I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
This resource relates to UK money - giving change. There are 50 task cards/activities.
50 numbered Task cards
Answer Key
Recording Sheet
Money Reference Sheet
There are two task cards to a page.
The task is in two parts:
• First students add up the coins/money in the first column and write the price of the item.
• The middle column shows the money used to pay for the item.
• Students work out the change using whichever method they are comfortable with and then write the change given in the last column.
The recording sheet can be used to write the date each card was completed.
Great for early finishers and/or you want to review money with your students.
You can laminate and cut out the cards or just stick some of the cards into workbooks you want your students to complete as an extension of your lesson.
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Reading comprehension passage and questions relating to the Greensboro sit-in (led by four African American students) which was part of the Civil Rights Movement. It was not the first sit-in protest but the most effective. This product also includes other associated tasks and optional map work and watching video with question sheets to complete. Key words - civil rights, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, North Carolina, Woolworth Department Store, nonviolent protests, the Greensboro Four.
Now includes PDF fillable boxes which students can complete on screen.
Reading comprehension passage
10 Questions to answer – evidence in text and students’ own views
Word work: Match words to sentences definition activity
Word Search with Answer Key
Optional map activity
Optional video link (6.21 mins duration) with question sheets (2 pages)
The reading passage introduces students to sit-ins as part of the nonviolent protests during the 1950/1960s to challenge the United States Jim Crow Laws. Students look for text-based evidence and also give their own views.
Word work
The matching activity entails students reading sentences and then matching the definition to the correct word.
Word Search: To reinforce vocabulary found in the text.
Map activity
This is optional - North Carolina has already been identified on the map as one of the southern states that passed the Jim Crow laws soon after the Reconstruction period. Students find out which other southern states did the same then color or shade in the areas on the map.
Video on Greensboro Four sit-in (6:21 mins duration) - 3 Civil rights leaders describing their experiences.
US and UK paper sizes
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This resource material is on split digraphs - a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e and u-e.
Some teachers only require the worksheets so I have made a separate resource pack. THIS IS PART OF A WHOLE PACK - see below for link to my shop.
There are two sets of worksheets:
Worksheet 1 set
-Students look at the pictures and complete the missing consonant to make the split digraph words.
Choose 3 words and write a sentence using each of the choosen words.
Mini word search to do (includes solutions).
Worksheet 2 - (5 pages) Students read each sentence and unscramble the highlighted words.
If you require the whole pack to include presentations, lesson plans and practical activities, please visit my shop: -)
You may be interested in:
CVC words fun activities with picture cards for Reception and Year 1/PreK and K.
Learning intention: Blending/segmenting CVC words for reading and writing.
This product contains:
• Teacher’s Notes and Answer Sheet for carousel activity
• 30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages)
• 30 CVC Sentence Strips to read and find CVC answer (6 pages)
• Find and Write CVC List Worksheets –With headings Table 1 to Table 6 for carousel
• 36 Pictures (not labelled) for CVC List Worksheets above (Laminate/cut out)
• 36 Pictures labelled for other suggested activities
<strong>30 CVC Word Search Strips with pictures (6 pages)</strong>
There are 6 worksheets each containing 5 CVC word search strips.
The students look at the picture and then search for the word in the strip. When found, they colour or shade in the word.
You can cut the strips out and stick into students’ phonics book.
<strong>30 CVC Sentence Clue Strips (6 pages)</strong>
These worksheets are for the more able that can read and decode words.
The students read the sentence which gives a clue to the CVC word to look for in the mini word search strip. The strips contain two CVC words, but only one is correct.
For example: This animal barks.
He/She then looks for the word in the strip and colour or shade in the word.
You have the option of cutting out the strips and selecting those you feel are suitable for your students and sticking them into workbooks or the students can complete the worksheets.
<strong>Find and Write Carousel Activity</strong>
The students are up and moving in this activity. Once they have completed the task on table 1, they then move on to table 2 with a different selection of pictures with Table 2 Worksheet CVC List and so on to Table 6.
