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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
What is the News?

What is the News?

What is the News? Getting you thinking … A Word document giving background information on the news intended to make the student think.
Spanish Spare Time - Mi Tiempo Libre

Spanish Spare Time - Mi Tiempo Libre

In this Unit, pupils learn to give their opinions and talk about their spare time likes and dislikes. It includes interactive reading and listening activities, worksheets, grammar notes and exercises on stem changing verbs and impersonal verbs like gustar. The unit also includes activities which require pupils to use thinking skills and prepare an extended written piece. Each section is accompanied by teachers’ notes with suggestions on how to use each resource.
The Crisis of the American Republic

The Crisis of the American Republic

A comprehensive series of notes prepared to support a study of The Crisis of the American Republic, c.1848-1877 which forms a HY2 Unit WJEC AS GCE in History. The resource has twelve units and the notes include a variety of viewpoints on political, social, religious and cultural issues. Students are required to interpret information from a wide range of sources.
It's Only Natural - renewable energy sources

It's Only Natural - renewable energy sources

Each pack consists of teacher notes, activities for use in the classroom, information cards and posters to help teachers introduce and study the concept of renewable energy sources. Visit www.berr.gov.uk/energy/sources/renewables/schools/index.html to find case studies and links to other useful websites - particularly for the geography programme.
Workers and the workhouse during Victorian Times

Workers and the workhouse during Victorian Times

A resource aimed at developing pupil’s knowledge regarding Welsh artists and to develop thinking skills by giving opportunities to discuss, make decisions and evaluate their produce. The resource is based on the popular theme within primary schools, that being Victorians Times.
Fairy tale activity pack

Fairy tale activity pack

This activity pack introduces pupils to two traditional fairy tales, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man. Pupils read through the stories with the teacher and then complete a series of activities that describe characters, sequence events and discuss what is needed for good beginnings, middles and endings when writing stories. Objectives: to retell and recount two traditional fairy stories to sequence events in a story to describe characters from a story


This is a series of PowerPoint presentations, produced for students to aid their understanding of topics encountered throughout the biochemistry component of the AS Biology course. It is also a useful revision tool for student when used with the guidance notes. (WJEC)
Domestic labour

Domestic labour

Are conjugal roles changing? Have viewed this slide show the student should be aware of: The changing roles perspective suggesting a growth of the companionate conjugal couple. The impact of employment and unemployment upon the division of labour. How women still undertake the bulk of domestic tasks. How technology and living standards are impacting upon roles. How power and authority relations still operate in ways that benefit men. Ideas of the 'triple shift' through recognition of emotion work.
Vocabulary - Synonyms

Vocabulary - Synonyms

This resource pack is designed to provide a range of activities to support the teaching of synonyms. It could either be used as a lesson to introduce or revise the subject or as a means of consolidating various concepts. This resource pack should enable pupils to: understand what is meant by the term 'synonym,' identify synonyms and use a conventional or online thesaurus. Included in this pack are a selection of supporting worksheets that can be adapted to suit the age range of the pupils being taught.
Writing Frames - Welsh

Writing Frames - Welsh

This pack was developed by Non ap Emlyn and contains writing frames and models for different forms of writing including, letters, diaries, post cards etc The frames and models have been developed at two levels. The lower level activities are suitable for those pupils who are main stream learners at Key Stage 2 whilst the upper level is suitable for those who are working above the norm at this Key Stage. The work is also suitable in some instances for those studying at KS 3 and 4.
Realist Criminology

Realist Criminology

Objectives: That the Right Realism developed out of a failure of sociology to explain and solve the problem of crime. That Right Realism sees crime as stemming from the greedy nature of people, poor socialisation and too easy opportunities. That Wilson 's 'broken window thesis&' argues that minor incivilities, if unchecked, quickly lead to more serious crime. That Lea and Young developed Left Realism as a response to Right Realism and the neo-Marxist ideas of Radical Criminology.
Deviance - Crime and Deviance

Deviance - Crime and Deviance

A series of resources supporting the teaching of Crime and Deviance. The units deal with the nature and definition of crime and deviance and lead to an open debate as to the nature of social control in our society. The third unit explores labelling theories of criminal behaviour and the final unit encourages learners to think about the value and accuracy of official statistics on crime by exploring the reasons people have for reporting and not reporting crime to the police. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.