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C1.6 structure of the atom

C1.6 structure of the atom

aimed at a mixed ability year 9 class Starter Activity Put atom structures in the correct order thinking back to last lesson Main – Work through work sheet in steps. To ensure maximum understanding Chase the element – race task to find out what each element around the room is, identifying proton neutron and electron number and matching it with an element on the periodic table Make a model of an atom using string, and card (cut card into circles use string to attach them together) Plenary Tweet what you’ve learnt tday
C3.1 States of matter - Foundation

C3.1 States of matter - Foundation

Aimed at a foundation class Starter Activity Draw what they can remember about the states of matter, go through what the particle pictures should look like Main – Complete worksheet on properties of solids, liquids and gases -  differentiated versions Stick in particle diagrams – students add labels and arrows to show what the state changes are. Then use textbooks and what we have discussed to describe what happens to the particles during changes of state. Explain cooling curves, students fill in the blanks on their cooling curve Extension for students looking at cooling and heating curves and melting and boiling points Plenary Little quiz to finish with
C3.3 Ionic bonding - foundation

C3.3 Ionic bonding - foundation

Aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Ions recap, what charge do elements have in different groups Stretch question to think about how group 1 and 2 will interact with group 6 and 7 Main – Go through the video and answer the questions, go through answers Practice drawing ionic compounds  Extension:  explain the difference between KBr and K2O Go through the answers which are on the slides Exam question practice to move onto if have a chance Plenary 4 mark exam question – peer assess Good to show the detail they need in their answers
C3.2 atoms into ions - Foundation

C3.2 atoms into ions - Foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Identify the atom on the board Stretch – how do you know which atom it is Main – Recap how to find out electron/proton/neutron numbers and how to draw electron configuration. Think pair share, what can the two atoms do to have full outer shells Students explain in their books what a positive and negative ion is 3 quick questions – green pen mark Go through rules so we always know the charges of common ions Worksheet to complete – label periodic table with rules and then practice drawing ions Extension: describe and explain how ions are formed Plenary Exam question plenary – peer assess
C3.5 covalent bonding - foundation

C3.5 covalent bonding - foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Mark homework Main – Think pair share – spot the difference between ionic and covalent bonding. Then write down definition of covalent bonding Watch video, only watch until 2 minutes. Answer questions whilst video is going. Goo through and green pen answers after Go through the two examples on the board and show what happens Students then have a go at completing their worksheet to show covalent bonds Extension: decide if the compounds are ionic or covalent and explain how they know Plenary Plenary, fill in the gaps and go over answers
C3.4 Giant ionic structures - foundation

C3.4 Giant ionic structures - foundation

aimed at a lower ability class Starter Activity Using previous knowledge make predictions about ionic compounds Main – Go through and discuss giant ionic lattices Students move around the room to find the information sheet to find out if there prediction was correct or not and why Practical with a dissolved ionic compound to show it can conduct electricity. Make sure say that molten ionic compounds too and what a molten ionic compound is Plenary Exam question plenary
C11.4 global climate change

C11.4 global climate change

Aimed at foundation students targets of level 4 Starter: differentiated bronze/silver/gold starter based on previous lessons in the topic, answers on following slide Main: Watch video, write a list of as many problems form global warming think, pair, share: what is a a carbon footprint - write defintion discuss what the different countries of the world are trying to do to combat global warming Students fill in an information sheet from what they have learnt, differentiated extension questions with answers if students complete Plenary: higher or lower, interactive, do you think the following country has a higher or lower level of renewable energy use
C11.3 greenhouse gases

C11.3 greenhouse gases

Aimed at foundation students, targets of level 4 Starter: differentiated bronze/silver/gold starter questions with answers Main: Draw the greenhouse effect using info from powerpoint. extension question to challenge students Fact hunt: questions to answer using textbook Video on deforestation, questions to answer from video Plenary: animated true/false statements
C11.1 History of our atmosphere

C11.1 History of our atmosphere

Aimed at foundation students. targets of level 4 Information about how the earths atmosphere was created, then a story board for students to fill in using questions from the version on the board. Extension questions included to challenge students extension sheet if students finish. 6 mark question on this topic for students to practice exam technique as a plenary
C11.5 atmospheric pollutants

C11.5 atmospheric pollutants

aimed at foundation level 4 targets Differentiated bronze/silver/gold starter Main: recap complete and incomplete combustion, put piece of pot over blue/yellow flame on bunsen burner Students fill in worksheet, to say what they saw and the difference between incomplete and complete combustion Students fill in information grid using textbooks, to find the causes of the atmospheric pollutants and the problems with them Answers for students to check their answers with
C11 - The earths atmosphere

C11 - The earths atmosphere

4 Resources
All resources aimed at foundation students C11.1 + C11.2 combined into one lesson C11.3 greenhouse gases C11.4 global climate change C11.5 atmospheric pollutants
C12.1 Making water safe to drink

C12.1 Making water safe to drink

Starter: differentiated starter questions with answers Main: Discussion which water from the pictures would you rather drink. Define: potable water Carry out required practical answer questions green pen, self assess questions discuss why water is so important. Complete worksheet to show how potable water is made (differentiated worksheets)
C12. treating waste water

C12. treating waste water

For low ability students. targets level 4 Starter: differentiated stater based on prior learning of the topic answers on following slide Main: think pair share: where do we get waste water from video: watch a video, try and pick out what the stages of treatment for waste water are differentiated worksheets, to explain the process of waste water treatment Extension: differentiated extension questions Plenary: copy and complete two sentences
C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

C12.6 reduce reuse recycle

Aimed at low ability students, targets of level 4s Starter: recap on stages of LCA Main: link up key words to defintions for three R’s Pictures on board of different items, what are they made of ? can they be recycled? Discuss three R’s with students using textbooks students then make an information sheet using the success criteria on the powerpoint Plenary: 6 mark question about the the three r’s
C12.5 Life cycle assessments

C12.5 Life cycle assessments

Aimed at low ability students, targets level 4 Starter: differentiated starter questions Main: watch the video about a yogurt pot,thin about its journey fill in grid showing the different stages of the LCA use textbooks to support Class vote - which do they think is the most enviromentally damaging paper or plastic bags Carry out LCA of paper and plastic bags using textbooks evaluate which they think is most enviromentally damaging Plenary: question to list the stages of the LCA
C12 revision sheet

C12 revision sheet

C12 - the earths resources summary sheet Aimed at students with targets of level 4’s page numbers are from CGP foundation revision guide
Paper one chemistry revision

Paper one chemistry revision

Complete paper one chemistry revision Inspired by Dr Edmunds Each section has a fact sheet to fill in, page numbers are highlighted from the foundation revision CGP booklet. Facts are based on the level 4 requirements from the kerboodle scheme of work. The booklet contains the answers to the fact sheets there are then practice questions with answers for each section