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Science Spot

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(based on 214 reviews)

I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi




I have been a science teacher in an urban School District for 7 years. During this time I have had the opportunity to experience teaching within classrooms at all levels of performance abilities, including full inclusion, and highly advanced classes. I have taught middle school science (both the 7th and 8th grade) and at the high school level (9th to 12th grade science) including Anatomy, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, and Physical Science I have a PA Professional Certi
Elements Compounds and Mixtures Crossword Puzzle

Elements Compounds and Mixtures Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on elements compounds and mixtures is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Compound ♦ Element ♦ Heterogeneous ♦ Homogeneous ♦ Matter ♦ Mixture ♦ Molecule ♦ Pure Substance ♦ Solute ♦ Solvent ♦ Suspension
Magnets and Magnetism Crossword Puzzle

Magnets and Magnetism Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on magnets and magnetism is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Attract ♦ Compass ♦ Electromagnet ♦ Iron ♦ Magnet ♦ Magnetic Field ♦ Permanent Magnet ♦ Pole ♦ Repel ♦ Temporary Magnet
Physical Properties of Matter Crossword Puzzle

Physical Properties of Matter Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the physical properties of matter is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Buoyancy ♦ Color ♦ Conductivity ♦ Density ♦ Ductility ♦ Magnetism ♦ Malleability ♦ Mass ♦ Solubility ♦ Solubility ♦ Temperature ♦ Viscosity ♦ Volume
Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on thermal energy is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Absolute Zero ♦ Conduction ♦ Conductor ♦ Convection ♦ Energy ♦ Heat ♦ Insulator ♦ Radiation ♦ Temperature ♦ Thermal Energy
Erosion and Weathering Crossword Puzzle

Erosion and Weathering Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on erosion and weathering is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Chemical Weathering ♦ Deposition ♦ Erosion ♦ Glacial Erosion ♦ Mechanical Weathering ♦ Runoff ♦ Sediment ♦ Soil ♦ Weathering ♦ Wind erosion
Types of Landforms and Bodies of Water Crossword Puzzle

Types of Landforms and Bodies of Water Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on landforms and bodies of water is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Bay ♦ Canyon ♦ Glacier ♦ Hill ♦ Island ♦ Isthmus ♦ Lake ♦ Mesa ♦ Mountains ♦ Peninsula ♦ Plateau ♦ Straight ♦ Valley
Layers of the Atmosphere Crossword Puzzle

Layers of the Atmosphere Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the layers of the atmosphere is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Atmosphere ♦ Exosphere ♦ Ionosphere ♦ Mesosphere ♦ Nitrogen ♦ Oxygen ♦ Ozone Layer ♦ Stratosphere ♦ Temperature ♦ Thermosphere ♦ Troposphere ♦ Weather
Seasons Crossword Puzzle

Seasons Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the seasons is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Axis ♦ Calendar ♦ Equinox ♦ Orbit ♦ Revolution ♦ Rotation ♦ Seasons ♦ Solstice ♦ Sun
Soil Crossword Puzzle

Soil Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on soil is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Bedrock ♦ Decomposers ♦ Deposition ♦ Erosion ♦ Horizons ♦ Humus ♦ Loam ♦ Sediment ♦ Soil ♦ Subsoil ♦ Weathering
Volcanoes Crossword Puzzle

Volcanoes Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on volcanoes is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Aa ♦ Caldera ♦ Cinder Cone ♦ Composite ♦ Hot Spot ♦ Lava ♦ Magma ♦ Magma Chamber ♦ Pahoehoe ♦ Pyroclastic Flow ♦ Shield ♦ Vent ♦ Volcanic Ash ♦ Volcano
Cell Organelles Crossword Puzzle

Cell Organelles Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on cell organelles is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Cell Membrane ♦ Cell Wall ♦ Chloroplast ♦ Cytoplasm ♦ Endoplasmic Reticulum ♦ Golgi ♦ Lysosome ♦ Mitochondria ♦ Nucleus ♦ Organelle ♦ Ribosome ♦ Vacuole
Photosynthesis Crossword Puzzle

Photosynthesis Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on photosynthesis is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Autotroph ♦ Calvin Cycle ♦ Carbon Dioxide ♦ Chlorophyll ♦ Chloroplast ♦ Glucose ♦ Light Reactions ♦ Oxygen ♦ Photosynthesis ♦ Stoma ♦ Water
Habitats Crossword Puzzle

Habitats Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the different types of habitats is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Cave ♦ City ♦ Coral Reef ♦ Desert ♦ Freshwater ♦ Marine ♦ Marsh ♦ Pond ♦ Rainforest ♦ Swamp
Parts of a Plant Crossword Puzzle

Parts of a Plant Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the parts of a plant is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Anther ♦ Flower ♦ Leaves ♦ Ovary ♦ Petal ♦ Pistil ♦ Roots ♦ Seed ♦ Sepal ♦ Stamen ♦ Stem ♦ Stigma
Six Kingdoms of Life Crossword Puzzle

Six Kingdoms of Life Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the six kingdoms of life is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Animalia ♦ Archaebacteria ♦ Eubacteria ♦ Eukaryote ♦ Fungi ♦ Plantae ♦ Prokaryote ♦ Protista
Mitosis Crossword Puzzle

Mitosis Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on mitosis is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Anaphase ♦ Centrioles ♦ Centromere ♦ Chromatin ♦ Chromosome ♦ Cytokinesis ♦ DNA ♦ Metaphase ♦ Prophase ♦ Spindle Fiber ♦ Telophase
Parts of a Microscope Crossword Puzzle

Parts of a Microscope Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on the parts of a microscope is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Arm ♦ Base ♦ Coarse ♦ Diaphragm ♦ Eyepiece ♦ Fine ♦ Lamp ♦ Lens ♦ Microscope ♦ Objective ♦ Stage
Heredity Crossword Puzzle

Heredity Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on heredity is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Allele ♦ DNA ♦ Dominant ♦ Gene ♦ Genotype ♦ Heterozygous ♦ Homozygous ♦ Mutation ♦ Pedigree ♦ Phenotype ♦ Punnett Square ♦ Recessive
DNA Crossword Puzzle

DNA Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on DNA is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Adenine ♦ Chromosome ♦ Cytosine ♦ Deoxyribose ♦ DNA ♦ Gene ♦ Guanine ♦ Hydrogen Bonds ♦ Mutation ♦ Nucleotide ♦ Thymine ♦ Uracil
Genetic Engineering Crossword Puzzle

Genetic Engineering Crossword Puzzle

This crossword puzzle on genetic engineering is a fun vocabulary review for students and contains the following: 1. Blank Version without word bank 2. Blank Version with word bank 3. Answer Key Vocabulary Words: ♦ Bioethics ♦ Clone ♦ DNA Fingerprinting ♦ Electrophoresis ♦ Gene ♦ Gene Therapy ♦ Genome ♦ Plasmid ♦ Recombinant DNA ♦ Restriction Enzyme ♦ Transgenic