In this unit of lessons, students will improve their ‘working scientifically’ skills by carrying out different investigations with a focus on presenting their results in different ways e.g. bar charts, scatter graphs, line graphs.
All of the National Curriculum objectives for Year 5&6 working scientifically skills are covered in the 6 lessons and an overview plan is provided which outlines the resources needed for each lesson as well as the key areas covered.
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This unit of work includes lessons on the following:
The Planets
The Solar System
The Earth, Sun and Moon
Day and Night
Phases of the Moon
Space Travel
This unit covers all of the National Curriculum objectives for Earth and Space for Year 5 and all lessons come with engaging powerpoint presentations, video links, worksheets and a knowledge organiser for Earth & Space.
These lessons are intended for Year 5 students but can easily be modified for all KS2 and KS3 students.
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Water resistance is a force that tries to slow things down that are moving through water. It is a type of friction and sometimes called drag.
In this lesson, students will learn what water resistance is and how it affects us. They will learn about streamlining and how we make things streamlined in order to reduce water resistance. They will also learn about upthrust and how this enables boats to float. They will complete a quiz mid-way through to check understanding.
They will then carry out an experiment to investigate how the shape of aluminum foil affects how it behaves in water. The experiment worksheet is provided as well as an explanation into the reasons behind this.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Forces. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
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Air resistance is a force that is caused by air. The force acts in the opposite direction to an object moving through the air. It is a type of friction.
In this lesson, students will learn what air resistance is and how it affects us. They will learn about Galileo Galilei who first investigated air resistance and how without air, objects with the same mass will fall at the same rate. They will learn about streamlining in order to minimise surface area and they will complete a quiz mid-way to check understanding.
They will then carry out two experiments- 1) paper drop test 2) investigating how the size of a canopy affects the rate of a parachute’s decent.
Sheets are provided for the experiments along with an interactive presentation and useful knowledge organiser.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Forces. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
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Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements sliding against each other.
In this lesson, students will learn what friction is and how it affects us. They will look at the factors which influence friction and learn how friction can be helpful and unhelpful. There will be a quick quiz mid-session to check what they have learnt and then they will complete an investigation looking at different materials and the friction they produce.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Forces. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
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Gravity or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy, including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another.
In this lesson, students will be taught what gravity is and how it affects us and how it is different in space. They will learn about Sir Isaac Newton and how weight is different to mass.
They will then carry out two experiments- in the first experiment they will measure objects with scales and a newton meter in order to show the difference between weight and mass. After this, they will compare the mass and speed of falling objects to investigate whether the heavier an object, the faster it falls. Both investigations come with a worksheet to follow.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Forces. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
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A force is a push or pull that causes a change in speed, direction or shape. Some forces are affected by speed, other forces are not. All forces come in pairs, no force exists by itself.
In this lesson, students are introduced to what a force is and how the affect us. They look at examples of magnetism, air & water resistance, friction and upthrust. The interactive powerpoint shows how the forces work through diagrams and videos.
The students then complete the activity sheet labelling the forces and drawing their own diagrams.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Forces. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
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In this lesson, students will learn what daily life was like in Ancient Greece with links to the differences between Athens and Sparta.
They will complete a research task in groups using the information fact files provided. These fact files cover:
Food and drink
Through this task, they will understand what life was like for different members of Greek society and will then be able to share their learning with the class. They will then have a short quiz on what they have learnt and will add to their learning review.
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In this lesson students will learn what a fossil is and what the stages of the fossilisation process are. They will draw each stage before looking at The Fossil Record and answering questions on the different eras and periods.
They will learn about Darwin’s involvement in fossils and will how they prove evolution today. They will also learn about Mary Anning by watching an informative video clip and with support from the worksheet, will present what they have learnt.
By the end of this lesson, students will have a good understanding of how fossils evidence evolution and are studied today.
This lesson is 1/5 on Evolution and Inheritance. To view the other lessons, please visit:
Personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
This lesson focuses on using personification in poetry. It comes with an engaging powerpoint presentation and the related lesson plan (shown as part of the whole sequence of lessons) and example poems.
