Students will on whiteboards firstly explain why people may want to visit other places, and then split their whiteboards in half and give reasons to what is good about tourism and what is bad about tourism.
Students will then read through their worksheet and highlight areas that are social, economic or environmental effects of tourism and evaluate which is the most important and why. FInally students will evaluate if the economic benefits of tourism in the Middle East are worth the environmental costs
Task 1: Identify why people visit other places
Task 2: Identify what is good and bad about tourism
Task 3: Categorise effects into social, economic or environmental
Task 4: Evaluate if the economic benefits of tourism in the Middle East are worth the environmental costs
This download contains a powerpoint and worksheet.
Students will begin by recapping what they have previously learnt in the other lessons on physical features of the Middle East.
Then they will recap what they know about climate and biomes. Then will be asked to describe the location of deserts globally using latitude and longitude. Then they will identify the features of the hot desert and will be asked to describe the climate of Egypt by identifying features of a climate graph. Higher ability students will be asked to complete their own climate graph in lesson. All students will be able to compare two climate graphs of differing areas.
Task 1: Knowledge Retention
Task 2: Identify location of hot deserts
Task 3: Identify the features of hot deserts
Task 4: Describe the climate of Egypt using a climate graph
Task 5: Creation of own climate graph
Task 6: Compare climate graphs of Egypt and Brazil.
This lesson has a completed powerpoint and worksheet
Students will start with 5 quick questions from their previous lessons on North America. Then they will describe the location of San Francisco in the United States of America, they will then recap conservative plate boundaries and how they cause earthquakes. Students will then be tested quickly on their ability to describe the formation of an earthquake. Students then learn how we measure earthquakes with the Richter Scale and the Mercalli Scale. Finally students will read through the information sheet about the quake and will identify the effects of the quake into social, economic and environmental effects. Then finish of their information by writing a newspaper article to summarise their learning.
Task 1: Knowledge Retention
Task 2: Identify location of San Francisco
Task 3: Recap how earthquakes form
Task 4: Identify the effects of the quake
Task 4: Write a newspaper article about the quake.
This lesson contains a full powerpoint, worksheet and newspaper template
Students will begin by recapping with a formative assessment on what they have previously learnt in the other lessons on physical features of North America
Students will then be asked how they would respond to the impacts of hurricane Katrina, and then will be asked to evaluate the responses of the government. They will do this through using the Disaster Management Cycle and will identify if these were long term of short term. Finally students will finish with writing a speech explaining how they plan to respond and recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina.
Task 1: Knowledge Retention and formative assessment
Task 2: Identify how they would respond to impacts
Task 3: Categorise responses to short term, long term and effective/ ineffective
Task 4: Write a speech explaining how you plan to respond, recover, from the effects of Hurricane Katrina and prepare for future hurricanes.
This lesson has a completed powerpoint and worksheet
An introductory topic for KS3 Year 8 about the human features of South America, specifically focusing on Brazil. This series of lessons will focus on the importance of Brazil, People in Brazil, Development, Inequalities, Drug Trafficking and Reducing Inequalities in Slums.
This bundle contains 7 lessons that are fully resourced.
Lesson 1: Importance of Brazil
Lesson 2: Grid Referencing Brazil
Lesson 3: People in Brazil
Lesson 4: Development in Brazil
Lesson 5: Inequality in Brazil
Lesson 6: Drug Trade in South America
Lesson 7: Fixing Inequality in Brazil
Students will gain a variety of skills such as data manipulation, graph reading, Choropleth map interpretation
This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Students will identify the inequalities in Brazil, through identifying the urban and rural areas in Brazil and why people migrate to urban areas. This will lead on to urbanisation and its causes.
Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning
Task 2: Identify the positives and negatives of both rural and urban areas.
Task 3: Causes of urbanisation through push and pull factors
Task 4: Main Task - Describe how inequality has developed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Task 5: Plenary: Class question- What are some of the social, economic and environmental issues with rapidly urbanising areas
Lesson 2 out of 8
Students will be able to recap the key learning from previous lessons on Asia and features of population, they will also be able to describe the mode of data on their white boards as a starter.
