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Narcud8's Shop

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Computer Science teacher 20 years in school, college and University. Range of resources for all levels.




Computer Science teacher 20 years in school, college and University. Range of resources for all levels.
Creating basic web pages using html styled with CSS

Creating basic web pages using html styled with CSS

A worksheet that guides students to create a web page using html containing headings, images, backgrounds formatted using (css) Cascading Style Sheets. Contains extension tasks and all images and code to create the page. Suitable for Year 8 and upwards. Each addition of code is colour coded to make it easier to follow each insertion and gradually develop and create a more complex web page
Lossless and Lossy  compression : making an Emoji

Lossless and Lossy compression : making an Emoji

Activity to create a Disney emoji bitmap image in excel to consider file size in terms of number of pixels, number of colours ; bit depth and looks at how to use a compression technique to reduce fiel size. Includes an exam question on lossy and lossless compression.
Year 8 Html and css revision

Year 8 Html and css revision

A resource that test basic understanding of html and css.Includes a missing word activity as an introduction and then students interpret html and css to work out the page that would be displayed. Suitable for Year 8 revision lesson. Students use Microsoft Word to type in answers.
Year 7 or Year 8 Introduction to Operating Systems

Year 7 or Year 8 Introduction to Operating Systems

Used with Year 7 / 8 to introduce what an Operating Systems is. Uses image of a car dash to get them thinking about Operating systems / interfaces and how does the driver and the car communicate. Missing word activity that summarises learning from Car dash activity Looks at different kinds of software - Matching up activity All answers provided
Storing images - bitmaps resolution, bit depth, file size and file types

Storing images - bitmaps resolution, bit depth, file size and file types

A number of different worksheets covering how images are represented / stored digitally. Pixels, bit depth and calculating file size in bits and bytes. Includes practical activity for learners to create their own bitmap images including meta data. Used with Year 10 and 11 GCSE Computer Science Data Representation unit.
Spreadsheet modelling in Excel : How to save up for a Playstation 4

Spreadsheet modelling in Excel : How to save up for a Playstation 4

Excel model used to allow students to see how spreadsheets can be used to plan how to earn enough pocket money within a given time. Used with year 7 and 8s . Great as an introduction to how Spreadsheet can be used to make preditions / financial planning. Fully updatable, allows student to investigate and adjust the number of jobs and money earnt in order to earn enough money to be able to afford the Playstation. Includes a number of different graphs and the scenario that the model is based on and explains how the model is used.
Computer Storage devices : bits, bytes ,usb, hard and Solid State Drives properties

Computer Storage devices : bits, bytes ,usb, hard and Solid State Drives properties

A Crossword in Excel with Answers units of storage bits, bytes, KB,MB,GB,TB,PB and how to convert between them A missing word sheet comparing common storage devices - optical, magnetic, flash etc with answers A drag and drop game produced in Word matching up properties of Optical disk, Hard drive, Solid State, Flash dirve , FLoppy Disk Used with Year8, 9 and 10 Computer Science classes
Programming using Micro-electronics with Arduino microcontroller ( part 3 of 4)

Programming using Micro-electronics with Arduino microcontroller ( part 3 of 4)

Used in Year 8 and 9 to introduce Students to Computer Science and gets them away from standard software such as Python, Scratch. Great for cross -curricular links - Physics/Electronics/Programming/Technology. A set of resources that explains how to make programming more fun interactive using LEDs, Buzzers controlled by the Arduino micro-controller. Students are introduced to an Arduino circuit building simulator to practise how to create circuits using a breadboard and how to connect to Arduino and code to control their circuits. Includes : source code, circuit diagrams, and photographs of set ups and videos programs running. Information about how the Arduino works and where the best place to buy all the components you need. Also see my other resources designed in Tinkercad.
Html coding :  getting started with online editor to make a web page

Html coding : getting started with online editor to make a web page

An introduction for Year 8 students showing them how to get started with creating websites using html. Allowing them to experiment with an easy to use online editor which helps students investigate html, css and other languages in an easy to use online editor. Good introduction before students use a text editor like Notepad or Dreamweaver.
Researching Tech Entrepreneurs : Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, James Dyson, Richard Branson

Researching Tech Entrepreneurs : Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, James Dyson, Richard Branson

Learners use images and quotes on 4 Tech entrepreneurs to develop their own report using Word or PowerPoint. Task has been designed for learners to work independently. Includes PowerPoint presentation with animation, which summarises Elon Mush, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and James Dyson’s achievements with lots of fun and interesting videos. Activities will last over a double lesson and can be used in a Technology or Science Lesson. Includes animated gifs too. Include a crossword creating using Microsoft Excel as a summary.
Properties of Sound : Sampling rate, bit depth, file size,  MP3 format

Properties of Sound : Sampling rate, bit depth, file size, MP3 format

A number of worksheet activities : 1.Investigating MP3 Compression: where learners chose different compression rates on a wav file to investigate fiel sizes and qualities using Audacity ( free sound editing software). 2.Sound and how to store it : introduces sound in terms of frequency and amplitude and how stored digitally. 3.Sound Revision Quiz : some basic understanding of sound properties are tested, bit depth, sampling rate and file size in bits and bytes 4.Sound in Binary : A research quiz to explain the basic key words / principals of storing sounds 5.Sampling Sound: A worksheet where learners can sample a wave to learn about sample rate, bit depth, denary value, binary values stored and file size in bits and bytes All answers provided to lessons are provided.
Arduino : basic hardware guide

Arduino : basic hardware guide

An introduction to how Arduino works. Used in the Unit 16 Procedural Programming - btec extended diploma unit. From website : btecictresources.co.uk
Learning to Code G Develop 5 :  Create a Platformer Game for Beginners

Learning to Code G Develop 5 : Create a Platformer Game for Beginners

Step by step guide for Beginners to create a Platformer Game using free online software G Develop 5. PowerPoints with over 75 slides of instruction. Source files for each lesson provided. Written to cover main aspects of Gaming so leaners learn the fundamentals and then can create their own more elaborate games. Games can be exported to be run using a browser. Lesson 1: Be able to: create and save a project add Objects from Assets page create platformer objects control platformer character with keyboard run and jump and animate the character turn and face direction it is running in create a global variable to store a Boolean value in order to control when Jump sound is played and be able to understand a flow chart to show this process Lesson 2: Be able to: “rip” music from YouTube to use as background music add Background music to game create Text Object to display Score on screen create collision events and score on screen using a score variable use ladders climb between platforms by adjusting collision masks Lesson 3: Be able to: use a timer to control enemy animation control Score when a correct player /enemy collision occurs reduce health if an incorrect player / enemy collision occurs lose lives if health goes to zero or player falls of platform place enemy back on stage to continue with game Lesson 4: Be able to: create a game over screen and display when Lives =0 create a spring-board to double jump to reach higher platforms extend game adding further objects and control camera to follow player work with layers to control position of Score, Lives and Health
Relationship between Resolution,  File Size and Print size.

Relationship between Resolution, File Size and Print size.

A spreadsheet model to investigate Resolution and Size of image. Used with Year 9 and 10 GCSE Computer Science Data Representation unit. The user enters the maximum image size of their camera in MegaPixels and then selects the resolution of their printer and the spreadsheet works out the maximum print size possible