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Feedback and fact sheets for A-level French speaking exam
Essential facts and research about each A-level topics for the speaking exam. Very efficient!
Feedback sheet for A-level French speaking exam.

L'importance des lieux dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Presentation to work on the essay title “Où se passe l’action de l’œuvre que vous avez étudiée ? Croyez-vous que cet aspect de l’œuvre soit bien illustré par l’auteur ou le directeur ? Justifiez votre réponse.” This is worth a full lesson. Several activities to have students discuss the importance of social class in the film, give students ideas with concrete scenes and examples, and have them come up with an essay/essay plan by the end of the lesson.

Cryptogram halloween - reading and writing, present and near future
Great settling activity that pushes literacy in French by having students spell words properly, read and translate a text, judge it and write a reply. This has worked very well with my wildest students! Used it for Year 7 and Y8 students, can be adapted to include past tense. Answer is provided.

Le syndicalisme, c'est quoi?
Listening activity on what Unions, how they act, who for, etc. Introduction of the main vocab that ends with discussions and students writing their own definitions with key words.

L’Union Européenne a-t-elle un avenir?
Lessons on the A-level topic of politics “L’Union Européenne a-t-elle un avenir?” with 2 videos, speaking and writing activities.

C'est quoi le patrimoine
A-level French lesson to introduce the topic of heritage (patrimoine) with video, key words, listening, speaking and writing tasks.

Essai "Pour beaucoup de critiques, La Haine est un chef d’œuvre du cinéma."
Examplar essay on La Haine by Matthieu Kassovitz on the title: Pour beaucoup de critiques, La Haine est un chef d’œuvre du cinéma. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement? Students must assess it.

La Haine (Matthieu Kassovitz) study pack
PROMOTION: SAVE 35% by buying in a bundle!!
The bundle includes resources to give students ideas and examples of essays on different aspects of the film:
3 themes (cinematography, youth culture, urban culture)
4 essays to assess (importance of the film title, “la chute” essay, pessimism, masterpiece)
1 assessment with checklist and markscheme

La politique et l’immigration - introduction (unit 12 - A-level)
Introductory lesson on Unit 12 (la politique et l’immigration) with some statistics and facts. Then it prompts students to prepare presentations on each main political party’s programme for immigration.

L'enfance dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Whole lesson presentation on the topic of childhood in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. The presentation contains ideas to prompts students’ reflexion on the topic. Lots of ideas and keys scenes and quotes plus a possible essay plan.

Remembrance Day - tutor time
Resources for tutor time or assembly, exploring the origins of the commemoration, the different ceremonies, and wondering about the reason we should carry on remembering.

Quelle attitude envers les marginalisés: l'homophobie en France (Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?)
Presentation with information on homophobia in France, using mainly the example of Bilal Hassani (French Eurovision singer) The presentation contains some listening (videos), speaking and reading tasks. It prompts some good discussion around the theme of homophobia and what is being done about it by the government and organisations.

Les gilets jaunes - manifestations et grèves
Lesson on the gilets jaunes movement including speaking/writing questions, research work, videos, information. UPDATED on 11/12/2018.

Chanson "Mercy" - Madame Monsieur (la politique d'immigration)
Lesson based on the song “Mercy” (Madame Monsieur) to talk about the immigration policies and personal stories. This lesson is designed to push speaking skills but questions can be used for writing productions.

International Francophonie Day - French words in English
Tutor time or lesson presentation to celebrate International Francophonie Day (20 March) The lesson is about the presence of French words in English (and even Spanish), looking at the history and many examples of words.

PSHE - Travel safely around the UK and abroad
Lesson about travel safely around the UK and abroad, as part of the new PSHE statutory guidelines.

IB DP French B - oral card description (expérience)
Example of an oral card description for students with activities to assess it on the topic of experience (travelling, tourism)

Le rôle et l'importance des femmes dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Powerpoint presentation to make people reflect on the “Le rôle et l’importance des femmes dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle” Loads of ideas for students to take and write an essay on the topic.

PSHE - Meningitis and freshers' flu
Lesson to explain what freshers’ flu and meningitis are (symptoms, reasons, solutions)

"Au Revoir Les Enfants" study pack 2 - Louis Malle
The pack contains:
a translation (English to French) based on the film (with correction and markscheme)
a worksheet to tackle essays’ main mistakes
a quiz to reiterate the film’s key details
a snakes and ladder game to revise key facts about the film in a fun way
essay writing assessment (with 4 different essay titles in total)
one model essay done in exam conditions
“piste de corrections” for 2 essay titles
feedback sheet