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I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.




I am a History Teacher with a love for producing high quality and easily accessible history lessons, which I have accumulated and adapted for over 20 years of my teaching career. I appreciate just how time consuming teaching now is and the difficulty of constantly producing resources for an ever changing curriculum.
Evacuation of Dunkirk

Evacuation of Dunkirk

World War II This lesson aims to evaluate if the evacuation of Dunkirk was a success or failure. By the end of the lesson, students will have made up their own minds and be able to give their own interpretations of the events of May 1940. Using video and film footage of the time as well recent accounts from veterans, students will be able to recognise and understand why there is a difference between contemporary and modern versions of the evacuation. They will also study a range of sources both visual and written and then judge which were most accurate and why, again focusing on contemporary as well as modern day accounts. In conclusion, they will write up their findings in an extended written task. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Victorian Police

Victorian Police

The Industrial Revolution The aim of this lesson to assess why and how Britain adopted a police force in the Nineteenth Century. Students will be posed a number of questions throughout the lesson including: *Why was there a need for a police force in England and Wales? Why did the Government set up the Metropolitan Police Force which later spread throughout the country? How did the population react to such a force and was there support or opposition to it? How were the police initially equipped o take on their roles and what qualifications did you need to join the police. * Students will analyse these questions through visual images, written prose, a true or false quiz, video evidence, source analysis and a question thinking quilt. They will also evaluate the effectiveness of the police force throughout and by using causational equations at the end of the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Mary, Queen of Scots | KS3

Mary, Queen of Scots | KS3

The Tudors This lesson poses the question ‘How much of a threat did Mary, Queen of Scots pose to Elizabeth I?’ Students are taken through Mary’s life from becoming Queen of Scotland to the controversy of her husbands and her eventual house arrest in England. Through sources, visual and video evidence, students have conclude how much of a threat Mary posed to Elizabeth, after pleading their case through the eyes of Mary herself. There is some help to write an extended answer using key words which help mention cause and effect, to sequence events and to emphasise judgements. There is also analysis of the Babington Plot and a deciphering exercise to work out on how Mary was implicated. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Doctors and surgery in the Middle Ages

Doctors and surgery in the Middle Ages

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c.1000 to present This lesson aims to assess how much the medical knowledge doctors and surgeons had. Surgery was of course limited without effective painkillers and bleeding whilst shock and infection were common. Students learn the various treatments on offer from wise women, quacks and barber surgeons and in turn rate each treatment and its effectiveness, justifying and concluding why this is. The lesson also includes a thinking quilt and a GCSE practice question where students critique an answer and suggest ways to improve it, using specific skills when answering a ‘usefulness’ 8 mark question. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
English Civil War Bundle

English Civil War Bundle

14 Resources
I have created a set of resources for ‘the causes and events of the civil wars throughout Britain’ which comes under the development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509-1745 in the National Curriculum. These lessons are also useful if you are studying this period at GCSE (such as AQA 9-1 GCSE Power and the People and OCR Explaining the Modern World) Each lesson comes with suggested teaching and learning strategies and are linked to the latest historical interpretations and debate from the BBC and other sources. The lessons are fully adaptable in Powerpoint format and can be changed to suit. I have included a couple of free lessons to give an idea of what is being offered. The lessons are broken down into the following: L1 Who was James I? L2 The Gunpowder Plot L3 Who was Charles I L4 The Causes of the English Civil War (free resource) L5 Cavaliers and Roundheads L6 How did the two sides fight? L7 The execution of Charles I L8 Who was Oliver Cromwell L9 Witches and Witchcraft (free resource) L10 Charles II and the Restoration L11 The Glorious Revolution Additional lessons: L12 Causes of the Great Fire of London L13 Consequences of the Great Fire of London ( + Key Word History Display included) Any reviews would be greatly appreciated.
Henry VIII

Henry VIII

The Tudors The aim of this lesson is to understand why Henry VIII is always judged to be larger than life. It focuses on four portraits of Henry VIII from the early years until his death. Students will aim to write a descriptive piece about Henry by using each other to write it. When they finish, they will have a masterful descriptive paragraph which has been co-constructed by a number of them (with help from a word list). This activity is great for differentiation and team work. The lesson also attempts to banish the perception that Henry was always a large person who ate a lot. This is shown through video evidence and a thinking quilt. The plenary gets the students to summarise Henry’s match statistics and what he ‘should’ be remembered for. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Elizabethan Court and Government

Elizabethan Court and Government

AQA GCSE 9-1 Elizabethan England, 1568-1603 The overarching aim of this and the subsequent bundle of eleven lessons is to question and explore how Elizabeth tried to assert and establish her authority in the early years of her reign. The lessons are therefore linked together to build up a picture of her difficulties in trying to overcome this. This second lesson on Elizabeth focuses on the workings of her government. Where did the real power lie in Elizabethan England? Students question who Elizabeth might want in her government and using a text mapping exercise find out who is who in the different establishments. The second part of the lesson examines a significance question and compares the inner workings of her government to today’s cabinet and the role of Parliament. Students have to write about the importance of the Royal Court using the information provided, which is also linked to a brilliant BBC video clip and with a model answer included. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

