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Professional, engaging, ready to use resources. PowerPoints, Worksheets, Crosswords I have a varied background working in both education and the corporate world. I've held management roles, teaching roles and entrepreneurial ventures. I've been involved in adult education for the past two decades. My teaching areas are computing and workplace communication skills. I also have my CELTA and have experience teaching English as a second language. I love creating resources for all of the above.




Professional, engaging, ready to use resources. PowerPoints, Worksheets, Crosswords I have a varied background working in both education and the corporate world. I've held management roles, teaching roles and entrepreneurial ventures. I've been involved in adult education for the past two decades. My teaching areas are computing and workplace communication skills. I also have my CELTA and have experience teaching English as a second language. I love creating resources for all of the above.
Excel Chart Types Activity

Excel Chart Types Activity

This resource can be used during a lesson with Excel Charts. It is useful to become familiar with different chart types and their application. The activities can be carried out individually, in pairs or in teams. It is always more fun to team up, as two heads are better than one and lots of discussion can be generated. Files are available in both pdf and docx format for editing if required. Preparation for Mix N Match Activity: Print out the document named ‘Chart Type Activity Answers’ Laminate the sheets (optional) Cut out all the segments Learners now match up all three elements (Chart name, Description, Picture). This activity can be timed and completed in teams to add a competitive edge. Other Activity Options: Print out the document named ‘Chart Type Activity without Chart Type’. Learners will review the description and the pictorial view and name the Chart Type. Print out the document named ‘Chart Type Activity without Description’. Hand out the cut outs of ‘Descriptions’. Learners place them in the appropriate slot. Print out the document names ‘Chart Type Activity without Picture’. Hand out the cut outs of ‘Pictures’. Learners place them in the appropriate slot.
Basic Excel Calculations for Beginners

Basic Excel Calculations for Beginners

This resource is for those that are new to Microsoft Excel and want to quickly learn and practice using calculations in Excel. The spreadsheet has a number of different sheets within it that have clear instructions and practice exercises to use for yourself or your learners to quickly master basic concepts. I have used this to teach students and workplace learners with much success. Covers addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on sheet 1. Sheet 2 has Autosum and subsequent sheets practice using these with common spreadsheets such as invoices and profit and loss scenarios. Simply give learners a copy of this spreadsheet and work through together or let them try by themselves. ** Leave a review for this resource and receive one free resource of your choice from my shop. Communications, Workplace, ESOL and Computing Resources
Training Needs Analysis forms for use in Computer Training

Training Needs Analysis forms for use in Computer Training

These forms cover Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook as well as a basic users form. When planning computer training it is essential to have an idea of the skill level of participants. You can hand out or email these forms to learners before or during a session. They simply fill them out and return them. You can then use the information to split up groups into appropriate skill levels or just for general content planning for the session. I have also included a Feedback form that can be used to hand out after the session. They are in Word format so that you can easily remove or add any of the skills. I have used these for corporate groups and community groups successfully.
Training Needs Analysis - Microsoft Excel

Training Needs Analysis - Microsoft Excel

When planning computer training it is essential to have an idea of the skill level of participants. You can hand out or email this form to learners before or during a session. They simply fill it out and return it. The spreadsheet provided allows you to summarise the information. You can then use the information to split up groups into appropriate skill levels or just for general content planning for the session.
iPad Success in Primary Education Workshop - Best Apps

iPad Success in Primary Education Workshop - Best Apps

This resource is presented as a PowerPoint with full notes on each slide. It has been created as a training resource for teachers. It also includes practical exercises and activities that showcase how to use the apps for educational purposes. It is very graphic and covers the following apps that are suitable for primary and below level: Pic Collage (makes collages out of photos and pictures) Book Creator (create stories) iBooks – viewing books Puppet Pals (animation / recording) Popplet (mind mapping) Showme (Interactive Whiteboard) Most apps are easy to use. It’s Using apps effectively and with purpose that is the crucial step.
Group Feedback Activity - Delivering a Presentation

Group Feedback Activity - Delivering a Presentation

In this interactive activity you display the Powerpoint provided and learners review and take notes to identify areas of improvement. As the facilitator, you explain that Charlie Brown has just created a presentation and welcomes feedback before delivering to an audience. Tell students that they will be giving feedback at the end of the presentation. There job is to look at each slide and identify areas for improvement. Ask them to write notes as they go for feedback at the end of the presentation. This is an extremely useful activity that gets learners thinking about visual aspects of their own presentations. Each side has notes for the trainer to indicate the errors on the slide. I have used this with many learners. It is an effective activity and generates a lot of good discussion.
iPad for Work Step by Step Training manual

iPad for Work Step by Step Training manual

This training course was created for users to get started with the iPad at work. Step by step easy guide with lots of graphics. The learning objectives are below:  Become familiar with using the Calendar App to make scheduling appointments easier  Comfortable with using the Reminders app  Able to evaluate and download apps in relation to your work  Able to set up and use Dropbox to share files and photos between your PC and iPad  Familiar with apps to use with Microsoft Office  Able to view and navigate Powerpoint Presentations on the iPad  Able to work with PDF files and iBooks
Using Dropbox on your iPad - File Sharing

Using Dropbox on your iPad - File Sharing

This resource is for those that use Dropbox for file sharing and want to set it up on their iPad. It contains a graphic easy to understand powerpoint presentation that takes you through the process step by step and a pdf file with extra notes. ** Leave a review for this resource and receive one free resource of your choice from my shop. Communications, Workplace, ESOL and Computing Resources
Presentation skills planning - Task cards, planning sheet with answers

