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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Albert Speer and the wartime economy  | A Level

Albert Speer and the wartime economy | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the impact of Albert Speer in armaments production. The lesson begins with a recap of the policies previously mentioned of Hjalmar Schacht and Goering in his Four Year Plan. Students will assess how much of an impact their policies had preparing Germany for war and if the German economy was on the verge of collapse before from 1942. Students will learn about the background of Speer and how he implemented reforms and efficiency to turn the economy around with his appointment as Armaments Minister and War production. There is some source analysis to complete together with a true or false quiz at the end of the lesson. The exam practice will allow students to evaluate the successes of Speer’s policies as well as questioning deep rooted divisions and problems within the economy, which were unreconcilable and ultimately led to its collapse with the defeat of Nazi Germany. The lesson is quite literacy heavy and may have to be delivered over two lessons. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi policies towards Jewish people 1940-1941 | A Level

Nazi policies towards Jewish people 1940-1941 | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the reasons behind the radicalisation of Nazi policies towards Jewish people in the years 1940-41. The scene is set with the outbreak of war, the invasion of the Soviet Union and further restrictions placed on Jewish people in Germany. Students follow a flow diagram of events with questions posed throughout. There is also a case study of the Warsaw Ghetto and its uprising. They are then introduced to the Einsatzgruppen, what their key aims were and the possible actions they carried out in a true or false quiz. Further information, including whether the group were ‘ordinary men’ or ‘willing executioners’ is examined before students complete a quiz to check their understanding and consolidate their learning. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi policies towards Jewish people, 1938-1940 | A Level

Nazi policies towards Jewish people, 1938-1940 | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the short and long term impacts of key events upon the Jewish community between 1938-40 such as the Anschluss, Kristallnacht, emigration and the invasion and Poland. Students begin the lesson by analysing the events of the Anschluss and the impact upon the Jewish community living in Austria. They are also required to match up a number of statements on the significance of decrees passed in Germany leading up to Kristallnacht and discuss why this event was pivotal for the Jewish people in Germany and Europe. Further analysis of voluntary and forced emigration within Germany and the key figures of Heydrich and Eichmann will give the students an in-depth and rounded study of the period, together with details of the flawed Madagascar plan. The lesson will culminate with a final assessment of the invasion of Poland will require them to prioritise the most important reasons for a change in policy towards the Jewish question in Europe. There is a thinking hats plenary to finish with some exam question practice, complete with markscheme finishes the lesson. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi policies towards Jewish people, 1933-1937 | A Level

Nazi policies towards Jewish people, 1933-1937 | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the growing discrimination and persecution of Jewish people in Nazi Germany between 1933-7. Students begin by evaluating some Nazi propaganda posters and a source from an eye witness account to gain an understanding of the changing Nazi policy towards Jewish people. They will also learn about the different laws and measures introduced and how these impacted upon the Jewish community living in Germany. There is also a focus on the Nuremberg Laws and their impending impact. I have also included who was classed as a Jewish person in Germany and how this applied through their ancestry, rather than heritage. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Minorities groups under the Nazis | A Level

Minorities groups under the Nazis | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the reasons behind the systematic persecution of minority groups in German society. Whilst the Nazis aimed to create a unified and homogeneous national community by promoting a sense of collective identity among “racially pure” Germans, students will find that this idea was based on the exclusion of those deemed “racially inferior” or politically undesirable. Students are introduced to the theory of eugenics and the significance of this theory when applied to this persecution. Students learn about the policies towards different minorities including Roma and Sinti peoples, disabled, homosexuals, religious groups and the Euthanasia programme set up in Berlin. There are tasks to complete throughout including prioritisation exercises, key questions and source analysis. The lesson is quite literacy heavy and may have to be delivered over two lessons. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Hardwick Hall

