An experienced Primary & Secondary Maths teacher. Enjoying promoting and sharing my resources on TES. I embed problem solving, Maths Mastery and Magenta Principles into my lessons. I love fun and interactive elements which help engagement as long as challenge and assessment is built into this. Please do leave reviews if you find my resources useful. Thank you.
An experienced Primary & Secondary Maths teacher. Enjoying promoting and sharing my resources on TES. I embed problem solving, Maths Mastery and Magenta Principles into my lessons. I love fun and interactive elements which help engagement as long as challenge and assessment is built into this. Please do leave reviews if you find my resources useful. Thank you.
This is a great activity which I've used many times and always goes down well. It is the top two resources "Movement Game"
You put 36 A4 posters around the room with the numbers 1 to 36 on them (laminated). Then the cards with the factors on are laminated and cut out. You then have a big stack of number cards which are all the factors of all the numbers up to 36. Share the cards out around your players. Give them some blue tack each and then they run around the room trying to get rid of their cards.
For example: if they have a number one they can put it on any A4 number card.
if they have a number two they can put it on any A4 number card which is a multiple of two .e.g. 2, 4, 6, etc.
Obviously the number 36 appears only once so can only go in one place, numbers like 13 can go in a couple of places (13 and 26) so there are only two of them. However there are 36 ones and 18 twos. You need to ensure that they only put one of each number on each card. E.g. number six will need 1,2,3,6 but nothing else and no repeats.
This provides a lot of fun. How the class act on this depends on how good your behaviour management is and how engaged they are to complete it successfully...You always get some joker who just slaps down their cards onto the first A4 they can. Suggestions are use some key students to become Quality Control experts or something like that.
I've include some answers and some matching worksheets to back it all up. There is a lot of them but they all help reinforce the ideas . The BLOCKS worksheet is the one which I use the most!
Maths Mastery says that they should be explain their choices and answer questions like "Why is 7 only on these cards?" Etc
Hope you like it - I've used this loads of times as a starter, plenary or as the main of a lesson depending on the nature of the learners and where we are on the scheme.
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Lots of resources for Ratio. Worksheets on sharing a quantity by a ratio and equivalence of ratio. Some basic worksheets on writing quantities as ratios.
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This banner goes next to some other posters I have on Maths Mastery - see Kung Fu Panda
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Hope these help!
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Share a quantity by a given ratio but get answers which are not whole numbers - these worksheets give the students the opportunity to practise these!
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Measures Imperial Metric Conversion Appropriate Measures Domino Card Activities and some matching worksheets.
The main activity here is the "Follow Me" Domino cards where the question on each card is followed by the answer on the next card. The questions are for students to choose the most appropriate measure for a particular everyday item. Couple of differentiated versions to use. The task is quite hard if given to out with all the cards on the same colour so you may wish to print each page of the cards on a different colour - this makes it easier to match cards up. The picture version makes it easier for some students.
You can play it as give a set of cards to a table of four for them to arrange or give out one set of cards between the whole class and then play it as a "Follow Me Card" game. Alternatively stick them around the room and then the students play as a treasure hunt which becomes a bit more energetic.
Files 11,12 & 13 are just some different but related measures conversion domino card exercises.
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If you like this then please check out my many other Maths activities listed on my TES Resources shop and pages including many Premium resources which may be able to save you lots of time and give you some useful ideas. If you find this helpful then please do leave a constructive review so that others can benefit from your experience. Thank you.
If you like this then please check out my many other Maths activities listed on my TES Resources shop and pages including many Premium resources which may be able to save you lots of time and give you some useful ideas. If you find this helpful then please do leave a constructive review so that others can benefit from your experience. Thank you.
The picture splat idea is where you print out the sheets onto A3 (& laminate) and put one on each table of four (or two) students. You then ask questions and the students slap down on the correct answer from the choice in front of them. E.g. "Which item on the Appropriate units splat card would be measured in kilometres?" Answer - the bridge.
The PowerPoint gives you a lot of the questions and a framework for how to use the splat cards.
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All resources on Standard Form
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The worksheets are as described for the compass rose. Simply some questions on completing bearing directions on a full compass rose diagram. The middle two are for measuring bearings using a protractor. answers included.
The Quickdraw Cards and Activity is the idea that someone in the classroom gives a bearing and the opponent gives the 180 degree reverse bearing back... One student stands up and says a bearing of another student relative to them (approximate). The other student then replies with the return bearing and if it is correct then points are awarded. You can play it by telling two students to stand and then they both have to try and say the bearing of the other student first. The cards (simply a list of bearings between 0 and 360 degrees) and PowerPoint (some practice questions to show them the idea) help with this.
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Best Most Efficient Quick Routes Solve problems on angles on triangles Maths Mastery Resource Bundle
You could easily adapt this to be the basis of a "special" lesson for a observation or interview - good luck :)
The overall LO was to "Master finding missing angles on triangle problems" so I made up these resources.
There is a Group exercise - usually done on sheets of A3 with the four students crowded around the table all working collaboratively to solve the problem and then an individual exercise for them each to do. You will notice there are differentiated versions. (Only differentiated by amount of work but at helps)
The SMART Notebooks used to generate the images are included so that you can edit them to suit your learners.