Presentation skills planning - Task cards, planning sheet with answers

This resource contains group activities for learners that are at the stage of presenting their powerpoint presentation or speech to an audience. The planning sheet and works as a final checklist for learners to work through to ensure that they have all the steps covered. The task cards have a range of important questions and scenarios that they could encounter during their presentation. By working through these as a group, it will ensure they are well prepared to deliver effectively. Each person takes a card and reads out the situation. They give an answer, and others discuss as well. It also contains suggested answers for the trainer. ** Leave a review for this resource and receive one free resource of your choice from my shop. Communications, Workplace, ESOL and Computing Resources
Business Emails for ESOL Learners - Six Critical Steps E-book

Business Emails for ESOL Learners - Six Critical Steps E-book

This 29 page e-book has been created for Business English Learners that want to improve their business communication skills. In particular those where English is a second language. Email communication is a vital skill to have and reflects on the professionalism of the sender. There are practice exercises included that cover grammatical mistakes with answers. Topics covered are: The Subject Line Don’t ‘Flame’ People Levels of Formality to use in Emails Formal vs Informal Neutral / Standard Greetings and Closings The Body of the Message Attachments Proofreading is Vital Common Mistakes for Learners of English Spelling A Costly Mistake Summary
Powerpoint Templates to use to Present a Project - logical flow

Powerpoint Templates to use to Present a Project - logical flow

This resource can be used to present a project that a class or team has been working on in a logical manner. It contains two different powerpoint designs that they can choose from. There are 10 slides within the presentation. Students / Learners simply type in their own information by over typing what is on the slide. They then insert relevant data and graphics. This assists with formatting and presenting ideas in a logical way. I use it in the workplace training sector when teams have been working on an issue and have formulated goals and completed tasks to achieve an outcome. Once they have completed their project, they present it to their managers using the templates included.
Pivot Tables Shortcut keys Mix n Match Activity

Pivot Tables Shortcut keys Mix n Match Activity

This resource contains a worksheet that can be printed out. It has a list of short cut keys pertaining to pivot tables and data management in Excel. The activity is a mix and match. Students are required to match the shortcut with the Description. The answer page is included as well as a blank sheet for further shortcut keys to be added. I generally use this at the beginning of a lesson, once I’ve covered off a bit of general knowledge around pivot tables. I then encourage students to put these short cuts into practice during the session. Included is a word document and a pdf file, so further editing is permitted. This activity can be carried out individually, in pairs, or groups to add a competitive edge.
Most used Excel functions - function, syntax, description quick reference sheets

Most used Excel functions - function, syntax, description quick reference sheets

This resource contains a Table of the most used functions in Excel. It is separated by Core functions, Date Functions, Text Functions, and Lookup / Reference Functions. It is set out attractively in a table, the column headings being: Function Name, Syntax and Description. It gives a quick reference to over 35 different functions. It is available in a pdf and word document so that you can make any changes required.
Excel Charts Crossword Puzzle

Excel Charts Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle with answers covers the key vocabulary that learners need to be exposed to when learning Microsoft Excel Charts. I use this with my adult learning classes and they really enjoy completing this. It can be done in pairs or groups or individually. It generates useful discussion and is a lot of fun. This is a print and go activity. The files are provided in both pdf and word format.
Microsoft Excel Splitting Data into separate Columns

Microsoft Excel Splitting Data into separate Columns

This product contains step by step instructions in the form of a Powerpoint Presentation, a video and tasks for learners to complete. It can be used by teachers / facilitators to guide students through a skill set or they can use it on their own. The resource is suitable for secondary students and adults.
How to use Google Forms to make a Quiz

How to use Google Forms to make a Quiz

This Google Forms training manual shows you step by step how to create quizzes that can be used in the classroom and in the workplace. There are lots of screenshots and graphics. The manual is in large print, clear and concise. Google quizzes can be self grading, and are completely digital. (Although you can easily print out a hard copy if required). Once you have created your first quiz, you will never look back. This is a great way to test student knowledge, to recap, as a starter, or as a finisher. Topics below: Open Forms The Forms Window Setup to Make a Quiz Setup – Release Grade Setup – Respondents View Adding a Title and Description Adding Quiz Questions Question Types Responses – Multi-choice example Responses – Check box example Specify Correct Answers 12.Edit / Format a Quiz / Form 13.Customize Themes 14.Preview your Quiz / Form 15.Send your Quiz / Form 16.View Responses – Self Marking 17.Mark Responses – Grade Quiz Questions 18.View and Analysis Responses
iPad Training Manual - Generic

iPad Training Manual - Generic

This resources is a 28 page manual that has step by step processes to complete basic functions on the iPad. It has many screen shots so that it is easy to understand. It covers the screen, navigation, cameras, photos, apps and much more. As all technology out dates quickly, I have left it in word format in case you want to update yourself.
Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys

This is a one page list of all the shortcut key combinations you can use in Excel. It will save you so much time. The great thing about learning shortcuts is that they don't change with versions. And of course you don't have to grab the mouse, you can get everything done without the use of the mouse which saves you time and increases productivity. You will be amazed at what can be accomplished using shortcut keys. From moving around your spreadsheet quicker, to formatting and inserting charts. Try them out - lots of fun! Please leave a review. Thanks and have a great day :)
Free Microsoft Word Styles Summary Sheet

Free Microsoft Word Styles Summary Sheet

Styles are an important area of Microsoft Word. They are extremely useful to keep consistency within large documents, to manage formatting efficiently and to be able to automatically generate a Table of Contents. This free resource is a summary of how to create, modify and delete styles. It is provided as a pdf and word document so can be edited.