Here are 28 Guided Reading lessons. Each lesson comes with a set of questions based on the reading VIPERS.
Questions are to be stuck in books for children to answer.
This was originally made for a Year 4 class so could easily be adapted up to Year 5 or down to Year 3.
Most lessons have two sets of differentiated questions.
Tasks in this unit include:
Diary writing
sequencing the story
book review
Answering questions
Created with Year 3 and 4 in mind.
This unit comes with a Powerpoint for each lesson and attached resources. I have provided SEN/EAL word banks within this unit if work too. Many of the lessons have simplified and differentiated worksheets and tasks for significant SEN and EAL pupils.
There are 13 lessons provided but this can be extended to 19 lessons if you follow my notes below.
Week 1:
Lesson 1: Illustrate the opening of Iron Man.
Lesson 2: Use conjunctions
Lesson 3: Use similes
Lesson 4: Write from Hogarth’s point of view (when he first sees Iron Man)
Lesson 5: Write a diary entry from Hogarth’s point of view
Week 2:
(structured writing cycle)
Lesson 6: Plan a diary entry (More structure for the next diary entry which is about when Hogarth traps Iron Man in a deep hole)
Lesson 7: Write a diary entry
I then used the rest of this week to finish writing, edit writing and publish writing which took this to a whole week)
Week 3:
Lesson 8: Collect impressive adjectives to describe the scrapyard
Lesson 9: Create a piece of art inspired by the scrapyard
‘Extra SPAG lesson expanded noun phrases’ taught here.
Week 4:
Lesson 10: Identify and use similes and metaphors
Lesson 11:Plan a suspenseful horror poem (WAGOLL provided)
Lesson 12: Write a suspenseful horror poem
I then used the rest of week 4 to finish writing, edit and improve, and publish.
Lesson 1: Analysis and looking at the work of Alice Bailly and Pablo Picasso. Info about the artists with key questions to answer based on their work.
Comparison task.
(For KS1, this can be done whole class and stuck into books. KS2 independent work)
Lesson 2: Children explore cubism skills by understanding what cubism is and drawing a selection of random objects through a cubist lens.
Lesson 3: Children explore wool painting and have an opportunity to explore different patterns and styles of wool painting.
Lesson 4: Children create their own cubism self-portraits. They add a section of wool painting to the art.
The following plan will go through these lessons:
I can understand what a myth is and identify their themes and features.
I can compare and contrast different versions of a Roman Myth
I can use drama to empathise with characters in a story
I can explain when to use possessive apostrophes in character descriptions
I can understand the general structure of a myth.
I can plan the characters and setting for my own myth.
I can use adverbials to open my myth.
I can use conjunctions in my myth.
Lots of fun to introduce the topic of Romans. Made for year 4 but can easily be adapted. Includes smart notes, differentiated resources and activities.
Here are 24 lessons based on the book The Nothing To See Here Hotel by Steven Butler.
Each lesson up to lesson 15 comes with a Powerpoint and a task. Each task if based off of the reading VIPERS. There are 24 tasks planned to be completed in books and 15 of these tasks come with Powerpoints attached.
This was taught to Year 4 but can easily be taken and slightly adapted to Year 3 and 5.
Each Powerpoint follows the structure:
Talk Task (discussion question based on the book)
Vocabulary (introducing new words they may come across in today’s reading)
Focus (main reading part with a focus question)
Deepen (children asked to explain something)
Independent Activity (questions in Guided Reading books based on the VIPERS)
Exit Pass (summarising quick question)
#guidedreading #stevenbutler #KS2reading #LKS2 #VIPERS #year4 #year3 #year5 #guidedreadingunit #nothingtoseeherehotel #thenothingtoseeherehotel #brighton
Here are 8 lessons which goes from page 1 up to page 53 of the book.
-Read the book to the children/Children read the chapters stated.
Children complete the activity for the lesson.
Answers included for easy marking.
Made and completed for Year 4.
Easily Adaptable.
