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UNIT 1: FITNESS FOR SPORT AND EXERCISE - 8 Mark Powerpoints How to Answer
BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Sport for UNIT 1: FITNESS FOR SPORT AND EXERCISE
This bundle includes 2 PowerPoints breaking down how to answer an 8 mark exam question.
Slides explain what each part of the question is asking and how to start answering to ensure all marks are achieved.
1st question looks at Fitness Testing
2nd question looks at Fitness Methods
Answers are provided!

Unit 1 Fitness for Sport and Exercise TARSIA Puzzle revision game
Sport BTEC (First Award) Level 1/2 - 2018 Spec
5 Tarsia Puzzle revision games!
Print them out on single sided paper, cut them out and students match them all!
Can be used as individual revision, small group activities or as a class warm-up activity!
What is included:
Components of Fitness
Basic & Additional Principles of Training
Exercise Intensity
Fitness Training Methods
Fitness Testing

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sports Coaching and Development –
Specification – Issue 4 – January 2022 © Pearson Education Limited 2022
This bundle includes:
4 word documents with the layout to complete the work
1 powerpoint to aid delivery of assignment 4

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sports Coaching and Development –
Specification – Issue 4 – January 2022 © Pearson Education Limited 2022
Included in this bundle:
3 PowerPoints for each assignment
3 Assignment layouts for each assignment

Unit 5: Anatomy and Physiology in Sport Assignment 1&2
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sports Coaching and Development - Specification – Issue 4 – January 2022 © Pearson Education Limited 2022
This bundle includes:
PowerPoint about the cardiovascular system, highlighting the structure and functions of the CV system.
PowerPoint about short and long term effects of exercise on the CV system.
Word document laying out the assignment and guidelines for students to use.
PowerPoint about the respiratory system, highlighting the structure and functions of the respiratory system, and the short and long term effects.
Word document laying out the assignment and guidelines for students to include.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Sports Coaching and Development – Specification – Issue 4 – January 2022 © Pearson Education Limited 2022
Bundle includes:
3 assignment briefs
3 assignment layouts to help students get started
1 nutrition powerpoint (assignment 1)
1 assessment of nutritional status (assignment 2)
1 two-week diet plan template
1 drugs in sport powerpoint (assignment 3)

6 Lessons and 6 structure exam questions
Powerpoints going over the following topics:
Lesson 1&2: Introduction to the course & Fitness Components
Lesson 3: Exercise Intensity, Heart Rates & Training Zones
Lesson 4-5: Principles of Training, Additional Principles of Training (FITT), Types of Training, Warm-up and Cool-down.
Lesson 6: Fitness Testing
Powerpoints could be broken down into smaller lessons, depends on your class’s ability! On each slide there is a small indicator in the top which either says “Listen, Discuss, Write Down, Exam Question”
Stucture exam questions include:
6 mark on flexibility and power
4 mark on power and balance
4 mark on components of fitness
8 mark of FITT
4 mark on sprints

Tech Award PE BTEC - Component 2
Component 2:
4 task layout documents, with breif, sentence starters, guide to complete assignment and marksheet at the bottom.
4 task assistance PowerPoints for lesson use and to aid the students.

Tech Award PE BTEC - Component 1
Component 1:
3 tasks layout with sentence starters and paragraph breakdowns.
Example scenario research PowerPoint to help prepare for mocks / official assignment release.

Component 1 - Scenarios for tasks - Tech Award Sport (2022)
Component 1 different example scenario’s for students to practice their assignment tasks, with the mark sheets and layout of how to set up and assignment.

Sport BTEC - Unit 2 The Physiology of Fitness
Complete unit of work which includes all of the following:
Assignment 2.1:
2.1 Assessment Brief
2.1 Assessment Record Sheet
Unit 2 - The Physiology of Fitness - PPT
Assignment 2.2:
2.2 Assessment Brief
2.2 Assessment Record Sheet
Unit 2 - The Physiology of Fitness - 2.2 PPT
U2 Long Term Effects CV System Worksheet
U2 Long Term Effects Energy System Worksheet
U2 Long Term Effects Muscular System Worksheet
U2 Long Term Effects Skeletal System Worksheet
Assignment 2.3:
2.3 Assessment Brief
2.3 Assessment Record Sheet
Unit 2 - The Physiology of Fitness - 2.3 PPT
Unit 2 The Physiology of Fitness:
SoW U2 The Physiology of Fitness
U2 Criteria Sheet
Unit 2 The Physiology of Fitness
Unit 2 Assignment Briefs:
2.1 FV
2.2 FV
2.3 FV
Observation Form for 2.3
U2 Exemplar Material
Support Documents:
Learner Support Material U2
Tutor Support Material Unit 2
U2 Assignment Checklist
U2 Learner Support Booklet
U2 Session 1 - PPT

Principles of Training Student Work Booklet
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
Health and Fitness Exercise Programmes
Interval Training Methods
Altitude Training
Periodisation- A training year plan

Health and Fitness Student Work Booklet
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
The Relationship between Health and Fitness
Positive effects of an active lifestyle
Health Related Fitness
Skill Related Fitness
Revise As you Go!

Health Related Fitness Components and Testing Methods
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
Evaluation of Health and Fitness
Validity and Reliability
Health Related Fitness Components and Testing Methods
Skill Related Fitness Components and Testing Methods
Revise As You Go!

Effects of Exercise Student Work Booklet
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
Short term effects of physical activity
Long Term Effects of Exercise
Cardio-Respiratory Adaptations
Skeletal and Muscular Adaptations
Post-exercise Recovery
Revise As you Go!

Diet and Fuel for Exercise Student Work Booklet
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
Diet and Fuel for Exercise
Key Terminology
Food Fuels the Body!
Exercise and Weight Levels
Revise As You Go!

Energy Systems Student Work Booklet
Student booklet includes:
End of topic confidence evaluation
Energy Systems and table
The Energy Continuum
Oxygen Debt
Training the Energy Systems
Revise As You Go!

Cardiovascular and Respiratory System Student Work Booklet
Student work booklet covering Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems:
Structure of the Heart
Systemic and Pulmonary
Key terms
Small exam questions
The blood
Blood pressure
Revision as they go page
Function of Respiration
How we breathe
Lung volumes
Revision as they go page

PE GCSE - Sports Technology
Sports Technology powerpoint is whole lesson, can be broken down into 2 or 3.
The powerpoint includes:
Technology, recreation and commerce
Development of sports equipment
Technology and performance
Advantages and disadvantages of Technology
Technology and Officiating
Technology in Coaching – HOW DO THEY USE THEM?
Technology and Spectating
Technology and performance review
Benefits for athletes / Officials / Spectators and Sponsors
Advantages and disadvantages of technology - Athletes
Advantages and disadvantages of technology - Coaches
Advantages and disadvantages of technology - Officials
Advantages and disadvantages of technology - Spectators
Exam Practice questions

GCSE PE - Socio-Cultural Factors - Commercialisation
This powerpoint of sport commercialisation includes:
Elite sport, the media and sponsors
The golden triangle
The effects of the media on sport
Types of media
Media influences
Sponsorship in sport
Individual Sponsorship
Team Sponsorship
Sport / Competition Sponsorship
Event Sponsorship
Negative effects of sponsorship
Case study – Los Angeles Olympic Games
And the 13 page case study comparing LA to London Games
24 slides, can be used as a whole lesson.