Skybound Studies is an educational shop for students, educators, teachers and parents who want to access high-quality resources. We believe that a better education for children is only possible if the adults around children are better educated themselves.
Skybound Studies is an educational shop for students, educators, teachers and parents who want to access high-quality resources. We believe that a better education for children is only possible if the adults around children are better educated themselves.
KS1 Computing - Coding BeeBots (6 lessons)
This resource has 6 weeks of brief planning for coding a BeeBot.
The learning objectives are as follows:
What is an algorithm?
Creating an algorithm using BeeBots.
Using BeeBots To navigate around a map of your locel area.
Create a single algorithm using Kodable.
Debug a simple algortithm using Kodeable.
Create a maze using algorithm in Kodeable.
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RE - KS1 - Jesus’ Good News - Worksheet
Suitable for KS1 or KS2
This resource is a simple worksheet that could be used as an End of Unit Assessment for learning around, Jesus’ Good News.
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Maths ‘Finished?’ Challenge Cards
Suitable for KS1
Dread the words ‘I’m finished, what should I do now?’ Well now you don’t need to! These 9 maths challenge cards include problem solving and reasoning questions.
Easily editable.
Please leave a review if you are happy with this product; I would really appreciate it. If you have any questions or comments please email me on
Transition Maths - Get to Know the Teacher
Suitable for KS1
A fun activity that can be used for transition on the first few days of the year! Easily adaptable.
Please leave a review if you are happy with this product; I would really appreciate it. If you have any questions or comments please email me on