8 Lessons based on Sweden, all with activities.
Most of these lessons comes with PowerPoints to accompany. There are some lessons where a PowerPoint is necessarily needed so there are teacher comments on the activity sheet on what to do - some require using atlases or Google Maps.
The lesson learning objectives are as follows:
Design my own Swedish Darla Horse (art based - can be turned into a sequence of lessons easily and an art final product)
Compare England and Sweden on a map of the world.
Compare Swedish to English houses
Locate key landmarks on a map of Sweden
Identify Human or Physical Geographical features of Sweden
Why do 90% of Sweden live in the south?
Answer questions about Sweden
Compete in a quiz about Sweden.
2 of the resources are taken and adapted from Twinkl but the rest are my own created for my Year 4 class when we did a Geography unit on Sweden.
Created for Year 4 but easily adaptable.
Included are the worksheets/questions for the whole book.
2 per page - easy to print and trim.
All objectives based on the reading VIPERS
4 Lessons based on shadow work of Kumi Yamashita.
Learning objectives include:
Analyse the work of Kumi Yamashita
Develop shadow skills and sketching skills
Create art inspired by Kumi Yamashita
Analyse my work
Lessons include practical work with activities like getting mathematical 3D blocks out and torches/lights to create shadows.
You will be downloading a Powerpoint for a series of lessons that cover the following objectives, stated by the NCETM for Year 4:
1 Pupils represent counting in threes as the three times table
2 Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of three
3 Pupils use knowledge of the three times table to solve problems
4 Pupils represent counting in sixes as the six times table
5 Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of six
6 Pupils use knowledge of the six times table to solve problems
7 Pupils use known facts from the five times table to solve problems involving the six times table
8 Pupils explain the relationship between multiples of three and multiples of six
9 Pupils use knowledge of the relationships between the three and six times tables to solve problems
10 Pupils represent counting in nines as the nine times table
11 Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of nine (1)
12 Pupils explain the relationship between adjacent multiples of nine (2)
13 Pupils use known facts from the ten times table to solve problems involving the nine times table
14 Pupils explain the relationship between multiples of three and multiples of nine
15 Pupils explain the relationship between pairs of three and nine times table facts that have the same product (1)
16 Pupils explain the relationship between pairs of three and nine times table facts that have the same product (2)
17 Pupils use the divisibility rules for divisors of three
18 Pupils use the divisibility rules for divisors of six (1)
19 Pupils use the divisibility rules for divisors of six (2)
The learning objectives of the lessons included in the unit of work are:
1: Identify the multiplier and multiplicand
2: Count in and multiply by 3
3: Count in and multiply by 6
4: find the relationship between 3 and 6 times tables
5: count in and multiply by 9
6: Find links between the 3, 6 and 9 times table
7: Find links between the 3, 6 and 9 times table
8: Identify numbers divisible by 3, 6 and 9 times table.
9: Multiply 3 digit numbers together.
Each lesson follows the structure and has a slide for each step:
Address misconceptions
Guided practice
Talk task
Independent Practice
Next Step
Lessons come with accompanying worksheets that are structured into Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning tasks. Lessons are also accompanied by next steps which can be stuck into books.
The planning is heavily inspired by the NCETM but I have broken the lessons down into my own PowerPoints to ensure the steps taught are very small so all can access. This unit takes on a mastery approach to teaching maths and has been highly effective in my own classroom.
Included within the powerpoints are visual representations, small tasks for a ping-pong approach, stem sentences, high-level mathematical vocabulary, now/next/last visuals for SEN learners.
#ncetm #unit4 #year4 #mathsmastery =stemsentences #timestables
This unit of work is based on the planning of ‘Understanding Christianity’.It is the unit called: Salvation - Why do Christians call the day Jesus died as Good Friday?
This unit of work is all about Easter. The lessons include a range of activities such as:
Listening to stories
Writing a diary entry as Mary Magdalene
Creating a poster
Easter hunt
Art work
This unit of work is based off of the NCETM lesson spines and is aimed at Year 4. Some tasks have been taken from White Rose to meet the learning objectives from the NCETM.
