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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Cwbl Naturiol CA3

Cwbl Naturiol CA3

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - KS3

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - KS3

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Cwbl Naturiol - Global

Cwbl Naturiol - Global

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaet
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - Global

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom - Global

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Cwbl Naturiol - Food

Cwbl Naturiol - Food

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Cwbl Naturiol  1

Cwbl Naturiol 1

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Cwbl Naturiol

Cwbl Naturiol

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Cwbl Naturiol - Food

Cwbl Naturiol - Food

Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys nodiadau athrawon, gweithgareddau i'w defnyddio yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, cardiau gwybodaeth a phosteri i helpu athrawon i gyflwyno ac astudio cysyniad ffynonellau egni adnewyddadwy. Ymwelwch â www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html i ddod o hyd i astudiaethau achos a chysylltau i wefannau defnyddiol eraill – yn enwedig ar gyfer y rhaglen ddaearyddiaeth.
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom Session 3

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom 1

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom 1

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below
Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom

Ecological Footprinting in the Classroom

This resource (for KS2 and KS3) supports teachers in developing the concepts of sustainable development and ecological footprinting. It provides practical materials to support learning about the impact on our environment of our food consumption and transport use and also contains materials to support pupils in data gathering in the context of an enquiry approach to learning. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.


Mae’r safle dwyieithog hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth ac adnoddau i swyddogion, athrawon, disgyblion a rhieni, gan ddarparu gwybodaeth atal troseddau ar gyfer yr holl gymuned. The website focuses on three main themes that of drug and substance misuse, social behaviour and community and personal safety. It provides follow up work in support of each of the lessons of the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme. It provides ideas and the necessary resources for delivery. I


This bilingual site provides information and resources for officers, teachers, pupils and parents, providing educational crime prevention information for all members of the community. The website focuses on three main themes that of drug and substance misuse, social behaviour and community and personal safety. It provides follow up work in support of each of the lessons of the All Wales School Liaison Core Programme. It provides ideas and the necessary resources for delivery. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Water - a sustainable resource?

Water - a sustainable resource?

The three lessons in this resource are suitable for pupils in Years 7 & 8 and can be used in Geography, PSE and Citizenship lessons. They cover several themes of the new ESDGC Common Understanding Document, including Consumption and Waste and Wealth and Poverty.
It's Only Natural

It's Only Natural

Each pack consists of teacher notes, activities for use in the classroom, information cards and posters to help teachers introduce and study the concept of renewable energy sources. Visit www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html to find case studies and links to other useful websites - particularly for the geography programme.
Conservation of Energy

Conservation of Energy

This unit has been developed to raise awareness of energy wastage at home and in school.The unit is split into three sections. 1. Huddling penguins – to develop pupils’ investigative skills while learning about how animals adapt to their environment. 2. Energy from fuels – looking at different forms of renewable and non-renewable energy. Pupils carry out an investigation to find which fuel produces the most energy. 3. Conservation of energy – looking at how we waste energy in the school and at home and pupils investigate ways of conserving energy.
Primary Resources to ‘get you going’ with ESDGC

Primary Resources to ‘get you going’ with ESDGC

These resources have been compiled from those freely available on the internet to help Primary teachers find and introduce ways of incorporating ESDGC themes into their teaching and learning. The authors would like to thank all the organisations who have readily given their permission to use their resources for the pack. Comic relief Oxfam Unicef Natural England DirectgovKids
Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles

This unit encourages learners to consider some of the factors that may affect healthy lifestyles such as diet and exercise. A variety of open-ended activities invite learners to think of their own ideas and to reflect on some of the choices available to them. The unit focuses explicitly on some Welsh foods and the availability and flavours of locally produced foods.
Christmas traditions around the world

Christmas traditions around the world

This resource acts as a virtual Advent calendar and could be used with the accompanying Word documents as a standalone lesson or for a few minutes each day in December to introduce and explore Christmas traditions around the World, both old and new. This resource covers aspects of the Identity and Culture theme in the ESDGC Common Understanding document for KS2.