
Jaffa cakes case and Pringles case analysed - Essay
Essay on How dynamic is corporate law? This included a deep analysis of two cases the McVities Jaffa Cakes VAT tribunal in 1991 and the three-part Procter and Gamble Co Pringles case. Includes full details of both cases arguments made final judgements in court and what this means for the law.

AS History Timeline Tudors
Timeline of early Tudors. Event along with date, over 80 dates covering Henry the 7th and 8th.

Notes on Documentary Asbridge Part 1
Notes on the 1st crusade some quotes and mostly specific information, total 3 pages.

Notes on Documentary Asbridge Part 2
Notes on the 3rd crusade some quotes and mostly specific information, total of 3 pages.

Crusades - Early Latin - Establishment and Consolidation
Some brief notes on the crusader states and how they survived.

United Nation General Assembly November 1947
Key notes on the UN general assembly that agreed on the partition plan for Palestine in 1947.

GCSE History Coursework Full A* Essay on Civil Rights
Assess the significance of Montgomery Bus Boycott in the struggle for civil rights in the USA? received 48/50 A*. Essay Example to use as template.

GCSE History Key dates - German Depth, Cold War and Vietnam
Key dates month and year for key moments in German Depth, Cold War and Vietnam. 3 pages and about 50 dates perfect for revision.

A-Level History - 3rd Crusade Detailed Revison Sheet
Why was the 3rd Crusade a success?
Planed out and detailed notes needed to answer the above question. Including dates and specific knowledge. Very detailed over 1200 words and 4 pages includes Audita tremendi- 1187, Saladin’s Weakness, Iconium, Sicily, Cyprus, Acre , The March to Jaffa, The Battle of Arsuf and more.

History - Nazi and Weimar Germany 1918-1949 Board Game with corresponding detailed answers
Board game for GCSE students goes through Nazi and Weimar Germany from 1918-1949. Fun way to learn. Incudes detailed answer sheet with dates and acrostics to help learn key factors. Well structured and easy to use for revision purposes.

Crusade State Info
Some specific knowledge on the crusader states including castles, Templars, Military Orders, support from the west and some quotes by historians.

Conflict over the western wall - Detailed notes
Detailed notes which include specific dates in a timeline, all key info and effects in a nice format.

Black Death Worksheet
5 Pages
Includes 2 quizzes one multiple choice and one which requires detailed answers. The answers to the quizzes are also provided. There are also 12 sources which students analyse deeply with the question provided .

Tudors - A-level Potential Questions Planned Out
Over 20 potential tudors paper question planned out with points, evidence, counter evidence and rebuttal highlighted for every question. Very detailed about 6000 words. Questions cover:
Henry VII e.g How successfully did Henry VII deal with the domestic problems he faced?
Wolsey e.g Assess the reasons for Wolsey’s Rise to power?
Henry VIII e.g Henry’s foreign policy 1509-25 brought little benefit to England. How far do you agree?

Boer War - Detailed Notes
Notes on the first Boer war and detailed notes on the second Boer war. Includes key individuals and groups, causes, events and consequences. 4 pages.

Tudors Whole Specification simplified type up - History AS
Includes extremely detailed notes on the whole topic, timeline, key events and explanations. Friendly format with tables and grouped by topic. Perfect for revision and quick reference.
Total of 40 pages and 10,000 words VERY DETAILED for those looking to get an A.
Topic Included:
Henry VII - Rebellion, Limiting the power of the nobility, Finance and Foreign Policy
Henry VIII - Wolsey, Annulment, Religious changes and End of Henry VIII Reign (how far was there a crisis)
Edward and Mary - Religious changes (separated by monarch), rebellions, Financial crisis (Socio-economic), Dynastic Challenges and Foreign Policy