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Fantastic Maths

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Predominantly secondary maths resources. I am building a series of dirt tasks that are designed to close the gap and provide reflection. I also use excel to develop report generators and self generating worksheets.




Predominantly secondary maths resources. I am building a series of dirt tasks that are designed to close the gap and provide reflection. I also use excel to develop report generators and self generating worksheets.
iGCSE 9-1 Edexcel, maths revision checklist

iGCSE 9-1 Edexcel, maths revision checklist

Based on the CGP new revision guide by CGP for the edexcel iGCSE. I have catergorised the topics for higher and foundation into a checklist. Grades are according to CGP revision guide. Any feedback welcome.
Introduction to Pythagoras

Introduction to Pythagoras

Starts by using an video clip to demonstrate the process of the area of the two smaller squares being equal to the larger two squares. Then uses cloze procedure to quickly give the formal definition. Teaches the process using square add square root for hypotenuse. Some of the questions where orginally taken from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-introducing-pythagoras-theorem-lesson-6208261 but have been significantly reworked. On this page however there is also an excellent group work activity that could be used with the lesson.
Revision Powerpoint 3 10QQ

Revision Powerpoint 3 10QQ

The 10 Quick Questions power points all follow the same structure. Bell Task, 10QQ with a variety of times depending upon the question. All answers are animated at the end and then the powerpoint can be navigate to provide extra support to questions that form a difficulty. Hope this proves useful.
Interior and Exterior Angles Assesment/Dirt activity

Interior and Exterior Angles Assesment/Dirt activity

This is a low stakes assesment with corresponding dirt activities. I have tended to print these onto coloured paper so that they are clear in learners books. You give the sprint assesment sheet to the class. Collect this in, mark this sheet and code the w3 and ebi according to the feedback powerpoint. Highlight which area they need to work on, print feedback sheets, give them their sprint assesment and feedback sheet back. They copy in their feedback from the powerpoint. They complete their feedforward task, using the worked example to try and improve. I have included full answers on the Marking sheet for all activites as well as all the precompleted codes. If you want more precise feedback simply add it as another bullet point on the feedback pages.
Sample Space Diagrams.

Sample Space Diagrams.

A homework or worksheet sheet on sample space diagrams. Addition only but exploring the link between sample space with some thinking questions and forming a hypothesis to the sum of opposite sides on a dice. I have also included a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has editable elements givings sides to create sample space diagrams for addition and multiplication for sides up to 20. It will also output the probability for chosen amounts. Another tab shows the distribution graphically. This could be sent to the learners for them to explore in a lesson or used to support the homework/worksheet.
Algebraic Expressions - Basic

Algebraic Expressions - Basic

This 10QQ is ideal as a recap or a check of prior learning. Includes a bell task with animated answers to help settle learners into the lesson first. The questions are all on timers. Follows the same format as my revision 10QQ Includes basic simplifying a collection of letters through to collecting like terms with square numbers. At the end there are examples and questions of each type which can be used as a review.
Differentiated Perimeter Of Semi Circles

Differentiated Perimeter Of Semi Circles

This (updated) lesson is based around finding the perimeter of a semi circle. Only covers semi circles. Starter assumes both area and circumference of circles as well as parts of a circle. ( Definitions taken from NCETM glossary) It has been updated to include example problem pairs. A differentiated task by gradually reducing scaffolded support. Extension sees if learners can apply to a quadrant and three quarters of a circle. Ends with a Same Structure different depth set of questions.
Algebraic Expressions 2nd 10QQ - Difficult

Algebraic Expressions 2nd 10QQ - Difficult

This is the second 10QQ in the Expressions series. It is ideal as a recap/consolidation or a check of prior learning. Includes a bell task with animated answers to help settle learners into the lesson first. The questions are all on timers. Follows the same format as my revision 10QQ Questions focus around learners use of multiplying expressions as well as collecting to cubes and then addition involving unknowns with powers.
Ten Quick Questions - Revision Powerpoint

Ten Quick Questions - Revision Powerpoint

Could be useful as a starter, a refresh or a recap on a variety of topics. It includes a Bell task as a settling activity and then onto 10QQ. After the review there are recap slides on each question if needed via hyperlink buttons. This revision powerpoint includes: Algebra: Solving equations, one and two step. Simplifying Expressions. Expanding Brackets. SSM: Angles on straight lines and in a triangle. Coordinates. Number: Rounding.
Area of Circles