Hardwick Hall

This guide is aimed at students to help them study, revise and be prepared for the AQA Elizabethan Historic Environment question for 2025. I have broken down the main details into manageable chunks using the 5 w’s of what, where, when, why and who , This guide has been revised from my 2018 version and focuses on the main concepts of location, function, structure, design, people connected to it, the culture, values and fashions of the time and how the site links to important events of the period. I have also included all the key information needed such as Bess’s background and status, the latest in fashions and the designing of Hardwick Hall as well as its furnishings and garden layout. Please note that many of the pictures from the AQA guidance on Hardwick Hall are not included due to copyright. Please feel free to therefore adapt the guide and include them. Any reviews on this resource would be greatly appreciated
Women in Nazi Germany | A Level

Women in Nazi Germany | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to decide to what extent the Nazis achieved their aims towards women in Nazi Germany. Students are forewarned about how views today cannot be applied back then and therefore Nazi policies towards women, as misogynistic as they were, would not necessarily have been rejected but welcomed by women. Some source analysis using images and text begin the lesson, as students gauge what Nazi policies were towards women in 1930’s Germany. They are questioned on policies to raise the birth rate as well as the organisational apparatus established to do this. There is a case study of Gertrude Sholtz-Klink before students evaluate the successes or failing of these Nazi policies. The plenary uses talking heads to decide who would have said what and why at the time. There is some exam practice to finish focusing on the aims of the lesson, complete with a markscheme and help if needed. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 3

Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 3

10 Resources
AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 Nazi Dictatorship 1933-39 I have produced this bundle of resources on the beginnings of the Nazi Dictatorship 1933-39 to help A Level students gain a deeper understanding of Germany’s past and the establishment of a Dictatorship. The enquiry question throughout these lessons will be evaluate how much of a totalitarian state Germany became under the Nazis. Students will learn about the impact of the Night of the Long Knives and the significance Hindenburg’s death had on Hitler’s consolidation of power. They will also explore the mechanisms and apparatus Hitler installed to provoke fear and ensure compliance among the population, including the roles of the Gestapo and SS. Students will assess the effectiveness of Nazi propaganda in controlling public perception and opinion., the economic policies of the Four Year Plan and autarky and the impact upon workers of the DAF, Strength Through Joy and Beauty of Labour programmes. Finally students will analyse the efficacy of social policies on the young and women and decide how successfully the Churches were brought into line and replaced with the Nazis version of Christianity. The resources provided include detailed lesson plans, case studies, source documents for analysis, chronological tasks and exam practice questions with comprehensive mark schemes. The lessons are as follows: L1 One Party State (Free resource) L2 The Night of the Long Knives L3 The Terror State L4 Early Opposition L5 Propaganda L6 Economic Policy L7 Youth Groups L8 Women L9 Workers L10 The Churches The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
Nazi one party state | A level

Nazi one party state | A level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to question to what extent the Nazis created a totalitarian state. Students begin by learning Hitler’s ideal of a totalitarian state and how he dealt with the existing political parties. They will also discover how laws passed centrally dissolved the independence and power of the state assemblies. There are some key questions to answer about the revamp of the civil service and the impact of the death of Hindenburg for the German state. The plenary is an old favourite using the octagon and checking the learning from the lesson. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi economy | A Level

Nazi economy | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to question whether the Nazi economic miracle between 1933-9 was merely a propaganda myth. The exam practice question is introduced from the start and revisited throughout to check judgement and understanding. Students are introduced to the economic policies of Hjalmar Schacht and how he managed to stimulate the economy through for example building homes and autobahns, mefo bills and tax concessions. Students soon discover how Hitler’s meddling and appointment of Hermann Goering to the Four Year Plan, spelt disaster for the economy. Through a variety of tasks including a true or false quiz, a positive or negative challenge and plotting on a graph, they soon build up a picture of what the reality was for the economy despite the contrary messages from propaganda. The plenary requires them to describe, explain, list,correct or erase the learning from the lesson. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi policies towards the Churches | A Level

