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Classifying Animals Activity Booklet
A science booklet for students studying animal classification. It describes and explains the distinguishing features of plants and animals. It also focuses on the classification of vertebrates and invertebrates as well as the characteristics of the main animal groups including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, molluscs, insects and annelids . The booklet includes a variety of different activities on classifying animals. 8 pages.
Complete with solutions.
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A great accompaniment to the above product:
Classifying Animals Task Cards
Classifying Animals Card Sort
Classifying Animals PowerPoint Presentation
Classifying Animals Tarsia Puzzle
Classifying Animals Fact Fan
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Dichotomous Keys
A science booklet for students studying classification. The activity booklet describes and explains not only how to use dichotomous keys, but also how to design and create them.
Students have the opportunity to use a dichotomous key to identify various animals as well as to make two original keys; one for superheroes and superheroines and one for Halloween ghouls and monsters. 10 pages.
Sample preview available at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dichotomous-keys-preview-11181715
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Football Fanatic Spreadsheet Project
A complete package of resources suitable for teaching introductory spreadsheets to Key Stage 3 students.
The package contains:
Football Fanatic Sporting Spreadsheets Activity Book [Covers formatting, formulas, functions and charts: 19 pages]
Stupendous Soccer Top Up Tasks Activity Book [Review, consolidation and extension activities: 8 pages]
Football Fanatic Evaluation Booklet [Self and Peer evaluation and target setting booklet: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Review Booklet [Spreadsheet review and revision activities: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Order of Operations Booklet [Review activities for Order of Operations: 4 pages]
Sporting Spreadsheets Spreadsheet Test [End of topic test: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Internet Research Activity [Internet research focusing on all things football; players, teams, history, managers, etc. : 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Excel Spreadsheets [Completed spreadsheet file containing worksheets for the activities]
Football Fanatic Digital Spreadsheets Crossword [An interactive crossword created with Microsoft Excel]
Football Fanatic Digital Formula review [An interactive formula review game created with Microsoft PowerPoint]
Football Fanatic Scheme of Learning [11 lessons covered]

Deadly Dinosaurs Internet Research Activity
An Internet research activity focusing on dinosaurs. Questions cover a variety of weird and wonderful facts about dinosaurs and palaeontologists.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic review. 5 pages in total. Complete with solutions.
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Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Amazing Animals Internet Research Activity
An Internet research activity focusing on the animal kingdom. Questions cover a variety of curious and interesting facts about amazing animals.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 5 pages long.
Includes an answer key.
If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Sporting Spectacular
An Internet research activity focusing on all things sporting. Questions cover topics on football, cricket, basketball, hockey, cycling, tennis, etc. Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 4 pages long.

Secretive Spies Internet Research Activity
An Internet research activity focusing on spies and espionage. Questions cover topics on spies, spy agencies, spy movies and other facts and figures.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic introduction. Five pages in total including solutions.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Mesmerising Movies
An Internet research activity focusing on films. Questions cover topics on actors, directors, characters, movies and other facts and figures. Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 4 pages long.

Space and Gravity
Complete KS3 activity book for space and gravity topics. 24 pages of activities. Covers the following:
1. Mass, weight and gravity calculations
2. Gravitational attraction and forces
3. Models of the Solar System [Geocentric and Heliocentric]
4. Famous astronomers
5. Origin of the Earth's moon
6. Integrated stellar spreadsheet activity on the planets
7. Artificial and natural satellites
8. Word searches and crossword puzzle

Digital Devices Activity Booklet
An activity booklet introducing students to computer storage and the different types of digital devices [input and output].
Students complete a range of activities on computer storage and the different types. It also focuses on the different types of input and output devices used with computers.
Comes complete with an answer key.
Includes an overview of the following:
Storage units [bytes through to exabytes]
Types of storage
Input devices
Output devices
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Computer Science Word Searches
A selection of 10 word searches covering a variety of computer science topics including:
Tech Terms
Digital Devices
Complete with solutions.
Great as lesson starters, vocabulary reviews or plenaries.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

World War ZZ Genetics
A zombie themed genetics’ activity booklet. Contains genetics’ terms and Punnett square practice problems on each of the following monohybrid crosses:
Dominant and recessive traits
Incomplete dominance
Sex-linked crosses
Comes complete with an answer key.
If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
A great accompaniment and support for the above resource.
Genetics Allele Dice
Genetics Punnetts and Pedigrees Task Cards
Genetics Task Cards
Genetics Greek Mythology
Genetics Superheroes
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Spectacular Solar System Internet Research Activity
A research and review activity booklet focusing on the Solar System. Questions cover topics on the planets, famous astronomers and other celestial facts and figures. 4 pages long.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic review. Comes complete with an answer key.
If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Year 9 Science Word Searches
A selection of 12 word searches covering a variety of science topics including:
1. Inheritance and Selection
2. Fit and Healthy
3. Plants and Photosynthesis
4. Plants for Food
5. Reactions of Metals
6. Patterns of Reactivity
7. Environmental Chemistry
8. Using Chemistry
9. Energy and Electricity
10. Gravity and Space
11. Speeding Up
12. Pressure and Moment
Complete with solutions.
If you would like updates on free and new products please follow me by clicking the 'Follow Me' link above.
Great accompaniments to this product:
Science Word Searches Book 1
Science Word Searches Book 2
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Year 8 Science Word Searches
A selection of 12 word searches covering a variety of science topics including:
Food and Digestion
Microbes and Disease
Ecological Relationships
Atoms and Elements
Compounds and Mixtures
Rocks and Weathering
The Rock Cycle
Heating and Cooling
Magnets and Electromagnets
Sound and Hearing.
Complete with solutions.
If you would like updates on free and new products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
Great accompaniments to this product:
Year 7 Science Word Searches
Year 9 Science Word Searches
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Year 7 Science Word Searches
A selection of 12 science word searches covering a variety of science topics including:
1. Cells
2. Reproduction
3. Environment and Feeding Relationships
4. Variation and Classification
5. Acids & Alkalis
6. Simple Chemical Reactions
7. Solids, Liquids and Gases
8. Solutions
9. Energy Resources
10. Electrical Circuits
11. Forces and their Effects
12. Solar System and Beyond.
Complete with solutions.
If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the 'Follow Me' link above.
Great accompaniments to this product:
Year 8 Science Word Searches
Year 9 Science Word Searches
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Dragon Alley Spreadsheet Test
A spreadsheet test designed to assess students’ understanding and application of formulas and functions as well as using spreadsheets for modelling different scenarios.
Includes a spreadsheet for students to input formulas and functions.

File Management Activity Booklet
A computer science activity which helps students to gain a better understanding of how to effectively organise their document files as well as an overview of the different file types and file extensions they may encounter.
Other resources in this series:
Digital Devices Activity Booklet
Introduction to Databases Activity Booklet
Introduction to Spreadsheets Activity Booklet
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage