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Exam box questions to help with longstyle questions
Exam box questions to help with long style questions.
create for a display.

Victorians Includes Queen Victoria
Full booklet on Victorians with activities includes Queen Victoria

Fortification presentation with worksheets
detailed presentation on fortification with the worksheet to match. Could do over 1 or 2 periods.
For years 9-11.

Unit 2- Child Development Revision Notes CCEA
Knowledge organisers for Unit 2: Child Development CCEA

Conduction, Convection and Radiation Display
This could be used as a classroom display posters. Or information sheets- for cooking methods.

Vegetarians and vegans
Presentation includes all key information about vegetarians. All sources are included within the powerpoint.

Dietary Related Disorders Display: Home Economics
Dietary related disorders display- ready to be printed.

Time plan- practical.
Detailed presentation to help with producing a clear time plan for practical exam.
Suitable for years 9-11.

Presentation includes all the necessary resources to go alongside AQA Food revision guides (red book).

Micro organisms and food poisoning.
A very detailed presentation which includes lesson objectives and activities.
Suitable for years 9-11.

Food technology words
Game of popcorn, basically put all the words into a tub.
Students have to say what it is when they read it out, if they get pop they have to put their words back into the tub. The student who has the most at the end wins.
I use for my EAL students and they love it :)

Sustainability, food miles, food insecurity, Staple foods, food labelling
This powerpoint includes many topics such as; sustainability, food miles, food insecurity, staple foods and food labelling.