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Place - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

Place - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

This lesson looks at the following learning objectives: To understand the different channels of distribution used by businesses including: Retailers Wholesalers Telesales To be able to analyse the growing importance of e-commerce and m-commerce. To be able to use the marketing mix to inform and implement business decisions.
Marketing Lessons Bundle (Complete

Marketing Lessons Bundle (Complete

7 Resources
New from MR BUSINESS This bundle includes the following resources: Identify and Understanding Customers Segmentation The purpose and methods of market research Marketing Mix - Place Marketing Mix - Price Marketing Mix - Product Marketing Mix - Promotion
Business Ownership - with activity worksheet

Business Ownership - with activity worksheet

A full lesson delivered in a way to ensure student understanding. This lesson will meet the following learning objectives: To understand the different legal structures that businesses adopt. To analyse the benefits and drawbacks of each legal structure (including issues such as management and control, sources of finance available, liability and distribution of profits). To understand the concept of limited liability and which legal structures benefit from this. To evaluate which legal structure would be most appropriate for a variety of business examples, including new start-up businesses and large established businesses.
Stakeholder Lesson - With class activity

Stakeholder Lesson - With class activity

A full lesson along with additional worksheet to ensure student understanding. This lesson will complete the following learning objectives: To understand what a stakeholder is and who the main stakeholders of a business are such as owners, employees, customers, local community and suppliers. To understand stakeholders’ main objectives such as maximising pay for workers, minimising environmental impact on local community and high dividend payments for owners. To understand the impact and influence stakeholders have on businesses and their objectives and how businesses may face conflict between stakeholders.
Business Location-Lesson (with activity)

Business Location-Lesson (with activity)

A full lesson looking at the topic of Business Location. The resource will complete the following learning objectives: To understand the factors that influence where a business is located, including: proximity to the market, availability of raw materials, labour, competition and costs. To be able to evaluate the most important influences on location for exemplar business situations. This resource comes with an additional activity to ensure student understanding.
The Purpose & Nature of Business -Lesson

The Purpose & Nature of Business -Lesson

A full lesson looking at the purpose and nature of businesses. To understand what a business is and the reasons for starting a business. To understand the difference between goods and services, needs and wants and the four factors of production. To understand the definition of opportunity cost and what the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors are. To understand what an enterprise and entrepreneur is. To learn about the characteristics of an entrepreneur and the objectives of entrepreneurs.
Exchange Rates Lesson with Toblerone activity

Exchange Rates Lesson with Toblerone activity

Learning objectives for this lesson: To understand: the concept of globalisation the benefits and drawbacks that globalisation offers UK businesses. How exchange rates can impact the profit and sales of those businesses that import and/or export.
Economic Influence on Business - With activity

Economic Influence on Business - With activity

By the end of this lesson students should be able to: Students should be able to identify and analyse where there may be a possible trade off between ethics and profit. Ethical behaviour requires businesses to act in ways that stakeholders consider to be both fair and honest. Students are expected to know relevant examples of ways in which a business can behave ethically and the benefits and drawbacks of ethical behaviour.
The Impact of Legislation on Business

The Impact of Legislation on Business

Learning objectives for this lesson: Students should be able to: Understand how businesses can be affected by legislation. Understand the some of the different laws that could affect business including: Employment Law Health and Safety Law Consumer Protection Laws
Identify & Understanding Customers - Marketing

Identify & Understanding Customers - Marketing

Identify & Understanding Customers This lesson looks at the following learning objectives. To understand the importance of identifying and satisfying customer needs, in order to: provide a product or service that customers will buy increase sales select the correct marketing mix avoid costly mistakes be competitive.
Price - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

Price - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

This lesson will look at the following learning objectives: To have an understanding of the main features of pricing methods and how they may impact businesses. To understand the various pricing methods including: - Price skimming - Price penetration - Competitive pricing - Loss leader - Cost-plus.
Promotion - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

Promotion - Marketing Mix (4P's) - Marketing

This lesson will be looking at the following areas: To understand the promotional methods which are likely to be used by a business. To understand the benefits and drawbacks of promotional methods used by businesses. To be able to analyse factors influencing the selection of the promotion mix to assess their suitability for a given business.
Training - Lesson - HR

Training - Lesson - HR

A full lesson covering the topic of Training. This lesson is delivered in a clear and straightforward manner with appropriate examples to ensure student clarity. This lesson looks at the following topics: Benefits for a business of training its staff Induction training On-the-job training Off-the-job training Discussion points Extension Activity BONUS worksheet activity included.
Expanding a Business - Organic/Inorganic/Economies of Scale

Expanding a Business - Organic/Inorganic/Economies of Scale

Expanding a Business This resource is split into three lessons covering the following topics: Organic Growth including Opening new stores, E-Commerce, Outsourcing and Franchising. Inorganic Growth including Takeovers and Mergers with examples of each. Economies of Scale - Economies and Dis-economies All lessons are delivered in a straight forward manner to ensure student comprehension.
Influence of Technology on Business - With activity

Influence of Technology on Business - With activity

Students should be able to understand: The impact of the changing use of ICT and how it influences business activity. E-commerce and how it helps to access wider markets. Digital communication changing the way businesses communicate with stakeholders. Students are expected to know relevant examples of digital technology/communication.
The Influence of Competitors on Business

The Influence of Competitors on Business

Lesson Objectives Students should be able to: Understand the meaning of a market and competition Analyse potential impacts of competition on businesses and identify situations when businesses face minimal or no competition Understand the risks businesses face and the reasons why all businesses face uncertainty Understand the reason why entrepreneurs embark on running businesses and the activities businesses can undertake to minimise risks.