Nazi policies towards the Churches | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the success of Nazi efforts to coordinate the Churches in Germany. This lesson is split into two. The first part focuses on the Catholic Church and students begin by being given the context to Hitler’s Catholic background, Catholicism in Germany pre-1933 and why he believed the Catholic Church proved a threat to the volksgemeinschaft. Students then have to analyse Nazi policies towards the Catholic Church, such as the Concordat and rank them in order severity. They also have to decide how these policies weakened the power and influence of the Church. There are case studies on the Pope which investigate the Pope’s actions and responses to Hitler ,as well as the significance and the resistance of Cardinal Galen This section concludes with some source analysis, focusing on the tone used in the language of two sources before the students have to decide the successes or failings of these coordinating policies. The second half of the lesson introduces students to the importance and history of the Protestant Church in Germany. Students identify which Nazi policies might align with Protestant Church interests. before completing a chronological task on the policies introduced by the Nazis and their attempt to create a Reich Church. There are case studies on Martin Niemoller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, their actions and opposition to the Nazis and the setting up of their Confessional Church. Students can then complete some exam question practice with a comprehensive markscheme to help if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi policies towards workers | A Level

Nazi policies towards workers | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson to evaluate the success of Nazi policies towards its workers in creating a volksgemeinschaft. Students are introduced to the DAF and its leader Robert Ley. They analyse its aims and policies in encouraging workers to increase production. They are then given a number of statements which they will RAG rate (Red, Amber, Green) which will enable them to evaluate the successes or failings of the organisation. They also learn about the Strength Through Joy programme and again have to analyse its strengths and weaknesses. Some source analysis and skills at the end of the lesson will prepare the students for some source exam practice with help and guidance given if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Hitler Youth | A Level

Hitler Youth | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 This lesson questions to what extent the Nazis achieved their aims in relation to young people. The lesson begins with an introduction to the youth of Germany and their importance, both girls and boys, within the Volksgemeinschaft. Students then analyse the aims of the Nazis education policy, its education and youth leaders and are then questioned over the role education played within Nazi Germany. The lesson then switches to the Hitler Youth and similarly the students have to answer a number of questions relating to its policies and aims. A graph of the membership of the Hitler Youth is also evaluated as with youth successes and failings. Some exam question practice will consolidate learning at the end of the lesson, which also includes Youth opposition to Hitler’s policies, so that the aims of the lesson can be addressed. There is a comprehensive markscheme included if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi Propaganda | A Level

Nazi Propaganda | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess how much of a threat early opposition to the Nazis was. From the off, students have to decide and give reasons why there would be political, worker, Church and youth opposition. They then have to complete some source scholarship from an SS article, promoting total allegiance and devotion of the state. The main task is to analyse the different forms of early opposition giving reasons for why and how resistance was shown, as well as the Nazis reaction to it A headline plenary will aid the consolidation of learning from the lesson. There is some source exam practice to complete if required, with help given together with a generic markscheme. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Early opposition to the Nazis | A Level

Early opposition to the Nazis | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess how much of a threat early opposition to the Nazis posed. From the off, students have to decide and give reasons why there would be political, worker, Church and youth opposition. They then have to complete some source scholarship from an SS article, promoting total allegiance and devotion of the state. The main task is to analyse the different forms of early opposition giving reasons for why and how resistance was shown, as well as the Nazis reaction to it A headline plenary will aid the consolidation of learning from the lesson. There is some source exam practice to complete if required, with help given together with a generic markscheme. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
The Nazi Terror State | A Level

The Nazi Terror State | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to evaluate the extent to which the Nazis created a totalitarian state Students learn how the Nazis ‘reformed’ the police system, increased the activities of the SS, SD and Gestapo and controlled the courts and judicial system. They will complete group work, with detailed information provided, ready to present their findings to the class and justify the extent of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany. The plenary will require the students to make newspaper headlines from their learning. The lesson is quite literacy heavy and may have to be delivered over two lessons. There is some exam practice to be completed at the end, with a focused markscheme provided if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Night of the Long Knives | A Level