Then students will be asked to describe what overpopulation is and what its effects might be. Then using a choropleth map to describe where globally is densely populated. There is then a video to watch to describe the problems with overpopulation. Students are to match up the causes of over population to the definition and describe why.
Students are introduced to Dharavi Slums in India and to describe using the images what problems overpopulation have caused.
Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning
Task 1: Define/ describe overpopulation
Task 2: Describe where globally is densely populated
Task 3: Identify the causes of overpopulation and evaluate which is the worst and why
Task 4: Main Task: Using the photographs of Dharavi, explain some of the problems with overpopulation
Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
The Ultimate Geography Halloween Quiz for 2024 has landed! With over 30 questions, this quiz will test students ability to name physical geography features such as formation of rivers, climate and coast, but will also test their ability to map read in a fun trick-or treat inspired 4 figure grid reference test. Finally the quiz finishes with general knowledge about Halloween that will get the students scratching their heads. With fun sound effects and music, students will love this quiz for the end of term!
A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the human and physical causes of flood risk. Students will learn about how different features contribute to flooding events and evaluate if HICs or LICs are more significantly affected.
Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson.
Task 2: Which of the drainage basins are more likely to flood and why?
Task 3: Key Term Match Up
Task 4: Students to read through the different causes of flooding and put them into human or physical factors
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Explain why the town of Boscastle in Cornwall is likely to suffer from flooding (6 marks).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - Home Learning - Explain why the effects of flooding are worse in LICs.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the features of the lower course. Students will learn about depositional features such as levees, floodplains and estuaries.
Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson.
Task 2: Field sketch and describe the appearance of a floodplain.
Task 3: Create labels on how levees form
Task 4: Students to draw and label how a meander forms.
Task 5: Describe how the tide causes an estuary to occur.
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Describe how a features found in the lower course of a river is formed (4).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - Key Term Trade
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the features of the middle course. Students will learn about the erosional features and depositional features such as meanders and oxbow lakes.
Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson.
Task 2: Field sketch and describe the cross-section of a meander.
Task 3: Watch a video about how meanders turn into oxbow lakes
Task 4: Students to draw and label how a meander forms.
Task 5: Students to label the five steps to the formation of an oxbow lake
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Explain how an ox-bow lake could form on the river shown in Figure 1 (6).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - Odd one Out
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on the different types of erosion and transportation. Then students will link erosion, transportation, are deposition to velocity and particle size.
Task 1: Starter - Retrieval, Using the information they learnt in the previous lesson. Hook- Students to explain what they think the image means, or what it has to do with the lesson.
Task 2: Watch the video and make notes on what transportation is.
Task 3: Using the key terms students sort the transportation descriptions to the key term.
Task 4: Students then label the key terms on a diagram to cement knowledge.
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “How does velocity affect transportation and deposition (4).” High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - Write down four pieces of knowledge they have gained today.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
These home learning/ homework sheets are a good way to test students knowledge and comprehension of the “changing economic world” topic of Nigeria. Each sheet provides upwards of 7 research questions, with two AQA specified exam questions to ensure that students are applying their knowledge correctly. It is recommended giving 1-2 weeks for students to complete the sheet (depending on student ability)
This home learning sheet is specifically designed for the Nigeria lessons that are also on Planet Geography, so if you want some engaging and challenging lessons, head over to the lessons and get them too!!
There are two homework sheets in this bundle, there is a Word version so you can edit the questions and there is also a PDF file so you can send it to your students digitally.
These home learning/ homework sheets are a good way to test students knowledge and comprehension of the “changing economic world” topic. Each sheet provides upwards of 7 research questions, with two AQA specified exam questions to ensure that students are applying their knowledge correctly. It is recommended giving 1-2 weeks for students to complete the sheet (depending on student ability)
This home learning sheet is specifically designed for the Changing Economic World lessons that are also on Planet Geography, so if you want some engaging and challenging lessons, head over to the lessons and get them too!!