World War II The aim of this lesson is to decide if Winston Churchill deserves the title as the ‘Greatest Briton’? When the BBC conducted a poll entitled ‘Who is the Greatest Briton?’ Winston Churchill came out on top, besting some strong competition. This lesson therefore challenges this assumption and evaluates the four areas the BBC cites as his fortitude; for being the greatest British Gentleman, for inspiring the nation, for symbolising the spirit and strength of Britain and for his comforting speeches. The evidence for this task is through radio broadcasts, video footage and source analysis (using a battery rating) from which students will conclude and either concur or not with the poll. A splat the bubble plenary will test their new assumptions. This lesson is ideal as preparation for GCSE if you are embedding source skills or teaching the interwar years or WWII at Key stage 4. It is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource includes retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Churches in Nazi Germany

Churches in Nazi Germany

**Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship ** The aim of this lesson is to examine the role of the Churches in Nazi Germany and to decide how much control Hitler exerted over them. The lesson starts by studying Christianity in Germany and explains why there was a conflict of interest with the State. Nazi policies to both the Catholic and Protestant Churches are analysed as students have to interpret the threats they both posed to Hitler. Furthermore students have to distinguish the differences between the Christian Churches and the new Nazi Reich Church. There are some excellent links to video footage which explain why there was such a lack of opposition and a united front from the Churches, despite such fortitude and resolve from Cardinal Galen and Martin Niemoller. A thinking quilt poses some enquiry and GCSE questions, which students have to answer by linking specific key words to them. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Gunpowder Plot

Gunpowder Plot

The English Civil War The aim of this lesson is to decide why an audacious plot was hatched against James 1 and why might the plotters themselves be framed by the Government itself. This lesson is therefore split into two. The first half examines the men and their roles in the infamous plot to blow up the King in 1605. Students are introduced through talking heads to Guy Fawkes and King James. They also study sources from the time, including Robert Cecil’s account of the plot and analyse the words trying to make inferences between fact and fiction. A model answer is provided to aid their analytical skills. Furthermore they will evaluate the causes and consequences of the plot and its significance today. The second part of the lesson will require the interpretation of a number of sources to decide if the plotters were actually framed by Cecil and the government who allegedly knew about the plot all along and actively encouraged it. Students have to decide for themselves before reaching a judgement using key words to aid them. This is excellent groundwork for source analysis they will later tackle at GCSE. The plenary is to talk like an historian answering key questions using information from the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Medicine Through Time Revision Guide

Medicine Through Time Revision Guide

Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Medicine Through Time c.1250 to present. This 42 page revision guide is broken down into 5 main sections: Medieval Medicine, Renaissance Medicine, Medicine in 18th and 19th Century, Modern Medicine and the Historic Environment, British sector of the Western Front . This revision guide includes 29 GCSE practice exam questions throughout on the main questions and gives examples on how to answer each using model answers. This will enable all learners to achieve the higher grades required by the exam board, including the skills of description, explanation, interpretation, change and continuity, source utility and cause and consequence. The information is also broken down into an easy to use format to aid the students in their revision programme. This Guide has been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow and comes in Word and PDF format if there is a wish to change. It can be used for revision, interleaving, home learning as well as class teaching. Any reviews on this resource would be much appreciated. Please email me for a free copy of any of my resources worth up to £3.50 if you do.
Wars of the Roses

Wars of the Roses

The Tudors This is the first in a series of lessons I have created on the Tudors. This lesson is broken down into two parts. The first part describes and explains the events surrounding the Wars of the Roses. Students learn about the Kings involved and the battles fought through fun tasks, video evidence and role play of which they have to make choices on the victors. With this new found knowledge they have to explain what they have learnt through a ‘talk like an historian’ quiz. The second part of the lesson focuses on the previous Tudor perceptions of Richard III. Was he really a deceitful and cunning person, ‘a lump of foul deformity’ with a hunchback according to Shakespeare, More and Virgil? Archaeological evidence from King Richard’s remains is analysed by the students to prove or disprove some of these popular ‘misconceptions’ about his posture and character. Students are then challenged to write to the current Education Secretary to make sure correct history lessons are now taught about Richard III in secondary schools. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. This lesson is fully resourced includes suggested teaching strategies, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Battle of Little Big Horn

Battle of Little Big Horn

The American West, c1835-c1895, GCSE 9-1 Edexcel The aim of this lesson is to explore the consequences of the Battle of Little Big Horn as public perceptions of the Plains Indians changed from weak savages to a real threat. Students are introduced to General Custer before analysing some text on the causes of the Battle and his subsequent defeat. For further challenge, they are then given some fragments of sentences which they have to fill out and complete. They are also required use key words to evaluate the consequences of the battle and recognise a new direction of policy for the US Government when dealing with the Plains Indians. The plenary is to create a brewing pot of ingredients which led to Custer’s last stand and defeat. The resource is differentiated and gives suggested teaching strategies. Some retrieval practice is also included to recall the significance of treaties. It comes in Powerpoint format which can be amended and changed to suit.
Invasion of Poland

