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Dragons Den Presentation Activity - FREE - MR BUSINESS

Dragons Den Presentation Activity - FREE - MR BUSINESS

A fully resourced download enabling your students to apply what they have learned and create a new product themselves. This is applied to GCSE Business AQA but can easily be ammended to another course by ammending slides 3 and 4 of the presentation. Please rate us!*
Setting Business Aims & Objectives - Lesson

Setting Business Aims & Objectives - Lesson

A full lesson delivered in a way to ensure student understanding. This lesson will meet the following learning objectives: To understand the main aims and objectives for businesses including: survival, profit maximisation, growth (domestic and international), market share, customer satisfaction, social and ethical objectives and shareholder value. Understand the role of objectives in running a business and they are used Understand how and why the objectives set will differ between businesses (reasons include the size of the business, level of competition faced and type of business (not-for-profit organisations)) Understand how and why the objectives set may change as businesses evolve. Students should consider how the objectives of larger more established businesses might differ from smaller start-up businesses, e.g. becoming the dominant business in the market, international expansion, increasing shareholder value and ethical / environmental considerations Understand that the success of a business can be measured in other ways than profit.
Business Location-Lesson (with activity)

Business Location-Lesson (with activity)

A full lesson looking at the topic of Business Location. The resource will complete the following learning objectives: To understand the factors that influence where a business is located, including: proximity to the market, availability of raw materials, labour, competition and costs. To be able to evaluate the most important influences on location for exemplar business situations. This resource comes with an additional activity to ensure student understanding.
Motivating Employees Lesson - HR

Motivating Employees Lesson - HR

A full lesson covering Motivating Employees. This lesson is delivered in a clear and straightforward manner with appropriate examples to ensure student clarity. This lesson looks at the following topics: Benefits of a motivated workforce Financial Motivators Non-Financial Motivators Styles of Management BONUS worksheet activity included…
The Impact of Legislation on Business

The Impact of Legislation on Business

Learning objectives for this lesson: Students should be able to: Understand how businesses can be affected by legislation. Understand the some of the different laws that could affect business including: Employment Law Health and Safety Law Consumer Protection Laws
Sources of Finance - Finance

Sources of Finance - Finance

Learning Objectives Students should be able to: Understand the main internal and external sources of finance available to businesses. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each method for a given situation Evaluate the suitability of sources of finance for new and established businesses.
Cashflow - x2 Lessons with activity - Finance

Cashflow - x2 Lessons with activity - Finance

Lesson 1&2 - Learning Objectives Students should be able to: Understand how and why cash flow forecasts are constructed Understand the consequences of cash flow problems and the effect of positive cash flow Complete and interpret sections of a cash flow forecast (this includes an understanding of cash inflows and outflows, net cash flow and the opening and closing balance.) Evaluate possible solutions to cash flow problems, including re-scheduling payments, overdrafts, reducing cash outflow, increasing cash inflow and finding new sources of finance.
Environmental & Ethical Impacts on Business

Environmental & Ethical Impacts on Business

Environmental Impact Lesson - Learning Objectives Students should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how business and consumers accept greater environmental responsibility in their decision making and the costs and benefits of businesses behaving this way. Identify and analyse where there may be a possible trade-off between sustainability and profit Ethical Impact Lesson - Learning Objectives Students should be able to: Students should be able to identify and analyse where there may be a possible trade off between ethics and profit. Ethical behaviour requires businesses to act in ways that stakeholders consider to be both fair and honest. Students are expected to know relevant examples of ways in which a business can behave ethically and the benefits and drawbacks of ethical behaviour.
Influence of Technology on Business - With activity

Influence of Technology on Business - With activity

Students should be able to understand: The impact of the changing use of ICT and how it influences business activity. E-commerce and how it helps to access wider markets. Digital communication changing the way businesses communicate with stakeholders. Students are expected to know relevant examples of digital technology/communication.
Basic Financial Terms - Lesson - Finance

Basic Financial Terms - Lesson - Finance

Learning Objectives Students should be able to understand: Difference between variable, fixed and total costs are. The concepts of revenue, costs and profit/loss. The main investment projects that businesses undertake i.e. Investment in new machinery, buildings & vehicles Understand areas of strength or weakness to support revision.
Breakeven - Lesson - Finance

Breakeven - Lesson - Finance

Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Understand the meaning of the term break-even output and interpret break-even charts Identify the break-even level of output and margin of safety from a break-even chart Evaluate the value of using break-even analysis to a business.
Profit Ratios - Finance

Profit Ratios - Finance

Lesson Objectives: Students should be able to understand: Gross Profit Margin and how to calculate it. Net Profit Margin and how to calculate it. Be able to apply both formulas to a business to aid decision making.
Production Processes - Operations Lesson

Production Processes - Operations Lesson

Learning Objectives Students should be able to understand: Job and flow production methods and understand when each is appropriate within a business context. Students should consider how production might be made more efficient by the use of lean production techniques.
Good Customer Service - Operations

Good Customer Service - Operations

Learning Objectives Students should be able to understand: the methods of good service. the benefits of good customer service the dangers of poor customer service the ways in which ICT has helped develop customer service
Exchange Rates Lesson with Toblerone activity

Exchange Rates Lesson with Toblerone activity

Learning objectives for this lesson: To understand: the concept of globalisation the benefits and drawbacks that globalisation offers UK businesses. How exchange rates can impact the profit and sales of those businesses that import and/or export.
Economic Influence on Business - With activity

Economic Influence on Business - With activity

By the end of this lesson students should be able to: Students should be able to identify and analyse where there may be a possible trade off between ethics and profit. Ethical behaviour requires businesses to act in ways that stakeholders consider to be both fair and honest. Students are expected to know relevant examples of ways in which a business can behave ethically and the benefits and drawbacks of ethical behaviour.