There are two parts to this planning unit.
Lesson 1: Identify the whole and the parts
Lesson 2: Identify equal and unequal parts
Lesson 3: Construct the whole from one part
Lesson 1: Write mixed numbers
Lesson 2: Add and subtract mixed numbers from a part-whole model
Lesson 3: Add and subtract mixed numbers
Lesson 4: Label fractions on a number line
Lesson 5: Identify how many fractional parts make a whole
Lesson 6: Compare and order fractions on a number line
Lesson 7: Compare and order fractions
Lesson 8: Compare and order fractions with the same numerator
Lesson 9: Add fractions with the same denominator
Lesson 10: Subtract fractions with the same denominator
Lesson 11: Add and subtract fractions
Lesson 12: Identify equivalent fractions
Lesson 13: Identify equivalent fractions
Some of these lessons are intended to be purely practical, working with whiteboards and physical resources/manipulatives. This is stated on the first page of each lesson on the PowerPoint.
Lessons that are designed to be in books have tasks that are easily written into books by childen or come with a ‘Fluency, Problem-solving, Reasoning’ sheet to show clear progression. These lessons are provided with a ‘next step’ to move children on even further in their learning.
Each PowerPoint follows the structure of: Revisit, Address Misconceptions, Vocabulary, Focus, Guided Practice, Talk Task, Deepen, Independent Practise, Next Steps.
#ncetm #year4 #fractions #year4fractions #ks2 #ks2fractions #maths #mathsmastery #diagnosticquestions #stemsentences #mastery #progression #numerator #denominator #mixednumbers
Lessons are based on the VIPERS reading skills.
Attached in this unit if work are 28 questioning tasks that take you through the text.
There are Powerpoints made for the first 15 tasks.
The Powerpoints follow the structure of:
Talk Task
Independent Activity
Exit Pass
Each lesson was made to be taught to a Year 5 class based on the book Malamander by Thomas Taylor. However, this can be used in both Year 4 and Year 6.
#malamander #wholeclass #guidedreading #wholeclassguidedreading #thomastaylor #eerieonsea #year5 #year4 #year6
I am a maths specialist who consistently achieves excellent and rapid progress rates for my pupils. Here is the first unit of work of place value for Year 2. 18 full lessons with PowerPoints and lesson worksheets.
Lesson 1: Understand place value to 20 (not in books)
Lesson 2: Know 10 ones = 1 ten
Lesson 3: Represent multiples of ten (not in books)
Lesson 4: Represent multiples of ten
Lesson 5: Represent multiples of ten on a number line
Lesson 6: Represent multiples of ten using their names
Lesson 7: Compare numbers up to 100 (not in books)
Lesson 8: Compare numbers up to 100
Lesson 9: Identify addend and total (not in books)
Lesson 10: Use tens in a calculation
Lesson 11: Add and subtract tens up to 100
Lesson 12: Represent tens and ones on a number line
Lesson 13: Solve problems +and – 10 (not in books)
Lesson 14: Partition numbers up to 100 (not in books)
Lesson 15: Partition numbers up to 100
Lesson 16: Measure up to 100cm (not in books)
Lesson 17: Measure up to 100cm
Lesson 18: Count in 2s
Each lesson follows the structure and has a slide for each step:
Revisit (previous knowledge recap)
Address misconceptions
Vocabulary (key vocab that will be used in the lesson)
Focus (teacher teaches)
Guided practice (children do a short practical activity independently)
Talk task (discussion task)
Deepen (reasoning)
Independent Practice (children complete a task or worksheet)
Next Step (3 differentiated next steps available to stick into books)
Lessons come with accompanying worksheets that are structured into Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning tasks. Lessons are also accompanied by next steps which can be stuck into books. This means lessons show clear progression.
