A teacher in a schoo, based in the north, with personalised and engaging resources focusing across the school curriculum! All sales will go towards directly benefiting and improving opportunities for our students.
Need more support with a resource? Just let me know and I can make the tweaks or help you implement ideas within your own school!
A teacher in a schoo, based in the north, with personalised and engaging resources focusing across the school curriculum! All sales will go towards directly benefiting and improving opportunities for our students.
Need more support with a resource? Just let me know and I can make the tweaks or help you implement ideas within your own school!
This resource is designed at KS3 Students who are learning about the Stages of Birth. This resource includes a full lesson plan, a full lesson powerpoint, a starter wordsearch and a storyboard for the students to record information on or use as a homework!
Enjoy the resource? Please leave a review! And let me know if there's anything I can help with :)
A fun and exciting starter or plenary, introduces a bit of challenge to the students. You can even blow these up onto A3 and get students to work together in pairs or table teams! Enjoy :)
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, Unit 2 (Development) and contains everything you could possibly need for the 1st lesson, How do early brains develop? This is a free trial lesson, if you like what there is, please check out my other resources, covering every lesson for each GCSE Psychology Unit!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, two differentiated starters, lots of fully differentiated activities and differentiated worksheets, along with differentiated homework tasks! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Identify parts of the Brain
Explain how the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain develop in the foetus.
Explain the development of the cerebellum and medulla.
Challenge: Suggest ways in which Psychologists might investigate the structure of the brain.
Need to set some quick Science Cover for your classes? No problem with these engaging Cover Worksheets! They focus on Chemistry and Biology
There are two full and interactive worksheets which will take between 1-2 hours each to complete, with a range of activities from; in-built word searches, fill in the blanks, content questions, pair match up, drawing activities and data analysis. There is also one Chemistry Recap sheet which should take around 15 minutes to complete, and can be used as a long starter/revision tool for GCSE Classes.
All content covered aims towards GCSE, and students can use their exercise books, textbooks, computers or IPads to complete the work that has been set. If there are any issues, or you need some extra assistance, please let me know and I will make any tweaks necessary!
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the mid-scheme assessment, ideally used around lesson 17!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, two differentiated revision activities, the mid scheme assessment and mark scheme, and an additional powerpoint based around revision for the test and why it is important! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
This lesson is designed to teach students the concept of Speciation, Extinction and Conservation in a fun, engaging and interesting way. It shows images of already extinct animals, some of them a bit strange, and educates students on why this is. It also makes the students plot the extinction of the human race, using storyboards and a range of preset extinction scenarios!
The bundle includes the whole lesson presentation, a lesson plan, an extinction wordsearch, and the extinction storyboard for the students to complete.
If you download this resource and need any further assistance, please just let me know and I'll be happy to make any tweaks/offer any assistance :)
This package is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, Unit 3 (Memory) and contains everything you could possibly need for a mid scheme assessment of the following topics:
Lesson 4 - Peterson & Peterson
Lesson 3 - Evaluating the Multi-Store Model
Lesson 2 - The Multi-Store Model
Lesson 1 - What is Memory?
This package contains the assessment itself, and a mark-scheme of this. It also includes a handy RAG Sheet for students to rate their confidence in the assessed topics, taboo cards for them to revise and practice with before the assessment, and a whole-class feedback document for you to share after the assessment is completed!
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the 24th and final lesson, the end of unit assessment!
This package contains the lesson Powerpoint, and the final assessment, with a complete mark scheme. There is also a RAG Rating sheet included for your classes to identify their strengths and weaknesses! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
In this lesson, students are introduced to good hygiene, and are asked to judge others based on their personal hygiene. This gives them an awareness of their own hygiene levels. They learn the importance of good hygiene, and when they need to practice it, as well as showing them the skills to practice good hygiene with. This lesson has been rated outstanding.
Included is the lesson plan for this, which shows differentiation, other tasks you can try, and a step-by step guide to the lesson. There is also a whole lesson powerpoint, and a hygiene activity to the students to complete, discuss and hand in! I am also on hand if you need any tweaks, help, or additional guidance! Enjoy :)
This resource works on what the students define as successful and challenges those concepts. This uses real-life case studies of both famous and nonfamous people, and asks students to comment on how people look, act and present themselves in terms of success, and asks them how they are going to become more successful in their lives. This lesson has been graded outstanding.
