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TeachersLoveSundaes's Shop

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and the students they teach. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create are of a very high standard. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !

Hi, I am Lizzie a primary teacher with 10+ years of experience. I love teaching but the thing I hate is that Sunday becomes a work day. I believe that all teachers deserve to rest on Sunday. For the benefit of themselves and the students they teach. Hence the creation of Teachers Love Sundaes. The resources I create are of a very high standard. All lessons include key vocabulary, rewind , active learning throughout, problem solving generated learning , stem sentences and so much more !
To name and identify everyday materials KS1 The Three Little Pig's Building Business

To name and identify everyday materials KS1 The Three Little Pig's Building Business

Thankyou for looking at my resource. In this lesson children will learn that they are helping the Three Little Pigs set up a building business. They will start by being shown a vague shopping list that one of the pigs has been provided with for the hardware store. Children will discuss why the list is impossible for the little pig to shop from. Children will have time to independently think and then discuss with a partner using a stem sentence to support oracy. To help embed material names and identification children will have hidden materials which will be slowly revealed. Children will guess the material again with the support of a stem sentence to support oracy. The misconception of material vs object will be discussed to ensure children are naming the material in the independent task however this will be discussed in further detail in the next lesson. Children’s independent task. Each table in the classroom will be set up as a different hardware store. With varying quantities of materials. Children will need to write the store name, identify the material , name it and write the quantity. Helping hands - A picture word bank will be provided. Chilli Challenge - Children will discuss which store would be best to shop at based on the materials they have. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
To know the difference between an object and  its materials The Three Little Pig Building Business

To know the difference between an object and its materials The Three Little Pig Building Business

Thankyou for looking at my resource. In this lesson children will learn that they are helping the Three Little Pigs set up a building business. They will start by rewinding to their previous learning and identify the name of every materials in Three Little Pigs hardware store. Children will then learn about the mistake (scientific misconception) one of the pigs has made with Mummy Bear’s order. Children will discuss with a partner what mistake they have noticed. The teacher will then bring together observations in a scientific way by explaining that the pig delivered the materials not the objects. The teacher will define and explain the differences. Children will then do a number of examples together were they need to identify the object, the use and then the material used. Children’s independent task. Children will find objects around the classroom. They will draw a diagram of the object and as they did a a class identify the object, the use and then the material used. Helping hands - A teacher supported ‘team’ will go round together finding objects. Chilli Challenge - Children will identify objects with multiple materials. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application
KS1 Materials complete unit The Three Little Pigs Building Corporation

KS1 Materials complete unit The Three Little Pigs Building Corporation

5 Resources
After their experiences with the big bad wolf, the three little pigs have set up their own building business. Things keep going wrong in the business and they desperately need your expertise to help them. All lessons start with children solving a problem that can only be solved using the LO. Research has shown that when children learn through problem solving and having ownership of their own learning they develop a deeper and longer lasting understanding. Lesson 1 - Naming and identifying everyday materials. Problem to solve - Shopping list is vague - what materials do the pigs actually need? Lesson 2 - To know the difference between object and materials. Problem to solve - Pigs have delivered the materials not the objects. Lesson 3 - To describe the properties of everyday materials. Problem to solve - Pigs are arguing over what is the best material for a chair they are building. Lesson 4 - To investigate waterproof and absorbent Problem to solve - The pigs have built a house with no roof. What is the best material to build a roof? Lesson 5 - To sort materials. Problem to solve - How to sort the items to pack for the new houses. Powerpoint user guide Throughout children are encouraged to rewind on prior learning through rewind sections. Children are also exposed to fast forward where they will see how their learning applies to future learning (be this the next lesson or in future years) Chilli challenges encourage children to maximise their learning. Challenges should be given to all. Not just your most able. They are purposely open ended. The ‘differentiation’ comes from how your most able access the task. Helping hands provide children with additional supports to allow them to access the main learning. Colour coding Blue slides – Reflection Green slides – Child led Red slides – Teacher led Orange slides - Independent application