I use stickers to put the LO label in the book each lesson. I use my 50" telly next to my SMART Board to display the learning objective using PowerPoint. Don't worry I do use my Telly for more than that as well but it's very convenient for displaying the LO which ticks a box in observations.
There is also some posters and help sheets to guide students.
You will notice that I use a lot of stickers - it saves a lot of time in the classroom - which I've heard mentioned in observations is a good thing.
This represents a huge amount of work by me - hence the slightly higher price! :)
Really useful set of FIVE worksheets with accompanying SMART Notebook files (and PDF copies if you don’t have Notebook) and scans of ANSWERS to save you time using the Visual Singapore Bar Method for sharing by a ratio.
Also included are two Helpsheets which can be printed out and stuck into the student exercise books to a) save them copying and b) to give them worked examples to look back at.
The SMART Notebooks (or PDF’s) can be displayed on your Interactive Whiteboard to allow the teacher (or a student!) to work through examples in front of the class.
The five worksheets are roughly progressive from easier numbers to harder. An example of a question is share £12 in the ratio 1:3. The worksheet gives a scaffolded frame for the student to use to work through the steps to share £12 into £3: £9 using a bar method.
Sheet 5 is quite good as a final assessment of whether they have got it. You could use the five sheets over several lessons or use them all in one lesson but issue the harder sheets to your better students.
When you print the worksheets out for the students then you can print 2 pages per A4 to save costs. If it is a 1 page worksheet then print pages “1,1” on one sheet of A4.
The eventual aim is that the students can use this method without scaffolding. There are plenty of exercises available elsewhere once they’ve got this method. See BONUS “Helpsheet Fred” for example of this.
The answers are simply scans of my scribbled solutions - however they do the job!
The resource follows on from my “Really simple ratio introduction activity”
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Objective: Simplify algebraic expressions by collecting like terms and then simplifying.
I've given the answers but they are not fully correct or they are incorrect. The students need to identify the errors and make them right. As an extension ask them to pick a question and write up a really good explanation of how not to make that mistake again.
Answer Sheet included :)
11 questions which identify particular types of questions like "a- a = 0" and not "0a", etc. The questions are copied from an excellent worksheet published by mathsmalakiss. I've used his/her worksheet which you can download yourself.
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Hi all. I've found the "Flag colouring/football kits investigation" posted by another TES contributor "humel". It's a really nice simple idea which works well. I'm going to use it tomorrow to keep a class occupied whilst there is lots of other end of term distractions going on. See "humel"'s pages for the idea but here attached to this is a set of solutions and a PowerPoint which has timed "Transitions" and is looped so that you can leave it running on the projection screen. You can easily remove the transitions if you wish. You may notice that the PPT is more than 27 slides long in case the SMART Board software displays the number of slides and hence gives the game away.
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Check out my shop and other resources on TES including many "Premium" resources.
If you find this worksheet useful please leave a positive review. Thanks
This is simply four basic expectations which was used in a school in a Behaviour for Learning Focus week. I adapted them lightly for my Maths Lessons and I found them very useful to refer in lessons.
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Objective: Convert between common fractions, decimals and percentages
A simple table worksheet (WITH ANSWERS INCLUDED) where the students fill in the blanks. If you display the PowerPoint on the interactive whiteboard and give them a copy of the worksheet (on A5 to save resources) as they come into the room it is a good settling starter activity.
If you like this then check out my many other activities listed on my TES Resources Shop (Stewsterthebear) which includes many free and Premium resources which will save you lots of time and give you some useful ideas.
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In summary " A simple card match activity - graph to name"
Designed for a year 8 lower ability set who needed considerable reinforcement and repetition, but would suit any class doing linear graphs because you can use it as a starter for those who already know, or as a self discovery for those learning or as a review or as a revision after they’ve already learnt it.
There are 20 different linear graphs on A4 and 20 matching equations of the graphs on A5. Print these out on card. Print out the worksheet for your class. Students move around the room completing their worksheet. Use the teacher answer sheet to help you.
The student worksheet is in Microsoft Word. You can differentiate this by editing it so that more of the answers are already filled in by changing the text font colour to black (from white).
An exercise for small groups (pairs or 4’s) to play designed to refresh, discover, reinforce, remind students of the indices rules. You’ll need to print enough resources for the number of groups you have in your class.
There are only a few rules to learn but these cards have 20 rules in total as they have variants and extensions of the basic rules.
There are 4 “baseplates”. Print the “baseplates” out on to A4 card. For ease I suggest 4 different colours of card.
Print the answer card out on A4 card (2 sheets per page) or prepare to display on your projection screen. (I suggest printing several copies of the answers and so each table can self check as and when they finish.
Print the “CardsRight” out onto A4 sticky labels (3 x 7 = 21 per sheet). Stick these labels onto blank playing cards (purchased from your chosen education supplier - I got mine from YPO). Alternatively print on to A4 card and cut out using a guillotine.
Give each group a full set of 20 playing cards and a copy of each base plate. They then match the playing cards to the base plates.
Alternatively, give each group one baseplate card at a time. However it doesn’t take them too long.
This can be made significantly harder by printing the “CardsRight - Harder” as these don’t have which base plate they go on to.
Afterwards there are a variety of graded worksheets to reinforce the above.
If you like this then check out my many other activities listed on my TES Resources Shop (Stewsterthebear) which includes many free and Premium resources which will save you lots of time and give you some useful ideas.
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