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Grammar interventions for Year Six
Eight handy grammar interventions that were created and used for Year Six pupil.
The eight page publisher document covers:
*Consolidating an understanding of nouns;
*Mastering an understanding of adjectives;
*Comparatives and superlatives;
*Pronouns in context;
*Changing the tense of verbs;
*Identifying phrases and clauses;
*Changing tenses;
*Statements, commands and questions.

The Lion and the Unicorn Week 2 plans - formal/informal letters (WW2 Year Six English)
Week two of plans and resources to go with the text The Lion and the Unicorn. This looks at the formality of language used within letter writing.

The Lion and the Unicorn Shirley Hughes - Letter writing week 1 (World War Two Year Six English)
Week 1 focuses on the motifs within the story (ideal for hitting cohesion objectives in a wider sense) and unpicking a modelled letter to understand the key features.
See week 2’s plans for the unpicking of formal language for letter writing.

Cubed and squared numbers for display
Two publisher documents:
*Squared numbers, for display, on squares;
*Cubed numbers, for display, on stars.

Beowulf Newspaper recounts - Grendel attacks.
Viking English lessons.
Week 3 of Beowulf planning for Year 5s looking at the key features of a newspaper recount before moving on to plan and write. This expects children to apply complex, compound and simple sentences as well as beginning to grasp the informal language that is required for a journalistic style.
Michael Morpurgo’s text was used to support these lessons.

English subordinating and coordinating conjunctions planning for Beowulf Tweets
An engaging launch to teaching Beowulf by using twitter feeds.
E-saftey is no concern since the childen will make their own powerpoint based twitter feeds.
This covers subordinating and coordinating conjunctions as well as the understanding of SVO sentences.
Suitable for UKS2 (taught at the start of Year Five).

Oral story telling week using the Three Billy Goats as a model
Presenting the children with a table filled with shoes and hats allows them to create a character and a story by altering a well-know traditional tale.
The theme used for this story was the sea although this can be easily altered.

Beowulf English lessons (week 2) Complex sentences.
Following on from week 1 (tweets planning) where children were introduced to subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, this week looks at the use of complex sentences to describe the hero… Beowulf.
I used Michael Morpurgo’s text when teaching this term’s English to a Y5 cohort.
This includes display lettering, QR codes and questions as well as resources.

Year Six Frankenstein based on the Usbourne book
I have used the Usbourne Young Reading Series 3 to underpin a term of writing. This text is fantastic and page numbers are referred to. This was paired with a science topic that covered light and electricity. The Y6 children loved it!
Try and see how many lego men you can lay your hands on for the first week - blogging.
Then letters and newspapers are covered ! Enjoy…

Exemplification documents for text types Year 1-Year 6
Do you need a clear outline of vertical progression for text types?
I am a subject leader with a Masters Degree in Linguistics. This has been created to support staff with their understanding of progression in writing.
This document distinguishes between what texts should look like in each year group
Writing to Entertain (Y1-Y6)
Writing Poetically (Y1-Y6)
Writing to Explain (Y2-Y6)
Writing to Instruct (Y1-Y6)
Writing to Persuade (Y2-Y6)
Writing to Discuss (Y4-Y6)
Writing to Report (non-chronologically) (Y1-Y6)
Writing to Recount (Y1-Y6)