There is a full lesson plan including differentiation, a presentation for the whole lesson, a starter task and a plenary task. I am also available to help if there are any queries or anything more you would like help with once you have purchased the resource, many thanks! :)
In this lesson, students are introduced to the issues surrounding Drink, Drugs, Smoking and Peer Pressure, and are shown the impacts and lifestyle damage that each of these things can bring. It makes the student evaluate choices that they themselves and others have made, and allows them to judge others, as well as themselves. This lesson was recently rated outstanding in an observation.
Attached is a lesson plan, with differentiation and other activities/ideas, and a whole lesson powerpoint with a range of activities. This is aimed at all ages of students, and should take between 2-3 hours to complete.
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the 20th lesson, Ethics!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, a differentiated starter, a fully differentiated activity and a differentiated worksheet with accompanying answers, as well as an informed consent form for your students! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Identify the difference between ethical guidelines and issues
Explain how the four ethical principles in Psychology
Explain how ethical guidelines are used in Psychology
Discuss which guideline is the most important
This resource helps students to gain a social understanding, and to see when certain social interactions are appropriate, and when some aren't. The lesson involves engaging the students as much as possible, and them creating a storyboard based on what they have learned.
Included in the bundle is a wordsearch starter, a whole-lesson powerpoint and a storyboard plenary for the students.
This resource is aimed at low-ability students who have been directed to complete a Life-Skills course. It presents Life Skills as a fun and exciting course, and introduces the students to each other, and allows the teacher to get to know the students and make Assessment for Learning judgements based on their speaking skills, listening skills and writing skills. Graded Outstanding when observed.
The worksheet allows you to put in your own schools name and personalize the resource. There is also the main interview task which has been extremely well received when used. Alongside this, I will also be on hand to assist anyone who has purchased this resource and needs things changing/help with delivery :)
This lesson is designed to introduce the Idea of Enzymes as Biological Catalysts to your students, in an engaging, comprehensive and varied way! Using a variety of activities to test AfL and show progress, this lesson will give your students a great head start! Rated outstanding when taught.
Included in this lesson is the Whole Lesson Powerpoint, 2 sets of exam questions and the corresponding Mark Scheme answers, a progress-checking starter, and a full, comprehensive Lesson Plan, that has timings, differentiation, and everything you could possibly need covered!
The Lesson covers:
- What are Enzymes?
- Enzyme Disorders
- Enzyme Structures
- Enzyme Reactions
- Activation Energies
- Induced Fit Hypothesis
- Characteristics of Enzymes
- Enzymes in Medicine
- Measuring Enzyme Effects
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the fourteenth lesson, Aims and Hypotheses!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, two differentiated starters, a differentiated activity and a differentiated worksheet with accompanying answers, as well as some exam practice! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Define the key word hypothesis
Explain the difference between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis
Devise hypothesis from research aims
This lesson is designed to be engaging, creative and fun! It helps the students to understand what Study Skills are, and why Personal Organisation is important. There is a run-along activity booklet that the students use throughout the lesson to help compound understanding as well.
The lesson uses humour, real-life stories, and student involvement to get it's point across, and the lesson gets the students to build a study timetable, make promises to themselves, avoid poor study choices, and even hunt for things to make them successful in a word search format!
If there's any more information you need if you purchase this lesson, let me know and I will make the tweaks/walk it through with you :)
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the 16th lesson, Interviews!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, a differentiated starter, two differentiated activities and two differentiated worksheets with accompanying answers, as well as some exam practice! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Describe interviews
Explain the difference between structured, semi-structured & unstructured interviews
Discuss which kind of self-report technique is the best
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the thirteenth lesson, Raw Data, Ranking and Scatter Diagrams!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, a differentiated activity and 5 differentiated worksheets with accompanying answers, as well as some exam practice! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Interpreting Raw Data
How to use ranking and decipher Scatter Diagrams
Plotting data and making inferences
Evaluating Data and it’s ranking
This lesson is designed for the Edexcel Psychology (9-1) New Specification, and contains everything you could possibly need for the 19th lesson, Sampling!
This package contains the whole lesson Powerpoint, a differentiated starter, a differentiated activity and two differentiated worksheets with accompanying answers, as well as some exam practice! The whole lesson is designed in a ‘pick up and teach it’ way, that means everything you could possibly need is all there for you.
There are lots of engaging and interesting activities, designed to keep your classes motivated, engaged and making the best progress that they can within the lesson, as well as providing plenty of opportunities for stretch and challenge.
Objectives covered in this lesson are as follows:
Identify the difference between population, target population and sample
Explain different sampling techniques used to select people from a target population
Evaluate the different sampling techniques used
Suggest why sampling is important for psychological research