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Space Invaders and Tetris scale enlargement
Excel spreadsheet featuring pictures of Space Invaders and Tetris blocks. These can be printed or displayed on the board for pupils to enlarge.
The Space Invaders are trickier given their "fiddly" nature or their arms and legs and the Tetris blocks are more straight forward.
The Tetris block sheet has a challenge to use a scale factor of 1/2.

National 5 (N5) Mathematics Surds and Indices
A Smart Notebook presentation and accompanying pupil booklet on the topic of Surds and Indices. Tasks for pupils to do throughout taken from a variety of sources (Don Stewrd’s Median blog: https://donsteward.blogspot.com/ and Dave Taylor’s Increasingly Difficult Questions: http://taylorda01.weebly.com/increasingly-difficult-questions.html in perticular).

National 5 (N5) Mathematics Circle Geometry
Smartboard files for use on an interactive whiteboard. PDF versions of the same file for printing as booklets and issuing to pupils. Notes contain examples for teachers to go over on the board and some tasks for pupils to do. There are past exam questions at the end of the booklet. Questions and examples have been sourced from various resources so make sure you're not issuing the same task twice! Page numbers on the cover refer to the R3 Scottish Secondary Mathematics textbook.
I made some "fliupped learning" videos for these notes. They can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcTPEkVfYHu_Q5jwEihq7XLIhPzaBRP47
DISCLAIMER: There are most likely errors in here as I'm bad at proof reading my materials so read and check over before using!

Less common units of distance
A collection of less common units of distance for pupils to order from largest to smallest.
Silly little task to fill in the end part of a lesson.
Answers and potential extension / research task included.

Translating with vectors SPACE INVADERS
Using column vectors to move blocks around to create Space Invaders. Four problems in total - each one is a little bit more complicated than the one before it.
The worksheet should be free from errors but I’ve uploaded it as an editable Word file just in case! A scan of my solutions is also included.

Angle of elevation / scale drawing worksheet
Six questions asking pupils to find the real heights of objects by using the given angle of elevation and a given scale to construct scale diagrams.
The first three questions use simple scales of 1: a single digit. The second three use scales which are multiples of 10.
Instructions could be edited to instruct pupils to use right angled Trigonometry instead.

N5 Trigonometric equations and identities
Smartboard files for use on an interactive whiteboard. PDF versions of the same file for printing as booklets and issuing to pupils. Notes contain examples for teachers to go over on the board and some tasks for pupils to do. Answers are included on the final pag or as pullout tabs at the side of the slide. Questions and examples have been sourced from various resources so make sure you’re not issuing the same task twice!
DISCLAIMER: There are most likely errors in here as I’m bad at proof reading my materials so read and check over before using!

Quadratics (solving equations and plotting) National 5 (N5) Mathematics
SMART Notebook file and pupil handout. Notes for teacher lead discussion and tasks for pupils to do within the notes.

Straight line equation open questions
Pupils have to write appropriate equations for the lines on the axes.
Good for reinforcing what the terms gradient and y-intercept actually mean.
In some cases there are an infinite number of right answers and even more wrong answers!

Multiplying and dividing fractions using grids
Rather than teaching pupils the shortcut/algorithms for fraction multiplication and division these worksheets aim to get pupils to understand what is actually happening when you perform the operations.

Averages and range jigsaw
Puzzle calculating mean, median, mode and range.
Some questions tell pupil what average to find (eg “mean of 20, 20, 10, 14, 16” matches up with the card “16”) where as some just give the list and pupils have to find all averages and range before matching up (eg “12,11,9,13,8” matches up with “median = 11”).
No repeated answers so there should only be one unique solution.
PDF of file included for those without the Tarsia software, original Tasia file included for those that want to edit the file.

Completing the square and factorising using grids
A resource allowing pupils to use grids to complete the square and factorising trinomials. The first 5 questions are straight forwards enough but the ones following that have been deliberately picked to give deliberate results to facilitate discussion. Q6 gives the same result twice (ie it factorises to give a perfect square), Q7 and Q8 will not factorise (pupils will hopefully note these ones have a completed square constant that is not a square number), and Q9 is already in completed square form).
The second side of the sheet gives pupils different starting points - either the factorised form or completed square form for pupils to work backwards from. The last four questions give pupils a chance to think about what they have done and to create their own trinomials to meet give criteria.
Resource included as a pdf for ease of printing and an Excel file in case you wish to edit or adapt the resource for yourself.

Trigonometric Equations - matching cards task
Pupils have to rearrange trig equations to solve. This is done by matching up cards from each column. Some cards have been deliberately left blank. Some common errors have been considered and included (ie 3 - 5tanx = 0 may be incorrectly matched up to the card tan x = 5/3).
Pupils could complete task by cutting and sticking down matched cards or labeling/colour coding the matching cards without cutting up.
Task in pdf form. Answers included as is an editable word doc version.
Task made for a National 5 (Scottish SQA) class.
Fixed version uploaded: 26/11/21

Finding multiples of 10% using grids
Nothing fancy. Find multiples of 10% by finding 10% first. Scaffolded around a diagram of 100% split into ten equal boxes of 10%. Pupils fill in the value of 10% and shade in the required amount.
PDF and editable Excel file included.

Dienes Blocks and Percentages
A set of tasks using Dienes blocks to make connections with percentages.
I used it as a handout for the pupils. On reflection it might work better with the “information” bits being used as teacher notes then pupils trying the tasks in their jotters. The “information” could be used as teacher led examples on the whiteboard using the mathbot website while the pupils working through the tasks with the manipulatives and whiteboards to get the answers.
I worried too much about pupils recording their answers and methods which got in the way of them actually using the manipulatives. I’d recommend just leaving the pupils to use the blocks to get their answers and build an understanding first and then firm up the formal layout in later lessons.
I’ve included the resource as a PDF and a Word doc which you can edit as you see fit.

Pythagoas and Cuisenaire rods
A powerpoint to lead discussion introducing Pythagoras with Cuisenaire rods. A bit rough and ready / stream of consciousness in places but hopefully may be useful giving others some ideas / inspiration.

Volume and capacity painting tray task
A “how many Xs can you fill from Y” and volume of a cuboid task in the context filling painting trays from tins of paint. Aimed at a Scottish N4 Applications of Mathematics (Geometry unit) class .

Statistical significance - t-test: Higher Applications of Maths
Worksheet and datasets for performing paired and independent t-tests on.
All bar one of the datasets are based on real life sources.