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The Tempest By Shakespeare - Context and Theory
Some context and theory on The Tempest including key contextual links to other books and more. Also, some analysis points.

Market failure - How to answer a question?
Goes through steps needed to answer a market failure question. A template for student to use to answer the question.

Jaffa cakes case and Pringles case analysed - Essay
Essay on How dynamic is corporate law? This included a deep analysis of two cases the McVities Jaffa Cakes VAT tribunal in 1991 and the three-part Procter and Gamble Co Pringles case. Includes full details of both cases arguments made final judgements in court and what this means for the law.

Poetry Analysis - Technical Terminology
About 35 different terms with definitions and examples which can be used to analyse poetry.

Fruits of the spirit - Goodness
Brief Lesson Plan includes verses, biblical example and lesson to us.

Fruits of the spirit - Prayer
Verse and prayer for all nine fruits of the spirit.

A-Level Maths - C1 Equations bank
Full set of equations and key notes in c1. Very detailed a total of 5 pages and 820 words. Clearly set out so easy to use. Use as an aid for revision, learning and practice questions. Can be used with Pearson's c1 book.

A-Level Maths C2 - Equations Bank
Full set of equations and key notes in c2 Chapter 1-4. Very detailed a total of 3 pages and 352 words. Clearly set out so easy to use. Use as an aid for revision, learning and practice questions. Can be used with Pearson's c2 book.
Chapter 1 – Algebra and functions
Chapter 2 – The sine rule and the cosine rule
Chapter 3 – Exponential and logarithms
Chapter 4 – Coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane

AS History Timeline Tudors
Timeline of early Tudors. Event along with date, over 80 dates covering Henry the 7th and 8th.

GCSE Media - Sci-Fi Key Terms and Theorists with Movie example bank
Detailed explanation of each term or theory perfect for revision, movie bank that explains each movie and how it relates to sci-fi genre. Total 4 pages 1041 words
Blumber and Kats
Laura Mulvey
Edward Said
Dr Murray Brown
and many more

Notes on Documentary Asbridge Part 1
Notes on the 1st crusade some quotes and mostly specific information, total 3 pages.

Encouraging Quotes Powerpoint
Calm PowerPoint that is encouraging to student good for an assembly activity.

Notes on Documentary Asbridge Part 2
Notes on the 3rd crusade some quotes and mostly specific information, total of 3 pages.