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Beach Profile Calculator
A spreadsheet file that automatically draws a beach or slope profile when data is added into the right boxes.

Methodology Table
A simple table which helps students to structure their data collection write up following their time doing fieldwork.

Fieldsketch template
A template that students can use to complete a field sketch whilst carrying out fieldwork. includes space to annotate using a key and important locational information.

Identifying the age of a building
A guide for students to use in the field to help them identify the age of buildings.

Pedestrian Count Survey
A data collection sheet designed to help students not only tally pedestrian movement but also to record additional characteristics of those pedestrians.

Cailleux Index Survey
A data collection sheet to help students investigate pebble size and roundness as part of a geography fieldwork investigation.

Types of Data
This brief guide highlights to students the different types of data they might like to consider in geographical research. Each data type is described and an example of use in geographical research is given.

Presenting ArcGIS data (beginner plus)
A step by step guide to going beyond the most simple data presentation methods in ArcGIS.

Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient
A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.A comprehensive guide to one of the most commonly used statistical tests in geography. As well as highlighting the value of Spearman’s Rank and the parameters needed for its correct use, this guide also provides a step-by-step set of instructions and a worked example showing how it can be used to analyse questionnaire data.

Student's T Test Calculator
An Excel spreadsheet which automatically calculates the critical value for the Student’s T test.
A good way for students to check their long-hand working, or a way to analyse primary data for students who are not confident in their maths skills.

Coastal Management Conflict Matrix
A data collection sheet to help students record how different coastal bodies and agencies may agree or disagree with each other as part of a geography fieldwork investigation into coastal management.

Sustainability fieldwork resource collection
A collection of ten resources to help teachers specifically plan and carry out sustainability fieldwork with their students.

Studentification survey
A data collection sheet that aids students as they collect geographical fieldwork data in areas that have been subject to studentification.

Landscape Question Grids
A set of eight question grids that students can use when they first go to a new landscape. They encourage students to examine their environment more carefully and through a geographical lens.

Ecosystem Management Survey
A data collection sheet designed to support students assessing how different ecosystems might be managed for conservation and for human use.

Pedestrian Friendliness Survey
A data collection sheet designed to support students assessing how pedestrian-friendly an urban space might be.

Human Impact Survey (Ecosystems and Habitats)
A data collection sheet designed to support students assess the impacts that humans have had on natural ecosystems and habitats.

Climate Change Management Survey
A data collection sheet designed to support students’ analysis of climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban landscapes.

Ecosystem Goods and Services Survey
A data collection sheet designed to support students assessing the natural goods and services an ecosystem might have.

Forty Minute Fieldwork: Wind Speed
A complete lesson plan for fieldwork that can take place in the school grounds investigating wind speed.