Night of the Long Knives | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the short and long term impact of the Night of the Long Knives for Hitler and the Nazis Students begin by analysing a speech by Hitler and his thoughts on a ‘Second Revolution’ They learn about the rise of the SA and are given the profile of Ernst Rohm and his increasing power. Students have to decide through a number of choices as to why the SA were a growing threat to Hitler There is a colour coding task to complete on the events of the 30th June together with its aftermath. Finally students have to justify the most important reasons and significance of the events before tackling a source based practice question, with help given if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 2

Democracy and Nazi Germany A Level Bundle, Part 2

8 Resources
AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The Collapse of Democracy 1928-1933 I have produced this bundle of resources on the collapse of democracy in Germany 1928-1933 to help A Level students gain a deeper understanding of Germany’s past and the collapse of democracy. The enquiry question throughout these lessons will be to evaluate how unstable Germany was, politically, socially and economically. Students will learn how the impact of the Wall Street Crash and the Depression a profound effect on the stability of the Weimar Republic and the significance of the rise of extremism as a direct consequence. They will also learn about the appeal of Communism as well as Nazism and how electoral support for them changed throughout the early 1930s. Students will evaluate backstairs intrigue as a succession of Chancellors failed to gain the support needed to effectively rule the country and how Hitler manipulated those around him to be appointed Chancellor in 1933. Finally students will analyse Hitler’s first Cabinet, the significance of the Reichstag Fire and how democracy ceased to exit as Nazis began to create a one party state. The resources provided include detailed lesson plans, case studies, source documents for analysis, chronological tasks and exam practice questions with comprehensive mark schemes. The lessons are as follows: L1 The Wall Street Crash and Great Depression L2 The Collapse of the Grand Coalition L3 The appeal of Nazis L4 The appeal of Communism L5 Papen’s Cabinet of Barons L6 General Schleicher and backstairs intrigue L7 Hitler’s first cabinet (free resource) L8 The use of terror in 1933 The lessons include the two types of exam question used, with examples of how to tackle them, using model answers, helpful hints and tips, structuring and scaffolding as well as markschemes. However, please refer to the AQA website for further assessment materials as they are subject to copyright. The lessons are also differentiated and fully resourced and allow students to reach the very top marks. Democracy and Nazi Germany Part 3 resources can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/democracy-and-nazi-germany-a-level-bundl-part-3-13059603 If you have any questions about the lessons, please email me via my TES shop, or any other information about the course. I would also welcome any reviews, which would be gratefully appreciated.
The Hitler Cabinet | A Level

The Hitler Cabinet | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the reasons why Hindenburg felt confident enough to appoint Hitler as his Chancellor. Students are given the context, the details of Hitler first cabinet and the key people within it. They are questioned as to the pitfalls Hitler might face and the obstacles thrown up by the constitution. A gap filling exercise and some source analysis will help to consolidate the learning from the lesson. The 3-2-1 plenary will ascertain the learning from the lesson An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.
Nazi use of terror in 1933 | A Level

Nazi use of terror in 1933 | A Level

AQA GCE A Level Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1918-45 The aim of this lesson is to assess the use of Nazi terror in enabling Hitler to consolidate his power in 1933. Students begin with some source scholarship using a primary source to describe the evening of 30th January. The lesson is then split over six parts: i) Nazi violence against political opponents ii) the Reichstag Fire ii) the use of legal powers iv) the March election of 1933 v) the Enabling Act vi) the Pact of 1933. This lesson will therefore be delivered over two with regard to the large amount of content to cover. Students are questioned throughout the activities, including a case study on the Reichstag Fire as to whether it was a deliberate act. Students will be given a number of sources to evaluate to come to their own conclusions. The lesson also includes a plenary on deciphering some of the key words used in the lesson as well as some source exam practice, with help given if required. An enquiry question posed at the beginning of the lesson will be revisited throughout to track the progress of learning during the lesson and the subsequent unit of work. The lesson is available in PowerPoint format and can be customised to suit specific needs. It is differentiated and includes suggested teaching strategies.