Children learn what personification is and why it is used in poetry. They then consider the effect of the personification used relating to images shown, thinking critically. In pairs/ small groups, the children then read a number of poems making use of personification discussing how they feel about the poems and language used. As a class then complete a modelled write, taking words and phrases from the children to create a stanza/verse of a poem based on the video clip on Australian bushfires. The children then write an additional stanza to the poem independently making use of metaphors for effect. For the extension task, children guess what image is being described in the poems using the personification for clues.
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In this lesson, students will work towards the objectives: To describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system and to describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies.
They will first learn about how the Solar System formed before learning how we know that the planets are spherical. After this, they will be tasked to explain what they have learnt so far. Following this, they will learn about how the planets orbit the Sun and will be tasked to demonstrate this by creating a Solar System from toilet roll and fruit.
The presentation- with links to online video clips and an activity sheet are all provided.
This lesson is intended for Year 5 students but can easily be modified for all KS2 and KS3 students.
This lesson is 1/6 lessons on Earth & Space. Please visit: science to view the other lessons.
In this lesson students will learn to interpret and construct line graphs and use these to solve problems. They will look at when line graphs are used, how they are structured and they will how to draw their own.
3 differentiated worksheets of past SATs questions provided with answers.
Duration: 1 hour
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This powerpoint dedicates each slide to a different area of the punctuation and grammar SATs test. It is highly useful when revising the concepts the children must know for the test in an engaging way. All slides followed by an answer slide!
The powerpoint covers:
Phrases (adverbial, prepositional & noun)
Co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions
Main & subordinate clauses
Relative clauses
Modal verbs
Prefixes and suffixes
Root words
Subject-verb agreement
Active & passive voice
Synonyms & antonyms
Progressive tense
Perfect tense
Word classes
Colons, semi-colons and dashes
Apostrophe for contraction and possession
In this lesson, students will look at what makes a setting description effective. They will learn how to use expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and figurative language when describing a setting and will be tasked to identify these in setting descriptions.
They will then develop their ideas for their own settings using group discussion, drama and the plan provided.
All of the task resources for this lesson are included.
This lesson is appropriate for KS2 children but can easily be modified to suit KS3 students.
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In this bumper pack you will find a whole sequence of lessons on writing free verse poetry. The lessons follow this sequence but can be taught in any order:
-Introduction to free verse poetry
-Using similes in poetry
-Using metaphors in poetry
-Using personification in poetry
-Identifying other poetic devices
-Planning, writing and performing own poems
All of the power point presentations, resources and lesson plans are included. This unit of work will help children develop their vocabulary, use of poetic devices and will challenge their imagination in order to produce their own Free Verse poetry to create imagery.
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In this unit of 15 lessons, students will be supported in writing their own science fiction stories in the style of Talk4Writing. The lessons follow the sequence below:
-Introduction to science fiction
-Whole-class guided reading lesson on a model text
-Character development
-Creating a science fiction toolkit looking at the features of this text type
-Boxing up the model text
-Shared writing during the innovate stage and children learning how to develop a story from the opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending
-Children independently write their own stories
Each lesson comes with an engaging powerpoint presentation and the relevant resources. The process of writing their own stories is modelled and supported and they will learn how to describe characters and settings, how to create suspense, how to use sentence structures for effect and much more!
This lesson is intended for Year 5/6 students but can easily be modified to suit lower KS2 or KS3.
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In this lesson, students will learn what the metric and imperial units of measurement are and will relate these to objects in real life contexts. They will learn how to convert between the two and during the activity will practise this skill. They will also complete word problems and be encouraged to produce a poster as a help sheet for themselves.
The activity sheets come in 3 different levels and answer sheets are provided.
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Place value grid for meeting the Year 6 objective: read and write numbers to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the baby, toddler and child stage of the human life cycle.
They will be tasked to observe younger children in their school setting and give recommendations of how to support development using what they have learnt from the lesson and caregivers. Finally, they will create a leaflet for new parents on what to expect from their children age 0-10 and how they can help support development.
This lesson is 1/5 on Animals including Humans. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, pupils will learn how to translate and reflect shapes in a 4-quadrant axis. They will then complete a number of past SATs questions which require them to use their reasoning and problem solving skills.
Worksheets on both translation and reflection are provided with the mark schemes.
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