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AQA English Language Paper 1: Q3 The Great Gatsby
100 minute lesson focused on AQA Q3 (structure)
Two PPTs included - adapted for different classes
AQA English Language Paper 1: Section A (Neverwhere)
Lesson focused on Language Paper 1 section A revision
Romeo and Juliet SOW
SOW designed for Year 10 students studying Romeo and Juliet for the AQA English Literature GCSE
Language Analysis Extracts: Part 1
Short exercises/tasks focused on short extracts from Literature - 15 in total
Each PPT specific to extract (extract included in PPT)
Designed for Years 9-11
Language Lesson: AQA Jamaica Inn
Lesson focused on Q2 and Q5 using Jamaica Inn as a resource
Lesson was made for lower ability year 9 students during an introduction to English language unit
But easily adaptable
4 Transaction Writing Lessons (AQA)
4 lessons based on exploring transactional writing for AQA English Language Paper 2
Lessons cover article x2, letter, speeches
KS3 Writing Lessons
A series of 100 minute writing lesson for KS3
200 Word/Writing Challenges: KS3
31 200 word challenges. Aimed at providing general knowledge and cultural capital.
Language Analysis Extracts: Part 2
Short exercises/tasks focused on short extracts from Literature - 18 in total
Each PPT specific to extract (extract included in PPT)
Designed for Years 9-11
KS3: Cry Freedom SOW
SOW based on the film ‘Cry Freedom’
Watching the film is broken down with questions and is designed to have students engage with topics surrounding racism.
AQA Language Paper 1 extracts
2 extracts based on AQA Language Paper 1
Extracts are shorter than the exam length (20-25 lines long)
Bringing Up The Bodies - Q2 and Q3
The Island of Missing Trees - Q2, Q3, Q4
AQA English Language Paper 2 - Climate Change
Lesson exploring questions 3 and 4 of AQA Language Paper 2.
Q5 task included (1 slide)
Source A: David Attenborough COP26 Climate Summit Glasgow Speech Transcript
Source B: Speech - Climate change: too true to be good. Speech by Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency Royal Society of Arts, 24 September 2018
AQA Language Paper 1 Q3 - Structure (lower ability)
A 100 minute lesson based on the structure question of Language Paper 1 (AQA)
This was designed as their first lesson to attempt the question
Students range from target grades of 2 to 4 - including SEN studfents, students with ECHP and early stage EAL
Extract has been edited from the original text for the students - Jurassic Park chapter 48 (kitchen scene)
Also included translations of the PPT and extract in Ukrainian, Turkish and Italian
Antigone - KS3 SOW
SOW on Antigone by Sophocles
7 100 minute lessons using the Cambridge Companion text (link published below for edition)
Originally aimed at Year 7 (stretch and challenge) but easily adaptable
Lessons based on some resources used in SOW below. Published with permission from original author
Edition used for page numbers: Cambridge Editions - ISBN 9780521010733
KS3: WW1 Poetry Lessons
Lessons exploring different poems centered around the First World War. 9 Lessons - 100 minutes in length
KS3: WW1 Poetry 'To Germany'
Lesson exploring the poem ‘To Germany’. Aimed at Year 9.
Romeo and Juliet lower ability abridged booklet
Booklet created for KS3 lower ability (initial class has reading ages of below 10yrs old)
Booklet is an abridged version of the play - scenes have been cut down in places, some scenes skipped but includes a summary of any events missed.
Retrieval questions for each scene studied are included.
Booklet was designed to accompany lessons - not to be taught alone
PDF copy - full version: play and questions
Word version: play only
Word version: questions only
Writing a letter to persuade
Lesson aimed at KS3 on writing a persuasive letter.
Topic of the letter is whether the sixth caryatid in the British Museum should be returned to Greece.
Created as an interview lesson (was successful!)
AQA Language Paper 1 - The Lost World
Exam paper based on an extract from Jurassic Park: The Lost World by Michael Crichton.
PDF copy of the full paper styled as an AQA paper - read to print as a booklet and includes lines (same amount as an AQA paper)
Word doc copies of extract and questions (no lines) for editing
PPT of lessons for teaching Section A