Area of Circles

This uses interleaved worked examples, so learners can switch between spotting areas in a worked example and attempting the questions solely on their own. Starter Assumes that learners have already completed work on circumference of a circle.
WJEC Foundation - Understanding Number and Place Value Booklet 2

WJEC Foundation - Understanding Number and Place Value Booklet 2

Challenge grid format following the WJEC specification for the new mathematics and numeracy GCSE's. Using the equivalences between decimals, fractions, ratios and percentages. Ordering and comparing whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages. Understanding and using directed numbers, including ordering directed numbers. Please see my other resources for other topics.
Cubic and Quadratic Sequence generator. Quadratic solver

Cubic and Quadratic Sequence generator. Quadratic solver

This can be used to generate quadratic and cubic sequences and uses difference table to show the step by step solution. It also has a quadratic solver which will give the nth term of a sequence. On the right hand side there are cells that can be copied and pasted to use the sequence.
WJEC Foundation - Understanding Number and Place Value Booklet 1

WJEC Foundation - Understanding Number and Place Value Booklet 1

Challenge grid format following the WJEC specification for the new mathematics and numeracy GCSE's. Reading and writing whole numbers of any magnitude expressed in figures or words. Rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000. Understanding place value and decimal places. Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number or a given number of decimal places. More to follow as well as an editable version.
Revision Powerpoint 4 10QQs

Revision Powerpoint 4 10QQs

All of my 10QQs follow the same format, Bell task to settle the class. Introduction screen. The questions are all timed from slide to slide and the timing depends upon the difficulty of each question. At the end all answers are animated and then hyperlinks take you to an example page followed by a short task for more intensive practise of specific topics. This Powerpoint includes: Ratio to fraction conversion. Angles in Triangles. Probability Scale Percentage to decimal conversion. Simplifying fractions. Sequences Solving one step inequalities Expanding single brackets Estimating Solving two step equations.
Research Bank Accounts

Research Bank Accounts

A series of questions that can be researched in order to develop an understanding of different aspects of bank accounts and banking.
Arithmetic Practise, Addition and Subtraction.

Arithmetic Practise, Addition and Subtraction.

This spreadsheet has been designed to give quick arithmetic practise. If you scroll to the top of the page you can easily adjust the levels of difficulty to include how many digits you would like in each question as well as how many decimal places. The decimal places can be given as a range to increase the variety given. Double clicking a cell changes the background colour to red, revealing the answers if you click on the answer boxes. If you click reset, this will reset all questions and revert the colour scheme to default. Macros must be enabled to work.
Tolerance, using the ± symbol (Stage 10.4)

Tolerance, using the ± symbol (Stage 10.4)

This lesson is designed to teach around mathematical tolerance. Lesson structure: Starter/Do Now Prerequisite quiz Big picture to the Complete Maths Scheme Diagram showing a use of tolerance. To support discussion. Series of example problem pair fixed tolerance. Consolidation task. Tolerance as a percentage and using the tolerance values, example problem pair and think pair share Two consolidation tasks. Two mixed practice tasks. Thinking tasks to end. This lesson matches the Complete Maths stage 10.4 objective on Tolerance..
Form Report Generator

Form Report Generator

I have created a form report generator. The spreadsheet has the ability to input a learners name, attendance data and then various comments. Some comments have access to a comment back or can be manually entered. Others for example attendance are generated automatically. You can also personalise it to your school and year group by entering this data on the Form Info page. I use this in conjunction with a questionnaire that the learners fill it and it dramatically decreases the time taken to do reports. There are quite a lot of protections on the spreadsheet file. In order to paste your comments out then you need to go to the Report output page, then copy and paste out.
Circumference of circles including reverse Circumference

Circumference of circles including reverse Circumference

Starter is through a linked powerpoint - you will need to change the location for your machine or load up separately. This flashes up the various parts of a circle learners complete with aid of powerpoint. The third slide can be printed so that students can fill in as they go. Lesson then goes through finding the circumference of a circle. Either scaffolded or not. Then onto reverse with the option of finding circumference, then reverse with or without scaffolding. Could easily be split into two lessons with one more independent exercise on finding the circumference of a circle.