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Bullying assembly

Bullying assembly

Assembly based on bullying within friendships and the workplace. The purpose is to encourage pupils to know their own mind but more importantly, for those who bully to recognise this in their behaviour towards 'friends'.
Media Campaign

Media Campaign

Year 7 or 8 media scheme of work. In groups pupils consider the various aspects of advertising; logos, slogans, language. Their task is to design and present a campaign on animal welfare and reflect on their choices at the end. This can be delivered over 1/2 lessons or given time/resources used to aid a more developed campaign. My last group made tote bags, business cards, recorded role plays...
Optical illusions - assembly

Optical illusions - assembly

Assembly looking at optical illusion photographs - some discussion about things not always being what they first appear. Introducing a competition for Year 8 to see who can take the best optical illusion photograph.
Writing to instruct - Blue Peter style

Writing to instruct - Blue Peter style

Lesson showing Blue Peter's iconic 'Tracey Island' demonstration. Pupils note key aspects of writing instructions before brainstorming ideas as a group. After deciding, they all write instructions (homework to write/present in neat) and consider logistics of presenting. This year we had waffles made from scratch, cake decorating - with lots of 'here's one I made earlier' Yoga, paninis, smoothies, origami and lots of other fun demonstrations.
Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones

May break my bones... PPT focussing on differences and the harm in words. Features an explicit picture of a slashed arm and some nasty words - edit according to audience.
Remembrance day

Remembrance day

Assembly on Remembrance Day. How it came about, where and why poppies are made. Delivered to Year 8 accompanied by a reading of In Flanders Fields and a display of poppies over the years.
Harmless 'fun'

Harmless 'fun'

Assembly on the dangers of harmless fun. Refers to statistics showing the number of reported accidents in schools each year. Hands up (eyes closed helps with honesty!) always reveals a large number of pupils who have pulled a chair from under someone or rocks on their chair.
July Assembly

July Assembly

All about July. Some bizarre 'celebration days' from around the world - including bring your plant to work day! A fun look at the final weeks leading to the summer break.
Wide Sargasso Sea: Setting

Wide Sargasso Sea: Setting

Year 12 lesson on setting in Wide Sargasso Sea. The PPT provides detailed information on the three settings and provides pupils with prompts to discuss and write about place and structure. Pupils are guided to consider place and character, looking specifically at Daniel Cosway’s room. After group writing, pupils annotated texts and completed an independent analysis of one extract relating to setting.
Wide Sargasso Sea Introduction

Wide Sargasso Sea Introduction

Year 12 lesson on Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea. The lesson includes examples of different front covers to discuss and analyse, detailed information on the novel’s title and biographical context. Pupils are asked to complete Cornell notes from the information - examples provided for reference. In groups pupils complete further research to be presented to the class.
Identity - Checking out Me History

Identity - Checking out Me History

A lesson based on John Agard’s Checking out Me History. Encourages pupils to consider what identity means and to analyse the use of metaphor in the poem. Pupils complete PEE paragraphs to show understanding.
William Blake exam preparation

William Blake exam preparation

A PPT explaining how to include form, structure and language in an exam response without using those terms. A selection of past questions to be used in mock responses or discussion activities .