….”
All the worksheets add and subtract to the nearest 5 minutes. They prepare pupils for the sheets in Pack D which add and subtract to the nearest minute.
The worksheets in Pack C are differentiated and may be chosen according to the needs of the pupils.
Pack D - years 3 to 5, offer extensive practice at finding times “later than…,” or “earlier than….”
All the worksheets add and subtract to the nearest minute.
The worksheets in Pack D are differentiated and may be chosen according to the needs of the pupils.
Pack E - years 2 to 6. Practice at calculating the duration of activities, to the nearest 5 minutes and the nearest minute.
Word problems develop the pupils’ ability to relate questions of duration to real life situations, and to organise relevant information in their calculations. The word problems sheets contain increasingly challenging questions, and are most appropriate for upper key stage 2.
Practice is given in using the 24 hour clock.
The worksheets in this pack are differentiated.
Pack F - upper key stage 2. Practise converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
Word problems develop the pupils’ ability to relate questions of duration to real life situations, and to organise relevant information in their calculations.
The worksheets in this pack are differentiated
Pack G - key stage 2. Converting minutes to hours, hour to minutes and hours to days.
Work with different timetables, using the 12 hour and 24 hour clocks. Use am and pm. Practice calculating time duration.
For individual sheet details see the separate pack descriptions.
Set A includes 6 worksheets introducing pupils to the concept of percentages and enabling them to find simple percentages.
The sheets provide material which progresses gradually and give pupils extensive practice in understanding and consolidating concepts.
A brief introduction on each sheet explains the new concept and gives pupils a handy reference while they complete the sheet.
A:1 Percentages Meaning of per cent.
Calculating 10%
A:2 Percentages
Simple fractions 50%. 25%, 75% as half, quarter and three-quarters.
A:3 Percentages
20% and 5% Calculating 20% and 5% by doubling or halving 10%
A:4 Percentages
1%, 2%, 35, 4% Finding 15% of a number.
Using 1% to find 2%, 3% and 4%
A:5 Percentages
Multiples of 10% Finding multiples of 10%.
Includes variety of units of measure.
A:6 Percentages
Multiples of 10% + 5% Finding percentages such as 35%, 85% etc.
Includes variety of units of measure
A set of worksheets for use with Yr2.
Revision of Year 1 work on Odds and Evens extended to numbers up to 99.
Extension sheets finding odd and even numbers which add to a given total.
Use the grids to help you make reflective symmetry patterns.
Two beautiful designs, and outline shapes for your own creations!
Colour and cut out to make cards, mobiles or wall displays.
KS2, KS3, Grades 3-7
A helpful sheet that can be given to parents explaining how addition and subtraction is taught in Yr 1.
Includes examples of partitioning and expanded numbers.