Each table contains a set of different pictures which relates to each worksheet with the same pictures. Children work in table groups.
When the children change tables, hand out the ‘Find and Write List’ for that table for children to write on.
You can set a time limit for working on each table.
The students look at the worksheet for, e.g. table 3. They will see six pictures. They find the pictures that match what is on their worksheet and write the CVC word for that picture.
<strong>Make sure they write their names on their worksheet before handing them in and going on to the next table activity with new words and pictures.</strong>
<strong>Other Suggested Uses</strong>
Extra group activity – Select some of the laminated pictures cards and ask the children to write the cvc words for those cards on their whiteboards.
Thank you for your interest.
File Type: Word and PDF.
This is an assembly presentation on the topic of Guy Fawkes and bonfire night celebrated on 5 November in the UK.
The presentation can also be used as part of a lesson as there are 42 slides with optional follow-up activities.
Depending on how long your assembly is, you can choose what to include in as the presentation is editable.
It is divided into four sections:
• Celebrating with fireworks
• Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
• How we celebrate today and fireworks code
• Ending assembly with our freedom to practise our own religion and a prayer.
You can begin your assembly from Slide 11 which covers the gunpowder plot and why 5th November is a special day.
The presentation contains a glossary and the list of conspirators.
The follow-up activities relate to what they have learnt in assembly or if using as a lesson, to consolidate their learning.
Teacher Notes (4 pages) - Slides are referred to in the teacher notes.
4 Worksheets:
Worksheet 1 : Children draw and write simple sentences relating the five senses they use during a fireworks display. An example of this is on Slide 33.
Worksheet 2: Children write and draw four things they have learnt about the Gunpowder Plot.
Worksheet 3: This is a Guy Fawkes rhyme activity - using the well-known rhyme Remember, Remember, the fifth of November, children answer some questions on the rhyme, there is phonic and word work and children are asked to write in their own words ‘Why should 5th November never be forgot?’ The more able children may be able to complete this and the less able can discuss it.
Wordsearch with solution
Please see preview pane for worksheets and presentation slides included.
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This is a reading comprehension covers plants and photosynthesis and parts of a leaf. It is a three-page reading text which incorporates information on leaf rubbings which students could carry out and then label parts of the rubbings.
Reading comprehension (3 pages) Questions with Answer Key
Leaf rubbing activity
Word work: Students highlight words that are used in the text and put them alphabetical order;
Words within a word: list as many words as possible from the word ‘Photosynthesis’.
Editable text and A4 and US size worksheets.
Please see preview pane of what to expect in this product.
You can use this product as an additional worksheet to:
Introduction to Photosynthesis Presentation.
This resource comprises 5 worksheets on the water cycle and a missing jigsaw activity.
The worksheets are also on PowerPoint and PDF format.
These are additional worksheets you can give out during the lesson, use as assessment on the water cycle or as homework.
Two worksheets require students to write about the water cycle in their own words.
Three worksheets entail cut and paste activities. The simpler activities are cutting out the word strips and glue them onto the correct blank space to show the water cycle process.
The other cut and paste activity requires students to write the title in their workbooks or on a separate sheet of paper. Then they write about each word, cut out the strip and glue it into their workbooks. Some students may only be able to complete 4 strips. Let them choose a word to write about.
Once the students have written something about each word, they can draw a picture for each strip.
There is a jigsaw puzzle to complete. It has 4 pieces missing with which students complete the puzzle picture of the water cycle. When this is completed, student cut out and stick the labels into the correct spaces on the completed puzzle. A finished puzzle is included to how the puzzle should look. NB: The picture was drawn on the computer and coloured in by hand.
Missing Jigsaw Puzzle pieces (b/w) – Print off the page with just one puzzle piece in place. Students complete the whole puzzle by cutting out the rest of the puzzles (8 pieces) and sticking them in place to complete the water cycle picture. Then as above, cut out the words and glue beneath the correct picture, e.g. precipitation would go beneath the rain cloud.
Students can then colour in.
Hope you enjoy using these resources.
This is a set of money worksheets relating to working out change from €5 and €10 notes and answering money word problems. You can use these worksheets as an extension to your lesson, as worksheets for early finishers or for group work.
Updated May 17, 2022
I have now included two versions of the original worksheets which you can still download. Worksheets versions 2 and 3 show the different ways euros and cents are written.
Teacher Notes
Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from €5/5€
Students deduct the price of the item bought from €5/€5.
Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from €10/10€
Students deduct the price of the item bought from €10/10€.
Worksheet on doubling money and associated word problems
In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. doubling the price of each item.
In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1.
Worksheet on halving money and associated word problems
In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. halving the price of each item.
In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1.
All worksheets come with Answer Sheets and there are black and white duplicates of colour images.
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This science resource covers half a term’s work.
<strong>Aimed at: Keystage 1 </strong>
<strong>Seven flexible detailed lesson plans with worksheets and activities. </strong>
The only preparation is gathering the resources for the practical experiments.
All the PowerPoint Presentations support whole class and group teaching. You can even print off a relevant slide and use as a worksheet.
Lesson 1: To know different materials have different properties.
Lesson 2: Identifying commons materials - observational drawing and labelling properties.
Lesson 3: To know a range of materials used in a variety of ways.
Lesson 4: Different objects can be made from the same material.
Lesson 5: Testing which material is waterproof for a raincoat.
Lesson 6: Predicting and testing which material is magnetic.
Lesson 7: Predicting and testing which metal is magnetic and why.
43 Flash cards to use as teaching aid and for word wall - editable in word and also pdf format with blank cards
Two word searches with solutions.
File Type: PowerPoint and Word Format
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**A detailed set of resources with starter activities within the lesson plans. **
PowerPoint presentations to aid whole class teaching.
Lesson 1: Features of a clock and making a clock.
Lesson 2: Read o’clock.
Lesson 3: Read half past the hour.
Lesson 4: To know one hour later and earlier.
Lesson 5: Review o’clock, half past and one hour later/earlier with worksheets.
Lesson 6: Read quarter past.
Lesson 7: 1 min challenge on PowerPoint and My Day worksheet.
Lesson 8: Read 12 hour clock and digital clock.
Lesson 9: Time Word Problems
The lessons can be done in any order depending on what you want to teach.
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Related product: Telling the Time Pack 2
CVC word families onset and rime worksheets and PowerPoint Presentations.
You can see sample Presentations and worksheets in the preview pane. All the worksheets have the same format for each onset/rime.
Each of the 7 Presentations contains 17 Slides.
This comprehensive resource contains groups of word families - onset and rime.
<strong>There are PowerPoint Presentations to teach the word families which contain: </strong>
Whole class teaching via the Presentations , e.g. saying the onset and rime and seeing why they rhyme.
You can extend the lesson e.g. which two pictures rhyme bed/red can be played with the picture cards.
There are Teachers’ Guides on suggestions on how to use this resource.
The Picture Cards and Word Cards should be laminated and cut out for repeated use.
<strong>Activities for students to do:</strong>
Matching words to pictures and vice versa with the laminated cut out picture/word cards
Cut/paste activities to sort onset/rime word families
Sorting into boxes - read words below using phonological knowledge to sort words
Write simple captions for the pictures and then colour in, eg. rat on a cat, dog on a log using key sight words , a, an, the ,on and others.
Worksheet - write initial phoneme to complete word
Worksheet - write ending of rime to complete each word
<strong>Onset/rime covered: -at, -ad, -ag, -an, -et, -en, -eg, -ed, -ot, -og, -in, -ig, -ug, -un, -ip, -ut,
-ap, -op, -ay, -it, ox, um, -ob, -ub, -od, -ud, -ix, -on and -am. </strong>
File Type: Word format and PowerPoint held in a .zip file for convenience.
All resources are printable, editable and can be adapted to suit your class.
Learning aim: Recognise phoneme/grapheme connection and produce rhyming words.
This resource is an addition to my previous pack on telling the time.
There is a PowerPoint Presentation - each slide is referred to in the lesson plans.
All lesson plans contain starter activities and lesson objectives.
This product relates to telling and writing the time using am and pm and digital clocks.
Lesson 1: Read quarter to times - children will see the long hand points to 9.
Lesson 2: Read the time at 5 minute intervals, e.g. 8.40 pm
Lesson 3: Read 24 hour analogue clock why we use am/pm
Lesson 4: Read 24 hour digital clock and convert am/pm to analogue times
Lesson 5: Time problem questions - Slides on how to approach them.
There are 5 detailed lesson plans on how you can teach the above lessons with the PowerPoint slides for whole class teaching. You can choose what you want to include from the lesson plans.
There are differentiated worksheets for each lesson. The lessons also include practical activities to reinforce the concept of time.
File Type: PowerPoint Presentation, Word and PDF formats
Pack 1 of 2 Resources can be found at:
This product is suitable for Kindergarten/Grade 1 & 2.
It uses the story as a context to focus on grammar, word work and text level comprehension.
PowerPoint Presentation on all the lessons - the reading text is on the Presentation for whole class teaching including whole class exercises.
It also includes a lesson plan for 1 to 5 days work relating to:-
Reading comprehension and questions - encompassing listening/speaking and reading/writing (includes inferences)
Sentence work tasks- differentiated to include capitalization and end punctuation mark.
Work on conjunctions and finishing off sentences.
Word work focus on compound words.
Gap filling exercises in sentences.
Cut/paste activities to sequence the story
Grammar work on the future tense - Changing present tense to future tense and vice versa
Composition - Creative writing to complete thinking bubble.
Extension activities
Revision Worksheet on sentences which includes using conjunctions.
Aligns with:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.1A – Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence
CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L1.1.E – Use of verbs to convey past, present, future
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.L.1.1.G – Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or, so, because)
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.L1.2.B – Use end punctuation for sentences
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.SL.1.1 – Participate in collaborative conversations
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.SL.1.2 – Answer key details in a text read aloud
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RL.1.1 – Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RL1.2 – Retell story
Resources printable and editable.
There are a couple of pdf. worksheets - show examples of completed worksheets.
This resource contains colourful PowerPoint Presentations on the general rules to change singular nouns into plural and vice versa. PowerPoint Presentations on plurals that do not change, e.g. scissors and nouns with no singular, e.g. sheep, together with worksheets and cut and glue sorting activities.
Aimed at: Reception, KS1/Lower KS2 (for revision), ESL/EFL students
Teachers’ Guide on how you can teach via the PowerPoint lessons.
There are whole class activities within each presentation.
Content of PowerPoint Presentations - Simple rules and guidance:
(15 Slides) -Adding -s to nouns to make regular plurals, e.g. cat/cats
(16 Slides) - Nouns that have irregular plurals, e.g child/children
(21 Slides) - Nouns ending in consonant + y, e.g. baby/babies
(29 Slides) - Nouns ending in ch, sh, s, x and z, e.g. bench/benches, box/boxes
(21 Slides) - Nouns ending in f or fe, e.g. wolf/wolves and exceptions to the rule
(36 Slides) - Nouns ending in o, e.g. potato/potatoes, igloo/igloos - adding s or es
(28 Slides) - Plural nouns that do not require any changes, e.g. scissors, tweezers, trousers, glasses - New
(14 Slides) - Nouns that do not change at all, e.g. sheep, deer, salmon, fish (there are exceptions) - New
Includes: Whole class activities.
Exceptions to the rules are highlighted within the presentations.
There are 30 + differentiated worksheets based on each presentation.
