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Primary School Resources
Red Envelope - Identifying Money Worksheet

Red Envelope - Identifying Money Worksheet

In this bundle, there are three worksheets that will helps learners both identify coins and how much the total amount of money is on each envelope. This activity would be best suited during Chinese New Year as an enhanced provision task :)
Traits of the Chinese Dragon worksheet

Traits of the Chinese Dragon worksheet

This activity allows the learners to write about a time when they felt the same traits as the Chinese dragon. They are powerful, confident and lucky. They can then draw a picture to reflect these times when they displayed these traits.
Days of the Week

Days of the Week

In this resource, I have created a document that highlights the days of the week in both English and Welsh :)
Months of the Year

Months of the Year

In this resource, I have created a document that highlights the months of the year in both English and Welsh :)
Growing up Ribbon Mobile

Growing up Ribbon Mobile

This resource can be used to allow learners to create their own ribbon mobile about growing up and looking ahead to the future. There are 6 ribbons and will need to be completed by the learners. Once the learners have completed each ribbon, the can then cut them out and stick to a strip of paper which can be glued together to form a circular mobile that contains all of their ideas about growing up and looking ahead to the future :)
Welcome Board

Welcome Board

In this document, I have created a welcome board displayed in power point that can be used to engage the learners at the beginning of each day. The board can include the day of the week, the date, a quote of the day and a notepad of what will be going on that day. I have created a welcome board for everyday of the week and you can add or take away slides inbetween these boards in order to create a week long planner if desired :)
Welcome Banner

Welcome Banner

In this resource, I have created a colourful and engaging ‘Welcome’ banner that can be printed out, laminated and displayed in the classroom. As the document is on power point, you can use this as a template to create your own banners for various topics. These can include themed topics, areas of the curriculum or simple used as a nice decorative feature in the classroom :)
Stop and Think Cards

Stop and Think Cards

In this resource, I have created ‘stop and think’ cards that I use on learners to remind them on certain aspects when they have been given a writing task. Some of these reminders include underlining the date and title, to use capital letters and full stops and to always use their best handwriting. I place these cards on the learners desks which have been taped down so they serve as a constant reminder to the learners :)
Morning Check-In Cards

Morning Check-In Cards

In this resource, I have created a well-being check-in card that is used to gage how the learners are feeling each day. They will do this each morning to start the day and they will need to write the days date, how they are feeling and why. An example card is shown in the resource :)
How to make your own Christmas Snowballs

How to make your own Christmas Snowballs

This document is a resource that can be both used as a provisional activity based on following instructions and can also be adapted to identify what features are used when writing a recipe/list of instructions :)
Donaldson's 4 Purpose's

Donaldson's 4 Purpose's

Here is a document highlighting the 4 purpose’s by Donaldson and what each purpose is linked to in the curriculum :)