Mr_TenchWelsh Assembly's(0)This is a collection of different class/whole school assemblies on different subjects in Welsh.
Mr_Tench10 Common Principles of Early Years Education(0)This is a resource to help fellow teacher understand concepts of the best teaching strategies to use in Early Years education.
Mr_TenchFormal and Informal Vocabulary(0)Here is a visual aid to allow learners to use a variety of sophisticated language during literacy tasks.
Mr_TenchSocial and Emotional Learning(0)In this resource, you can find tips on how to deal with social and emotional learning within the classroom.
Mr_TenchSigns of Autism(0)In this visual resource, there are some signs that can help you detect whether or not a learner may present ASD traits.
Mr_Tench'Wanted' Guy Fawkes Poster activity(0)Here is a ‘wanted’ poster style of activity for a lesson on Guy Fawkes
Mr_TenchPast, Present and Future vocabulary(0)Here is a visual resource to help learners with past, present and future vocabulary.
Mr_TenchPreposition of time and place(0)This is a visual aid resource to help learners with prepositions of different times and places.
Mr_TenchFeeling C.A.L.M.E.R(0)This visual resource can help learners fell calm and suggest activities on what they can do to achieve a much calmer frame of mind.