These resources span my career; from my period of teaching unqualified, through to an AST of English & Director of Teaching & Learning. Although my specialism is English, I have taught GCSE Citzienship, Language and Lit, Media Studies, Maths & History. I have also taught all of those at Key Stage 3, so there is an eclectic mix here. As the main trainer in my previous school, I have uploaded many insets and training session powerpoints too.
These resources span my career; from my period of teaching unqualified, through to an AST of English & Director of Teaching & Learning. Although my specialism is English, I have taught GCSE Citzienship, Language and Lit, Media Studies, Maths & History. I have also taught all of those at Key Stage 3, so there is an eclectic mix here. As the main trainer in my previous school, I have uploaded many insets and training session powerpoints too.
This is a full powerpoint with resources at the back of it, designed to help someone to lead a twilight session (approximately 1 1/2hrs to 2hrs) on why we need to differentiate and ideas of how it can be done.
The session is interactive with little exercises for the teachers to take art in s that they can consider the impact of the structures for differentiating in their own classrooms.
Training covers differentiation for different types of learners as well as ability.
If you're buying this, you will need to have some knowledge of differentiation to deliver it, so that you can deconstruct the activities after you have tried them with the trainees.
This is a report that monitors a specific pupils behaviour in class over a 6 lesson period - copy sent to parents prior to going on report and then after.
This is a full lesson / Session PP that is designed to use to gather ideas and allocate ideas for planning the articles in the school magazine. I have uploaded other resources for setting up a school magazine and they can all be used in conjunction with each other.
This is a full lesson pp that introduces kagan techniques into English lessons - used as one of the initial lessons to welcome year 7s to our way of teaching.
This is a full lesson PP that uses classbuilding activities and introduces a website called Class Dojo that is a behaviour tracking system - free to all teachers after you have registered. The hyperlinks are on the internet screens included. You'll have to adapt it and set up your class but it&'s a brilliant tool!
This resource includes a full Reading, Writing and Communication Policy for secondary schools, that is based on the KS2/KS3 Glossary for the National Curriculum. The SPAG terms from the glossary are split into each half term so that they can be incorporated into lessons for all teachers, across all subject areas.
In this resource, there is a full overview of the policy and then 3 Glossaries - one for three of the half terms. I didn't complete the other three, unfortunately. The glossaries are to support teachers of other subjects with some of the more difficult terms.
The policy includes the following:
Literacy Focus: - Based on what is being taught in English (reading and Writing)
Spelling Focus: - Taken from the KS2 programmes of Study
Spoken Language Focus: - Basics expected at all times / in all places – taken from the KS3 strands. Some additions based on recapping KS2 and developing those in KS3 POS.
Key Terms – Spread throughout the year using the Non-Statutory KS3 Glossary
Central to this policy is setting up Communication Leaders in schools, where pupils with strong literacy skills are trained to support those that may need it. Therefore, also included is the full training to set this up.
This is a full and detailed PowerPoint that consists of 122 slides in total. It is fully interactive training that was originally created for College / Sixth form teachers to update them on all of the changes that have been made to the KS3 curriculum, and to the specifications for GCSE. This would also be ideal for Governor training so that Governors have a fuller understanding of the English curriculum in secondary school. Also, hughl;y suitable for NQTs / PGCE students.
Session Aims:
To understand the changes to the skills and content of the key stage 3 curriculum.
To gain an understanding of the current English Language GCSE landscape.
To enhance your knowledge of the upcoming specification changes to GCSE English Language and Literature.
The training covers:
The key changes for the KS3 Curriculum for English.
The content and the skills that are required to be covered in English at Key Stage 3
Opportunities to extend the new curriculum into Literacy Across The Curriculum.
How pupil progress will be assessed.
The GCSE Landscape – What Pupils are studying now.
What’s next – the new GCSE specifications and the challenges they will bring.
In brief, this resource is a full assessment system that can be used both in English and other subjects (literacy across the curriculum) in order to assess the writing grades of students and to help them to diagnose their own areas for development, as well as setting targets for improving writing skills. This is not available anywhere else other than on the TES
This system is all my own work and I have created the grade descriptors from scratch, using:
The GCSE descriptors or writing from AQA and Edexcel combined – therefore, they are as generic as they can be and are not board specific.
My own extensive experience of English teaching and exam marking.
Basically, I have broken down each grade from 1-9 and matched them to the skills that pupils should need in order to achieve the grade (as a best fit). This has been done by calculating how old GCSE grades (A*-G) correlate against 1-9 and benchmarking a low C at the Grade 4. Obviously, there will be variation of grades at the end of the GCSE year for year 11, as they are set on a national curve BUT these resources lay the foundations for assessment in KS3 and to ensure that teachers within a school or department can benchmark and describe what they expect each grade to look like and what students need to be able to do to hit a grade in writing. Therefore offering complete consistency and clarity for students and teachers within a school.
The resource includes:
Grade descriptors for writing for 1-9
9 assessment sheets for each grade 1-9 for both AO4 and AO5
9 assessment sheets for each grade 1-9 for punctuation only, so that teachers can break down the focus if they want to
A training PowerPoint for all staff that allows the lead to deliver a fully interactive session
All resources for that session
A training PowerPoint for the English dept. that allows the lead to deliver a full explanation of how to use the materials
All resources for that session
This resource is all ready for you to start working with as soon as you download it.