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Fortification presentation with worksheets
detailed presentation on fortification with the worksheet to match. Could do over 1 or 2 periods.
For years 9-11.

Exam box questions to help with longstyle questions
Exam box questions to help with long style questions.
create for a display.

Detailed powerpoint on fortification.
usually a dry subject- but made more interactive through this.

Time plan- practical.
Detailed presentation to help with producing a clear time plan for practical exam.
Suitable for years 9-11.

Vegetarians and vegans
Presentation includes all key information about vegetarians. All sources are included within the powerpoint.

Presentation on Carbohydrates, includes resources within. To go alongside AQA Food red book.

Presentation includes all the necessary resources to go alongside AQA Food revision guides (red book).

dietary disorders lesson
Dietary disorders lesson with a free section on tea-cake activity to help with plate decoration.

Micro organisms and food poisoning.
A very detailed presentation which includes lesson objectives and activities.
Suitable for years 9-11.