A fully resourced, differentiated and up to date lesson on an introduction into Nigeria. Students will be able to describe the location of Nigeria, the importance of Nigeria, both globally and regionally along with explaining how the changing demographics have resulted in Nigeria developing into an NEE.
Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Recap on how ox-bow lakes are formed
Task 2: Geography Skills: Describe the location of Nigeria (4 marks)
Task 3: Watch the video on facts about Nigeria
Task 4: Students to describe the population structure of Nigeria using a population pyramid (4 marks)
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Nigeria is becoming a NEE”. To what extent do you agree? (6 marks)
High ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - True or False about Nigeria
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Students will be able to outline the main long term and short term effects of Chernobyl and the consequences of these effects. Students will be able to evaluate the severity between the long term and short term consequences of Chernobyl.
Task 1: Starter:- Knowledge recall on previous lessons
Task 2: Using an atlas identify countries affected by the radiation leak
Task 3: Looking at the information on the worksheet students to rank these effects 1-9 in terms of significance.
Task 4: Main Task: Students to answer one of two questions about Chernobyl and its effects
Task 5: Plenary: What things would students pack in their bags if they had to evacuate.
Lesson contains powerpoint and worksheet
A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on the transport infrastructure in the UK. This lesson covers, port, road and railways - specifically looking at HS2.
Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Exam Question on processes of slumping.
Task 2: Why is transport important in the UK?
Task 3: Watch the video and make notes on HS2.
Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Describe how the UK is improving its transport network (4 marks)
High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help.
Task 5: Peer Assessment
Task 5: Plenary - Revise for headlands and bays as questions will be coming next week.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on the employment of the UK through time. An introduction to key terms such as primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary employment and what these jobs are.
Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Recap on how levees are formed, through read, wipe, write.
Task 2: Geography Skills - Describe what type of graph it is, what it shows, and then “Describe how employment has changed in the UK since 1970. (3 marks)”
Task 3: Create your own employment linkage, from primary to quaternary employment.
Task 4: Geography Skills - Describe what type of graph it is, what it shows, and then "Describe how the UK’s economy has changed from 1800-2006 (4 marks)
Task 5: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Explain how the UK’s economy has changed from 1800-2006 (6 marks)
High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding and then compare theirs to the model answer. LA students will read through the paragraph and cross out the wrong words.
Task 5: Plenary - Revision for next lessons exam question about levees.
**Download contains Powerpoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on the historical reasons for the North-South divide and how it affects social, economic and political aspects of the UK.
Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Read, Write, Mark, students have 4 minutes to recap learning on rotational cliff slumping. Then write down as much as they can remember, then mark accuracy.
Task 2: Geography Skills: Describe location - Describe the location of the north-south divide border.
Task 3: Watch the video and make notes on the north-south divide.
Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Suggest how we can resolve regional differences in the UK? (6 marks)”
High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help.
Task 5: Plenary - Revise for exam question on rotational cliff slumping.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
A fully resourced, differentiated, and up-to-date lesson on two contrasting rural areas with population increase and decrease. This lesson covers South Cambridgeshire (population increase) and Outer Hebrides (population decrease)
Task 1: Starter - Application of knowledge- Read, Write, Mark, students have 4 minutes to recap learning on rotational cliff slumping. Then write down as much as they can remember, then mark accuracy.
Task 2: Geography Skills: Graph Analysis - Describe the type of graph, describe the change in urban population in the UK.
Task 3: Geography Skills: Describe location - Describe the location of the Outer Hebrides, then describe the location of South Cambridgeshire.
Task 4: Main Task - Practice exam questions- “Contrast the economic challenges associated with rural areas of population growth and decline (6 marks)”
High-ability students will complete this with limited scaffolding. LA students can use sentence starters and keywords for help.
Task 5: Plenary - Revise for exam question on rotational cliff slumping.
**Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **