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RoJM Teaching Resources

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I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Pictograms Block Graphs Bar Charts Tally Charts Tables  Presentations Worksheets

Pictograms Block Graphs Bar Charts Tally Charts Tables Presentations Worksheets

This resource contains data and graphing relating to pictograms, bar charts, block graphs and tally charts and tables. It also includes lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations and worksheet activities. In line with the NC 2014 - Making and using pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and simple tables. There is a PowerPoint Presentation on each lesson. Lesson Plans contain:- Oral/Mental Starters Main activities Plenaries (Recap session) Lesson Plan 1: Pictograms - Children read and create pictograms - Differentiated worksheet activities and question sheets. Lesson Plan 2: Children create and read block diagrams- worksheet activities on block graphs and question sheets. Lesson Plan 3: Children read and create tally Charts and data tables. Children will incorporate what they have learnt so far tally and read tables in order to create a pictogram and block graph. - Differentiated worksheet activities. Lesson Plan 4: Bar Charts (vertical and horizonal) - Children read and answer questions on bar charts and learn to interpret them; produce a bar chart from a table - Zoo Animals. Surveys on Favourite Fruit, Flavours of Ice cream, Favourite Pets , How Children Travel to School and Favourite Vegetables. Worksheets and Presentations are editable and printable. Resources 1 and 2 - Best to print off, laminate and cut out for repeated use. Now includes PDF versions. US version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/pictograms-block-graphs-tally-chart-tables-bar-charts-presentations-worksheets-11233470 You may be interested in: St. Valentine-themed Data Handling Resources: Tally Charts, Tables, Pictograms, Block Graphs, Bar Charts , Presentations, Worksheets and Activities
Reading Comprehension/Text Work, Sentence & Word Work, Presentations, Lesson Plans & Worksheets

Reading Comprehension/Text Work, Sentence & Word Work, Presentations, Lesson Plans & Worksheets

This product is suitable for Kindergarten/Grade 1 & 2. It uses the story as a context to focus on grammar, word work and text level comprehension. PowerPoint Presentation on all the lessons - the reading text is on the Presentation for whole class teaching including whole class exercises. It also includes a lesson plan for 1 to 5 days work relating to:- Reading comprehension and questions - encompassing listening/speaking and reading/writing (includes inferences) Sentence work tasks- differentiated to include capitalization and end punctuation mark. Work on conjunctions and finishing off sentences. Word work focus on compound words. Gap filling exercises in sentences. Cut/paste activities to sequence the story Grammar work on the future tense - Changing present tense to future tense and vice versa Composition - Creative writing to complete thinking bubble. Extension activities Revision Worksheet on sentences which includes using conjunctions. Aligns with: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.1A – Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L1.1.E – Use of verbs to convey past, present, future CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.L.1.1.G – Use frequently occurring conjunctions (e.g. and, but, or, so, because) CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.L1.2.B – Use end punctuation for sentences CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.SL.1.1 – Participate in collaborative conversations CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.SL.1.2 – Answer key details in a text read aloud CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RL.1.1 – Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RL1.2 – Retell story Resources printable and editable. There are a couple of pdf. worksheets - show examples of completed worksheets.
Spellings Singular Nouns Plurals  and Vice Versa  Presentations  Worksheets Activities

Spellings Singular Nouns Plurals and Vice Versa Presentations Worksheets Activities

This resource contains colourful PowerPoint Presentations on the general rules to change singular nouns into plural and vice versa. PowerPoint Presentations on plurals that do not change, e.g. scissors and nouns with no singular, e.g. sheep, together with worksheets and cut and glue sorting activities. Aimed at: Reception, KS1/Lower KS2 (for revision), ESL/EFL students Teachers’ Guide on how you can teach via the PowerPoint lessons. There are whole class activities within each presentation. Content of PowerPoint Presentations - Simple rules and guidance: (15 Slides) -Adding -s to nouns to make regular plurals, e.g. cat/cats (16 Slides) - Nouns that have irregular plurals, e.g child/children (21 Slides) - Nouns ending in consonant + y, e.g. baby/babies (29 Slides) - Nouns ending in ch, sh, s, x and z, e.g. bench/benches, box/boxes (21 Slides) - Nouns ending in f or fe, e.g. wolf/wolves and exceptions to the rule (36 Slides) - Nouns ending in o, e.g. potato/potatoes, igloo/igloos - adding s or es (28 Slides) - Plural nouns that do not require any changes, e.g. scissors, tweezers, trousers, glasses - New (14 Slides) - Nouns that do not change at all, e.g. sheep, deer, salmon, fish (there are exceptions) - New Includes: Whole class activities. Exceptions to the rules are highlighted within the presentations. There are 30 + differentiated worksheets based on each presentation. Multiple Choice Activity worksheets (pdf) on choosing the correct spelling of the plural with pictures shown. Writing - Sentences with highlighted singular or plural noun to be changed. Cut and glue sorting activity - Please see Preview Pane - Students look at the pictures and write the plural and then cut out and glue into the correct column on Activitiy Sheets 1a and 1b. Learning aims: Develop children’s understanding of singular and plural nouns. To know some nouns have irregular plurals and some plurals have no singular form, e.g. scissors. File Type: PowerPoint, Word and PDF
Classroom Visuals: 2D/3D Shapes Displays, Posters, Flashcard labels

Classroom Visuals: 2D/3D Shapes Displays, Posters, Flashcard labels

Make your classroom bright and cheery with these colourful displays. This resource contains 2D and 3D shape posters with description of each shape:- square cube triangle cuboid - rectangular prism circle sphere rectangle cylinder pentagon cone hexagon pyramid octagon triangular prism oblong/oval You have a choice of what to display: A distinction is made between regular 2d shapes (all sides and angles equal) and non-regular 2d shapes. There is a general display for the younger age groups - Please see preview. Also contains separate word labels for each shape. Just print resources onto card paper (if you wish) and laminate - no scissors needed. File type: Word format - Option to change the colours, PDF
Reading Comprehension Passage Story Text and Questions

Reading Comprehension Passage Story Text and Questions

Reading comprehension passage with questions and exercises. Text is also on PowerPoint Presentation - Option for whole class reading. Suitable for KS1/Lower Grade KS2. Reading comprehensions - There are 14 questions and 11 questions respectively. Use the cover sheet to make a lovely reading comprehension booklet. **Covers: ** Looking for answers in the text Tick box statements Punctuation Correct spellings Rewrite in a difference tense Inference Explain their answers Specimen answers provided. Learning Objectives: Develop pleasure in reading Answering and asking questions Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done Images royalty free from Microsoft Clipart.
Letters/Sounds Phonics: Read/Trace Over Year 1 High Frequency/Common Exception Words Spellings

Letters/Sounds Phonics: Read/Trace Over Year 1 High Frequency/Common Exception Words Spellings

Phase 2 - 6: Letters and Sounds - English - Appendix 1 - Spellings Preparation: Print, laminate and cut out - use with dry-wipe pen for continuous use. Year 1 high frequency words and tricky words phases 2 to 6 and common exception words in large lettering and dotted words for tracing over. Read the word below, then practise writing the word. Great resource for children to take home to practise reading and writing a selection of words. Help prepare student for a spelling test. Useful resource to give to children who are learning English as a second language. Give them two or three words to learn and practise writing and/or incorporate into lessons. Learning Objective: To read, write and spell common and tricky words. File Type: pdf.
Phonics Phase 4 Initial  Blends bl/ br CCVC words-Presentations, Plans, Activities, Dictation KS1

Phonics Phase 4 Initial Blends bl/ br CCVC words-Presentations, Plans, Activities, Dictation KS1

This comprehensive phonics resource focuses on initial consonant blends bl and br CCVC words. In stages, it clearly explains and demonstrates CCVC to pupils. Aimed at: Foundation Stage/Keystage1 and SEN pupils; Pupils who find blends challenging Ideal resource for ESL pupils and one-to-one and small group teaching. Teaching format in both presentations are similar - includes whole class activities - practise writing CCVC words, segment/blend words, listening activities, sorting out jumbled words activity. It incorporates letters/sounds, consonant digraphs and vowel digraphs learnt in Phase 3 in order to make CCVC words. It contains:- Teacher’s Notes (x2) Presentations to recall letters and sounds Presentation showing picture of hand to count phonemes for CCVC activities Teaching Presentation for initial blend bl (54 Slides) Teaching Presentation for initial blend br (54 Slides) 2 Detailed Lessons Plans (learning objectives, main activities, plenaries) - All the slides are referred to in the lesson plans. Phoneme Frame for whole class and group activities - laminate for repeated use 2 sets of Flash cards of words (1 set shows sound buttons and lines)- laminate Pictures cards and related words - laminate and cut out Differentiated worksheets for pupils that need support and more able pupils. Cut and paste activity sheets Learning is reinforced by cut/paste activities. There are cloze activities - pupils choose a suitable word to complete sentences. Additional Practical activities - Match words to pictures for just bl- blends Match words to pictures for just br- blends For revision- Lay out a mixture of bl/br pictures and words for children to match up. Learning Objectives: To develop children’s knowledge of initial consonant blends. To segment and blend CCVC words for reading and writing. Related phonics: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-revision-of-digraphs-sh-ch-th-ng-ck-ph-wh-presentation-lesson-plan-activities-11382757
Digraphs Ph and Wh  Presentations Lesson Plans  Activities Audio (Listening) Worksheets

Digraphs Ph and Wh Presentations Lesson Plans Activities Audio (Listening) Worksheets

**This phonics resource focuses on the digraphs ph and wh. ** Aimed at: Foundation/Keystage 1, SEN students, EAL and ESL students. Content Lesson Focus: Digraph 'Ph’ PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities) - click/drag mouse to match pictures/words; unscramble jumbled words; Listening tasks - (click on speaker icon) - See a preview of one of the slides. Lesson Plan (include learning objectives and plenary) - slides are referred to in the plan Differentiated worksheet activities - cut/paste activities, trace over dots. Differentiated Extension worksheets Flashcard and pictures (extended practical activities) Set of flashcards showing highlighted digraph **Lesson Focus: Digraph ‘Wh’ ** PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities) - click/drag mouse to match pictures/words; Audio -there are listening tasks in the presentation - see example Slide 3 in preview pane Lesson Plan (including learning objectives and plenary)- slides are referred to in the plan Differentiated worksheet activities - Cut/paste activities, trace over dots. Differentiated Extension worksheets Flashcard and pictures (extended practical matching activities) Set of flashcards showing highlighted digraph Revision on both ph and wh digraphs: PowerPoint Presentation (includes whole class activities and audio/ listening tasks) Lesson Plan (lesson objectives and plenary) Cut and paste sorting activity - ph or wh Differentiated extension worksheets Word Search and Solution on digraph ph Word Search and Solution on digraph wh The additional resource to go with this pack are A4 size flashcards with pictures/words in print and cursive writing: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/digraph-flashcards-wh-ph-sh-ch-th-ng-and-ck-11367425
Adverbs and Adverbials BUNDLE Adverbs of Manner Time Frequency Place Degree Worksheets Posters Flashcards Vocabulary Grammar

Adverbs and Adverbials BUNDLE Adverbs of Manner Time Frequency Place Degree Worksheets Posters Flashcards Vocabulary Grammar

6 Resources
UPDATED WITH LESSON ON ADVERBIALS. This bundle contains 6 products relating to the six different types of adverbs as listed below: Adverbs of Manner Adverbs of Time Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of Place Adverbs of Degree Adverbs of Purpose/Reason Adverbial Phrases and Fronted Adverbials A great product to support your teaching of the different types of adverbs and adverbial phrases that act as adverbs. You can adapt each product to the level of your class. Teacher’s notes are included for each product. Optional: You may just want to use the flashcards for speaking and listening activities and get students to construct their sentences orally using adverbs. Each product contains display posters to remind students of the general rules. You may not need to display all of them. There are also vocabulary cards which you can use as flashcards for teaching and then display on your word wall. Differentiated Worksheets There are sets of worksheets in each product for students to practise using the different kinds of adverbs and how to use adverbial phrases. Reading comprehension and associated tasks on adverbials and fronted adverbials. retrieving answers inference and interpreting vocabulary work creative writing to include adverbials Please see individual descriptions. Thank you for visiting my shop:)
Adverbs of Time and Frequency Worksheets, Information Posters/Anchor Charts  Flashcard Vocabulary

Adverbs of Time and Frequency Worksheets, Information Posters/Anchor Charts Flashcard Vocabulary

This product relates to adverbs of time/frequency. Ideal if you want to review adverbs of time and frequency. It introduces students to adverbs of time vocabulary and a guide to word order. It outlines where the adverb is usually positioned in a sentence when using the verb ‘to be’, main verb and auxiliary verbs. Content: Teacher’s Notes 18 Classroom Visuals - General information on adverbs of time and frequency 50 Vocabulary flashcards - Common Adverbs of frequency Differentiated Worksheets There are 6 sets of worksheets for students to practice using adverbs of time. Worksheet is a sorting activity - Students cut, sort and paste definite and indefinite adverbs of time into the correct boxes. Not all the words need cutting out as some are adverbs of manner. (Answer Key included) Differentiated Adverbs of frequency worksheets (2 sets) - Easier worksheet - Students sort the jumbled sentences placing the adverb at the end of the sentence. Harder worksheet - The more able students write each sentence out two times placing the adverb at the beginning and also at the end. (Example Answer included) Adverbs of Frequency Sentence Work - Students construct 6 sentences from using the words from Box 1, 2 and 3. (Example given) Adverbs of Time Word Order - Students choose 5 activities from the list and adverbs to write complete sentences. Adverbs of Time (2) Worksheets - This is an easier worksheet. Students choose an appropriate adverb that best fits into each of the 5 sentences and then color in the pictures. Extension work for more able students - Adverbs Already, Still and Yet. This worksheet focuses on the adverbs already, still and yet and where they are positioned in a sentence. Classroom displays: If you are doing work on adverbs of time, you can laminate the information cards and put on classroom wall as visual reminders. Laminate the flashcards - You can randomly shuffle the cards and ask a student to select a card. Whichever card is selected, e.g. ‘sometimes’, students make up a sentence with this word. Thank you for your interest.
Pilgrims and Puritans Reading Comprehension Passages

Pilgrims and Puritans Reading Comprehension Passages

This resource contains two sets of reading comprehension passages relating to the Pilgrims (known as Separatists) and the Puritans (non Separating Puritans) and the Church of England. The aim of each reading comprehension is to show the differences and similarities between these Puritan sects. You could use this resource as additional information to your Thanksgiving lesson or history lesson on the Puritans in England. Please note: It does not include the Mayflower Compact or the Thanksgiving Feast with the Wampanoags. Content: Teacher Notes Card 1: Who are the Pilgrims with 12 comprehension questions Card 2: Who are the Puritans with 7 comprehension questions Worksheet - Gap filling activity on the Pilgrims Worksheet - Gap filling activity on the Puritans Information sheet on the Congregational Way Also includes PDF fillable spaces which can be completed on digital devices. UK and US spelling. The comprehension activities include: Finding evidence in the reading passages Vocabulary work Comparing Card 1 and Card 2 Tick box answers Students giving their own opinion Includes specimen answers - Gap filling activities: Student A and B work together to complete their worksheets. Student A has the information that is missing on Student B’s worksheet and vice versa. The students are encouraged to read together to complete the activity. Learning Objectives: To know the differences and similarities of the Pilgrims and the Puritans. To know that the Pilgrims and the Puritans settled in different colonies. Thank you for visiting my shop:)
Christmas Story Activities Worksheets  Story Wheel Sequencing Word Searches

Christmas Story Activities Worksheets Story Wheel Sequencing Word Searches

Christmas activities and worksheets to help younger children learn about the birth of Jesus: Read, write, colour, sequence story, match up and word searches. Content: • Read, Trace, Colour Worksheets (x10) – Children read and trace over the sentence and then colour in. Optional: You can make a booklet for each child by stapling the edges. • Follow the Path Activity (x2) – Children use a crayon at the start of the pathway. They can use different colours to make a rainbow path. • Christmas Story Reading on PowerPoint – You can read the story aloud on PowerPoint and then get children to summarise the story. The children can then carry out the various differentiated activities. • Match animals to animal words puzzle • Worksheet – Children draw on the gift boxes three presents they would give to Jesus After reading the Christmas story, children can complete the following sequencing activities. Either you or the children can cut out the sequencing wheel and cover template. • Story Wheel Sequencing – Children cut out the pictures and glue them in order in each of the segments to tell the Christmas story. When completed and coloured in, they can recount the story to someone else. • Alternatively, children can cut out the pictures and place each picture over the numbered boxes in order to sequence the pictures using the worksheet provided. • Words Searches (x2) with Solution US Version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/christmas-story-activities-worksheets-and-word-searches-us-version-12224631 Thank you for visiting my shop. You may be interested in the Christmas story presentation. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/christmas-story-nativity-birth-of-jesus-presentation-worksheets-12224259
Ordinal Numbers and Words Worksheets Activities

Ordinal Numbers and Words Worksheets Activities

This resource relates to ordinal numbers in figures and words. There is a cut and paste Royal family activity to do - Who is next in line to the throne? There are also matching ordinal numbers to words and cut and paste putting the months of the year in order. These worksheets are great for independent work or group work. You can even send home worksheets for homework and/or distance learning. Content • Royal Family worksheet to complete. (Cut/paste activity) • Royal Photos to cut out sheet • Differentiated worksheet on Royal family with arrow tags • A set of colorful ordinal numbers arrows • Worksheet – Match up ordinal numbers and words • Worksheet – Ordinal Numbers Missing Gaps 1st to 20th • Worksheet (x2) – Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers Activity • Worksheet A– Activities using colors on the position of beads • Worksheet B – Ordinal Numbers and Counting On • Worksheet C – Ordinal Numbers and Counting Back • Worksheet – Following directions to complete ordinal activity • Worksheet (Cut/paste) – Ordering months of the year • Worksheet – Line up for lunch activity and answering questions • Cut/Paste Activity - Ordering Animal Cards using ordinal numbers 21st to 30th. The story to this activity is that Jan has pasted down her 20th animal card and now needs help to sort and glue down the rest of her collection in the correct ordinal order. Please see preview pane. I have included Teacher’s Notes describing the activities. (2 pages) LO: To be able to read and write ordinal numbers To know ordinal numbers tell us a position and/or order in a list You may be interested in the UK version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12282464 Thank you for visiting my store:)
CVC Read Write Sentences Missing Rhyme Words Worksheets Blend to Read

CVC Read Write Sentences Missing Rhyme Words Worksheets Blend to Read

In this resource students read sentences with missing rhyming CVC words and choose the correct rhyming word to match the highlighted word in each sentence. They also complete words with missing beginning and ending sounds and blend to read CVC words. Set 1: Worksheets A to F - (24 sentences) There are 4 sentences on each page. Students read each sentence and then match the highlighted word with the correct rhyming word. Students choose one out of the three choices in the box. **Set 2: Worksheets 1 to 5 ** Students are to use their phonic knowledge to complete each word with a beginning and ending sound. Then they write the words out on the handwriting lines. **Set 3: Worksheets 1 to 5 ** These worksheets are for students who need practice in sounding out letters in CVC words. He/she sound out each letter pointing to the sound buttons beneath each letter. When they have blended the sound to make the word, he/she can then write the word out. This activity is suitable for one-to-one or small group setting activity. Hope you find these worksheets a useful addition to your phonics lessons. There are two worksheets sizes: A4 and US Size Thank you for visiting my shop:) Related free worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sentence-work-phonics-cvc-words-cloze-worksheets-activity-distance-learning-12304682
Australian Money Giving Change Worksheets and Word Problems

Australian Money Giving Change Worksheets and Word Problems

This is a set of money worksheets relating to working out change from a $5 and a $10 dollar note and answering money word problems. You can use these worksheets as an extension to your lesson, as worksheets for early finishers or for group work. Content: Teacher Notes Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from $5 Students deduct the price of the item bought from $5. Worksheets A to C: Students work out change back from $10 Students deduct the price of the item bought from $10. Worksheet on doubling money and associated word problems In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. doubling the price of each item. In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1. Worksheet on halving money and associated word problems In Part 1 there is a table to complete, i.e. halving the price of each item. In Part 2, questions (a) to (e), students answer the questions which relate to the activity in Part 1. All the worksheets come with an Answer Sheet and there are black and white duplicates of colour images. Thank you for visiting my shop.:)
CVC Word Families Phonics Worksheets

CVC Word Families Phonics Worksheets

This resource relates to CVC word families - onset and rime. It contains 30 worksheets in black and white and the same 30 worksheets in colour. There are three tasks on each worksheet: Cut and glue the correct missing letters to complete the word family using the picture clues. Choose the correct missing letter to complete the word or put a cross in the box below the picture that does not belong to the same word family. Complete the crossword puzzle – the three-letter words go across and down. A PDF fillable worksheet has now been added which can be completed on computer devices. These worksheets can be used for: • extension work • early finishers • revision of word families • homework Hope this is a timesaver and thank you for stopping by! :) This product is also part of a large CVC bundle which contains a variety of CVC activities.
Christmas Theme Counting to 10 Presentation  Displays Flash cards Worksheet Cut Paste Activities

Christmas Theme Counting to 10 Presentation Displays Flash cards Worksheet Cut Paste Activities

This resource pack is designed to support counting, number recognition and number formation from zero to 10. Also available addition and subtraction worksheets. Even in the early years setting some children can count beyond 10 and so the flash cards and counting cards go up to 20. The Teachers’ Notes suggest how to use this resource - also included are worksheets and cut and paste activities for independent work. Content PowerPoint Presentation 0 to 10 in words and figures - There is animation so children can count Santa as he appears and back from 10 to 0. Snowman number friezes 0 – 20 Digit flash cards 0 – 20 Santa cards for counting activities Snowman cards for counting activities Christmas stockings for counting activities Christmas stars card for touch counting/match with digit cards (colour/b&w) Christmas pudding numbers and pictures card for display Colour in number formation and Christmas trees -1 Colour in number formation and Christmas trees words -2 Trace over numbers activity showing different Christmas images Trace over numbers and words showing Christmas pictures Worksheet 1 – Counting activity up to 5 Worksheet 2 – Counting activity 6 to 10 Worksheet 3 - Count and colour activity (Extension work) Activity Sheets 1 and 2 – Cut/paste presents to stick onto Santa’s sack. Tens Frame – Count and write how many presents in each cell (1 to 10) Tens Frame – Christmas Baubles Cut and paste activity - Children read the number word and cut out the correct number of baubles to stick on the ten frame. Optional to laminate, print and cut out flash cards and digit cards for repeated use. Extension work for early finishers Learning objectives: To practise forming numbers To read and recognise numbers zero to 10 To practise counting from zero/1 to 10 Hope you enjoy the use of this resource. US Version available: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12777036 Thank you for visiting my shop!:)
Cut/Paste Activities - Addition - Number Bonds/Equations - Activity Sheets & Teachers' Notes

Cut/Paste Activities - Addition - Number Bonds/Equations - Activity Sheets & Teachers' Notes

This Maths resource comprises:- - Teachers' Notes - Number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 100 activity worksheets - cut/paste missing numbers. - Equations to 5, 10 and 20 - Activity sheets A, B, and C where the children have to work out which two missing numbers to insert to complete the number sentence. They can only use the numbers on the cut/paste sheet - and not to use their own numbers. - Pdf. Answer sheets for the above activity sheets A, B, and C. - Simple equation activity worksheets - introduces children to equations and the meaning of the equal sign. Ideal for assessment.
Cut/Paste Activities - Addition - Number Bonds/ Equations - Activity Sheets & Teachers' Notes

Cut/Paste Activities - Addition - Number Bonds/ Equations - Activity Sheets & Teachers' Notes

This Math resource comprises:- - Teachers' Notes - Number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 100 activity worksheets - cut/paste missing numbers. - Equations to 5, 10 and 20 - Activity sheets A, B, and C where the children have to work out which two missing numbers to insert to complete the number sentence. They can only use the numbers on the cut/paste sheet - and not to use their own numbers. - Pdf. Answer sheets for the above activity sheets A, B, and C. - Simple equation activity worksheets - introduces children to equations and the meaning of the equal sign. Ideal for assessment.
Digraph  flashcards - wh   ph    sh    ch   th  ng   and ck

Digraph flashcards - wh ph sh ch th ng and ck

Time-saving flashcards for phonic work. The digraph being learnt is highlighted in red. The writing is in print and joined up. Foundation/Keystage 1, SEN and ESL/EAL pupils. Just print and laminate these large digraph picture cards. Browse round my store, you may be interested in the following: Revision of digraphs sh ch th ng ck ph and wh Digraphs Ph and Wh