The planning is heavily inspired by the NCETM but I have broken the lessons down into my own PowerPoints to ensure the steps taught are very small so all can access. This unit takes on a mastery approach to teaching maths and has been highly effective in my own classroom. Key tasks, some slides and questions have been taken from a variety of sources including NCETM, White Rose, Diagnostic questions, Twinkl etc.
Included within the powerpoints are visual representations, small tasks for a ping-pong approach, stem sentences, high-level mathematical vocabulary, now/next/last visuals for SEN learners.
#year2 #mathsmastery #ncetm #placevalue #ks1maths #diagnosticquestions #whiterose #reasoning #problemsolving #fluency #unitofwork #readytoteach
This unit of work involves 10 lessons that are creative and go into depth in inferring from the text. This is a creative unit if work which requires less writing and more hands-on, illustrative work. It mostly follows the plan from the CPLE Power of Reading planning for this book. It is a good unit of work to do when returning to school from a holiday break.
PHYSICAL BOOK NOT NEEDED. A virtual copy of the book is inserted in the Powerpoint
Lesson 1 - Respond to illustrations
Lesson 2 - Understand how illustrations and text create mood
Lesson 3 - Explore and illustrate a character
Lesson 4 - Write a poem about a lion
Lesson 5 - Illustrate a page in the book
Lesson 6 - Explore events and characters’ thoughts
Lesson 7 - Reflect on how characters are feeling
Lesson 8 - Write a diary as a character
Lesson 9 - Analyse impactful words
Lesson 10 - Communicate a mesage
All lessons are saved into one PowerPoint for efficient downloading.
Each lesson is clearly stated in the Powerpoint.
The book can be accessed online via Youtube.
#howtobealion #edvere #cple #powerofreading #ks1 #ks2 #year1 #year2 #year3 #year4 #writing #english #unit
used as a stimulus for writing a job application
Spy Kids stimulus
Smart notes goes through a process of thinking about what the children’s skills are, what experience in secret agent work they have done before (imaginative thinking) and shows appropriate letter structure.
This unit if work is inspired by the NCETM unit of work for Year 4 - Unit 2 - Numbers to 10,000
Most resources and slides are made by myself but some high quality activities have been clipped from NCETM and White Rose.
The objectives covered per lesson are as follows:
Know what 1000 is made up of (representations up to 1000)
Use knowledge of 1000 to explain and measure conversions
Add multiples of 10
Add multiples of 100
Use knowledge of 1000 to add and subtract
Compare numbers to 10,000
Identify and estimate numbers on a number line
Round to the nearest 1000
Round to the nearest 100
Apply rounding to problems
Add and subtract four digits
Know how many 25’s and 50’s make 1000
This unit of work cross-teaches many topics in maths and includes a lot of capacity and measure problems.
Each lesson follows the lesson slide structure of:
Address misconception
Talk Task
Guided Practice
Next steps (if it aimed to be a lesson that goes into books, which most are)
Learning objectives:
Identify place value
Use column addition with regrouping
Use column addition with regrouping
Use column addition with regrouping twice
Decide on mental or written strategies
Solve addition problems
Identify minuend and subtrahend
Use column subtraction
Use column subtraction
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with one exchange
Use column subtraction with two exchanges
This is the unit of work is the unit I taught my class at the beginning of the year of Year 4 to recap and re-teach addition and subtraction and deepen further into exchanging.
Each lesson follows the lesson structure of:
Revisit slide
Address misconception
Vocabulary (needed for the lesson ie. addend plus added is equal to the difference)
Guided Practice
Talk Task
Independent Practice
The independent practice slide has first/next/last’ sections to encourage children’s independence.
This unit of work is inspired by and based off of the planning from the Emmanuel Project which is attached in these downloads.
There are 6 lessons in this unit of work. There is a range of activites such as: arts and crafts, writing, labeling, and a treasure hunt.
This unit of work has been taught for two years and has been successful each time.
Although this is based off of a KS1 planning unit this has also successfully been taught to lower key stage 2.
#judaism #jewish #RE #religion #simchattorah #torah #moses #KS1 #KS2 #emmanuelproject