Multiple Choice Activity worksheets (pdf) on choosing the correct spelling of the plural with pictures shown.
Writing - Sentences with highlighted singular or plural noun to be changed.
Cut and glue sorting activity - Please see Preview Pane - Students look at the pictures and write the plural and then cut out and glue into the correct column on Activitiy Sheets 1a and 1b.
Learning aims: Develop children’s understanding of singular and plural nouns. To know some nouns have irregular plurals and some plurals have no singular form, e.g. scissors.
File Type: PowerPoint, Word and PDF
Make your classroom bright and cheery with these colourful displays.
This resource contains 2D and 3D shape posters with description of each shape:-
square cube
triangle cuboid - rectangular prism
circle sphere
rectangle cylinder
pentagon cone
hexagon pyramid
octagon triangular prism
You have a choice of what to display: A distinction is made between regular 2d shapes (all sides and angles equal) and non-regular 2d shapes.
There is a general display for the younger age groups - Please see preview.
Also contains separate word labels for each shape.
Just print resources onto card paper (if you wish) and laminate - no scissors needed.
File type: Word format - Option to change the colours, PDF
Reading comprehension passage with questions and exercises.
Text is also on PowerPoint Presentation - Option for whole class reading.
Suitable for KS1/Lower Grade KS2.
Reading comprehensions - There are 14 questions and 11 questions respectively.
Use the cover sheet to make a lovely reading comprehension booklet.
**Covers: **
Looking for answers in the text
Tick box statements
Correct spellings
Rewrite in a difference tense
Explain their answers
Specimen answers provided.
Learning Objectives: Develop pleasure in reading
Answering and asking questions
Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done
Images royalty free from Microsoft Clipart.
Phase 2 - 6: Letters and Sounds - English - Appendix 1 - Spellings
Preparation: Print, laminate and cut out - use with dry-wipe pen for continuous use.
Year 1 high frequency words and tricky words phases 2 to 6 and common exception words in large lettering and dotted words for tracing over.
Read the word below, then practise writing the word.
Great resource for children to take home to practise reading and writing a selection of words.
Help prepare student for a spelling test.
Useful resource to give to children who are learning English as a second language. Give them two or three words to learn and practise writing and/or incorporate into lessons.
Learning Objective: To read, write and spell common and tricky words.
File Type: pdf.
This is a free sample of upper and lowercase A, B and C letters only with 2D and 3D shapes.
A, B and C alphabet playdough mats for modelling letter shapes. The mats show pictures in colour and b&w.
The letters are on whole pages in two sizes - A4 and US letter size 8.5 x 11".
Fun learning activity colouring in shapes and background of letters and making letter shapes.
Lowercase letters a b c with 2D shapes
Uppercase letters A B C with 2D shapes
Lowercase letters a b c with 3D shapes
Uppercase letters A B C with 3D shapes
Alphabet playdough mats A, B & C
Alphabet playdough mats with pictures labelled
Please click on link for full product description.
Thank you for your interest.
I have uploaded a resource to support children’s learning of the alphabet.
Children draw a line from each picture to the correct beginning letter name.
There are two sets which you can laminate for use with drywipe pens or you use as worksheets.
Two different lower case 'k’s are used.
Full pack link:
Hope you find it useful.
This literacy resource includes:-
- PowerPoint Presentation on all the lessons - the reading text is on the Presentation for whole class teaching including whole class exercises.
Literacy lessons for a week focusing on the short story: -
-reading comprehension questions
- capital letters and full stops
- jumbled sentences/words
- choosing a correct word in a sentence
- acting out the story (reading the dialogue)
- dictation (writing simple sentences from memory)
- Composition - re-writing the ending of the story
- Worksheets and activities
- Audio of the story within PowerPoint
All the worksheets can be adapted.
File Type: Word Format and PowerPoint Presentation.
You may also be interested in Reading Comprehension Packs.
Reading Comprehension Packs
All images royalty free from Microsoft clipart.