This comprehensive bundle of 6 lessons covers:
Timeline of keye events over the period
Anglo-Saxon settlers and daily life
Viking raids and key battles
Viking settlers and daily life
The beliefs of both the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
The legacy they have left and how we see their influence today
A knowledge organiser for the topic is also included.
These lessons are intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3. All lessons come with an engaging presentation and all activity sheets included.
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In this lesson, students will look at how the influence of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings can be seen today. They will look at the kingdom of England, how towns have developed, our language and place names as well as our laws, government and religion.
They will be tasked to identify which place names are derived from the Anglo-Saxons and which are from the Vikings and will complete a mind map of all the information learnt.
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the pagan beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, including some of the key gods they believed in and how they worshipped them. They will learn about the conversion to Christianity as well as the key beliefs of the Christian faith. They will complete a Venn diagram comparing Anglo-Saxon and Viking beliefs as well as create their own Norse god and write their name in runes.
Finally, they will debate as Pagan chiefs and Christians arguing who’s religion should be followed!
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
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In this lesson, students will learn why the Vikings wanted to settle in Britain. They will look at artefacts from the Viking age to decide what life might have been like. They will learn where and how they lived as well as Vikings as traders before being quizzed on all learning.
As tasks they will map key Viking settlements on a map and then write and perform a script about an ordinary Viking family using what they have learnt. An example script is provided for those who are less able to do this.
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
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This comprehensive overview details key information about:
The end of Roman Britain
Anglo-Saxon rule
Anglo-Saxon and Viking settlers
Vikings as warriors
The legacy they have left behind
In this lesson, students will learn about Viking warriors including their weapons and equipment and where they raided. They will learn the timeline of key events of battles between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons and who some of the key leaders were at the time. They will be quizzed on knowledge learnt.
They will then be tasked to enact the Viking raid on Lindisfarne Monastery to better understand the event as well as writing a letter from either a Viking or an Anglo-Saxon to one another using what they have learnt.
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
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In this lesson, students will learn how Anglo-Saxon was ruled by kingdoms and the heirachy of people within a kingdom. They will learn that Britain was split into kingdoms and will look at artefacts to gain more of an understanding about daily life for Anglo-Saxons.
They will learn where they lived and how they lived before being quizzed on this knowledge. They will then be tasked to create their own Anglo-Saxon village and present it to the class!
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
In this lesson, students will learn about the end of Roman Britain and how life changed for the people of Britain. They will be tasked to write a letter to Emperor Honorius requesting the Roman army stay to protect them.
They will then learn who the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings were, including where they came from. They will be quizzed on what they can remember and then tasked to order key events from this period on a timeline.
All resources for this lesson are provided. This lesson is just 1/6 lessons on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
This lesson is intended for KS2 but can easily be modified to suit KS3.
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This bundle includes lessons on the following:
Lesson 1- Plant Reproduction
Lesson 2- Animal Reproduction
Lesson 3- Amphibian & Insect Life Cycles
Lesson 4- Mammal & Bird Life Cycles
Lesson 5- Natural Scientists
All lessons come with a knowledge organiser, engaging powerpoint, video clip links and related activity sheets.
These lessons are intended for Year 5 students but can be easily modified to suit all of KS2 and KS3 students.
In this lesson, students will learn what animal behaviourists and natural scientists do and will learn in detail about Jane Goodall and David Attenborough who are examples of these. They will think about what we can study about animal behaviour and the journey these individuals have taken throughout their lives. Engaging video links are included to support learning as well as engaging and informative powerpoint slides.
Finally, they will decide whether they are going to be Goodall or Attenborough and write answers to the interview questions posed. They can then enact their interviews with a partner and to the class.
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/5 on Living Things and Their Habitats, Year 5. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn that a life cycle is the series of changes a plant or animal goes through during its life. They will look at the life cycle stages for a mammal and bird and then in detail at an elephant and robin. Engaging video links are included for this also.
They will then complete a Venn diagram comparing the life cycles of mammals and birds before creating their own life cycle diagrams, using research tools, of a dog and a chicken (information is included to support with this).
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/5 on Living Things and Their Habitats, Year 5. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn that a life cycle is the series of changes a plant or animal goes through during its life. They will look at the life cycles of amphibians and insects who both go through a process called metamorphosis. They will recap key characteristics of each animal group before looking in detail at the life cycle of a frog and butterfly. Engaging video links are included for this also.
They will be tasked to complete a Venn diagram comparing amphibian and insect life cycles and then researching and creating their own life cycle diagrams for a salamander and dragonfly (information is included to support with this).
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/5 on Living Things and Their Habitats, Year 5. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn that reproduction means to have babies or offspring and every animal, including humans, reproduce and have offspring. They will recap the six animal groups and look at characteristics of each before looking at how each group reproduces and comparing between. They will be quizzed on their understanding and knowledge retained before being tasked to write their own script for a nature programme which they can then record using what they have learnt.
This lesson is 1/5 on Living Things and Their Habitats, Year 5. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn that there are two types of reproduction in plants: sexual and asexual. They will learn about the life cycle of plants that reproduce sexually looking at pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal and germination. They will also learn the different parts of flowering plants and will dissect a flowering plant using the guide to help them.
They will then look at asexual reproduction in plants through tubers, runners and bulbs. They will consider the advantages and disadvantages with both.
They will be quizzed throughout the lesson for retrieval and will then complete an activity sheet which will question their understanding.
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/5 on Living Things and Their Habitats, Year 5. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
This BUNDLE contains 6 lessons of teaching material on Animals including Humans. The lessons follow the sequence:
Lesson 1- The Circulatory System
Lesson 2- The Heart
Lesson 3- The Blood
Lesson 4- The Benefits of Exercise
Lesson 5- A Healthy Diet
Lesson 6- Drugs & Alcohol
A knowledge organiser for the unit is also included.
Lessons come with an engaging presentation, video links, worksheets and activities. They deliver a comprehensive overview of Animals including Humans and do so in an engaging way. These lessons have been designed for Year 6 students but can be easily adapted to suit KS2 or KS3 students.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the harmful effects of drugs, alcohol and smoking. They will learn that some drugs, such as prescription drugs, can be helpful if taken in the appropriate quantity. They will look at the side effects of drugs, alcohol and smoking in detail and will be quizzed on what they have learnt.
Finally, they will create their own informative leaflets (scaffold provided) using their new knowledge.
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/6 on Animals including Humans for Year 6. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn what constitutes a healthy diet. They will study the Eatwell Plate guide and learn how different food affect us. They will investigate food labels in relation to sugar, salt and fat and will learn the recommended amounts.
They will be tasked to organise different foods into the food groups before being quizzed on the nutritional value of different foods using their food labels.
A knowledge organiser for the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/6 on Animals including Humans for Year 6. To view the other lessons, please visit: science
In this lesson, students will learn that regular exercise keeps our heart and lungs healthy, and our bones and muscles strong. They will learn about the different types of exercise and will categorise different examples. They will learn all the key benefits of exercise linking also to the circulatory system before investigating the effect of exercise on their heart rate.
They will take this further and investigate a hypothesis and will have to organise their experiment as well as record and present their results.
A knowledge organiser of the unit is included.
This lesson is 1/6 on Animals including Humans for Year 6. To view the other lessons, please visit: science