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Poetry workbook

Poetry workbook

Poetry 101 workbook. contains work on exploring poetry skills. It uses the following poems. No Problem In the life of man Pain my nails red Remember Pessimism for beginers Also includes an example of an analytical essay and build block steps to write essays for poetry.
Of Mice and Men

Of Mice and Men

A whole unit of work for this popular text. Includes a power point on constructing effective paragraphs. As a bonus a lesson on Simon Armitages poem the Hitcher.
Big Debate

Big Debate

Provision for Careers / PSHE / Life Skills / Work related Learning and Enterprises. A large part of the provision for students relating to SMSC and PHSE is presented though the Big debate. Sessions for students that cover the elements traditionally delivered in the curriculum as part of RE, RS and Citizenship. This pack contains the key materials to deliver a whole course. It includes a scheme of work and activities for many of the sessions.
Planning for the deaprtment

Planning for the deaprtment

A collection of documents for departmental planning. This includes presentations for students on course content and handouts for English and Hums subjects on course content. Teacher planner file insert pages for each day that can be adapted for your school day. Marking planning grids, Presentation on classroom expectations. All fully editable for your department.