Invasion of Poland

World War II The aim of this lesson is to analyse the reasons behind Hitler’s invasion of Poland and to evaluate if his actions were justified. Within this lesson, students learn about Blitzkrieg, making comparisons with the static and attritional First World War and understanding how the German Army had learnt from their previous mistakes. Students have to also complete a thinking quilt to test their comprehension and literacy skills as it requires them to explain and justify these initial German successes in 1939 and 1940. The plenary finally asks the students to predict what is about to happen in the future through conjecture and formulation their opinions using the information from the lesson. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited throughout to show the progress of learning. The resource includes retrieval practice activities, suggested teaching strategies and differentiated materials, and comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Tennis Court Oath

Tennis Court Oath

The French Revolution The aim of this lesson is to understand the significance of the Tennis Court Oath Students are introduced to some key words before they analyse what tipped the French people over the edge. This includes some interactive slides explaining the rise in prices particularly with bread. The main task is to complete some source scholarship on the Tennis Court Oath, as the events are broken down into sections, with some modelling of how to complete this task if required. There are some key questions on the Tennis Court Oath to summarise, followed by a significance activity, where the students rate each significance by colour coding a thermometer and then justifying their answers and the choices they have made. The lesson comes with retrieval practice activities, differentiated materials, suggested teaching and learning strategies and is linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The lesson is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.
Storming the Bastille

Storming the Bastille

The French Revolution The aim of this lesson is to analyse the events of the Storming of the Bastille and the subsequent significance of the Flight to Varennes Students learn through key questioning and some text analysis how and why the Bastille was attacked. There are some brilliant video links to accompany this. They will then be required, using a storyboard, to decipher what happened next and explain how these events led to a new France. They will also learn how Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempted to escape to the border and using a cauldron of significance, evaluate which key ingredients ultimately led to their recapture and eventual execution. The Octagon plenary allows the students to summarise what they have learnt in the lesson, from sights and sounds to numbers and actions for example. The lesson comes with retrieval practice activities, differentiated materials, suggested teaching and learning strategies and is linked to the latest historical interpretations, video clips and debate. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The lesson is fully adaptable in PowerPoint format and can be changed to suit.
Victorian Prisons

Victorian Prisons

The Industrial Revolution This lesson aims to describe and explain the conditions of Victorian prisons through the eyes of a young person awaiting trial. Students learn how a poor diet, pointless tasks and a payment system for every amenity meant a miserable existence for inmates. So why did things begin to improve? How did key prison reformers change attitudes and make the government of the day reform the prisons? These questions and more will explored through prose, quizzes, video links and knockout tournament competitions to see and judge how far the prison reforms went and how effective they were. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
Women in Nazi Germany

Women in Nazi Germany

Germany 1890-1945: Democracy and Dictatorship The aim of this lesson is to analyse Nazi policies towards women and then evaluate how effective they were at controlling them. The start of the lesson questions the qualities Hitler is looking for in women and then questions what makes the perfect Nazi woman using key words. Students then have some differentiated questions to complete, using text before evaluating how much certain women were controlled and explaining to what extent. A GCSE practice question focuses on ‘Which source is the most convincing?’, complete with simplified markscheme and notes on the slide for more guidance. The key words are then revisited in the plenary. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited to show the progress of learning. The resource includes suggested teaching strategies, retrieval practice, differentiated materials and comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change.
Transport Revolution

Transport Revolution

The Industrial Revolution This lesson aims to examine the revolution in transport which affected Britain between 1750-1900. Students first look at the problems of transport in Britain. They examine the roads (if you could call them that) and look at how they were changed and improved in conjunction with the railways and canals. There are sources to analyse and a differentiated group work task as well as video footage giving further clarity. Ultimately students have to evaluate the biggest impact these changes made in Britain, whether it be increased wealth and international trade to the standardisation of time or being connected throughout the British Empire. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in PowerPoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.
NHS - National Health Service

NHS - National Health Service

AQA GCSE 9-1 Britain: Health and the People, c1000 to present The aim of the lesson is to understand why and how the NHS was introduced to Britain in 1948 and despite initial sets backs and opposition, why it is still an amazing institution and still the envy of the world. Students analyse the reasons how the NHS was introduced by the Labour government and have to explain why. Key people are discussed such as Nye Bevan and Sir William Beveridge and using source analysis and GCSE exam question practice, students evaluate how some doctors were opposed to Bevan and the NHS from the start. Video footage at the time shows how the Government tried to calm some fears and how its message on health has changed through the centuries. There is some text analysis with colour coding and evaluation throughout as well as a focus on literacy in the plenary. The lesson is enquiry based with a key question using a lightbulb posed at the start of the lesson and revisited at the end to show the progress of learning. The resource comes in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. I have also included suggested teaching strategies to deliver the lesson and there are differentiated materials included.