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The Teaching Coach

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The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.




The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.
Student Panel Questions - Interview Preparation - Advice and Guidance

Student Panel Questions - Interview Preparation - Advice and Guidance

In this resource, you will find a PDF which includes several pages of guidance on student panels in teaching interviews. This is not limited to any specific job role and is intended to be good guidance for any post. It contains top tips, guidance as well 60 questions which you might get asked on a student panel on interview. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar UK 2025

Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar UK 2025

Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar - UK 2025 This resource contains a list of key dates which a member of staff in education may want to note! This resource is a 4 page PDF split into month and dates. Note: this is not exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates

Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates

Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates This resource contains a list of key dates which a Head of Year or pastoral member of staff may want to note for assemblies or form time. This is a 4 page PDF split into month and dates. Note: this is not necessarily exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
Multiple Vulnerability Venn Diagram - Attendance Behaviour PP - Example 2

Multiple Vulnerability Venn Diagram - Attendance Behaviour PP - Example 2

This resource is a venn diagram which can be used to better understand your year group and which students may have multiple vulnerabilities - therefore which students may need more targetted support and intervention. This sheet pairs well with my venn diagram template and they can be used together. You can find the bundle of my 3 venn diagrams here: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/understanding-your-year-group-class-vulnerability-venn-diagram-bundle-12344429 Please also follow me on: www.facebook.com/teachcoach
Little Inspiration Cards: Set 1: Positive Thinking - Happiness

Little Inspiration Cards: Set 1: Positive Thinking - Happiness

This PDF contains a set of 18 positive thinking cards. Each card contains a quote or message which relates to positive thinking or happiness/attitude. These have been designed to be used to support student positive thinking and wellbeing. They can be printed or given to students as a set, or used as part of a self-esteem, positivity or wellbeing session. These could also be used during tutor time or PSHE lessons if appropriate. There are lots of potential uses. :) These are not a replacement for counselling or other mental health services and are not intended to be reductionist. Instructions for use are included also. Please follow me on facebook: facebook.com/teachcoach
Student Vulnerability Multiple Disadvantage Venn Diagram Template SEND PP MALE - Example 1

Student Vulnerability Multiple Disadvantage Venn Diagram Template SEND PP MALE - Example 1

This resource is designed to help you identify which students you should be targetting and monitoring either in your year team, your class or your department. This venn diagram focused on SEND, PP, and male students. The venn diagram is a simple and yet effective method of identifying which students will need access to additional support. Please also follow me on: www.facebook.com/teachcoach
Student Led Reflection Interview Tutor Template - Parent's Evening

Student Led Reflection Interview Tutor Template - Parent's Evening

This resource includes a student led conference pro forma. This resource can be used during a student led conference or as part of a interview with student reflecting on the the year and setting the targets for the next. This can be used with parents or can be used between tutor/teacher/head of year and student. Please leave a review if you find this useful and follow my page: www.facebook.com/teachcoach
A Year in Review Staff Reflection End of Year Activity

A Year in Review Staff Reflection End of Year Activity

This reflection sheet is a fun, light hearted way for tutors to reflect on the year just gone. It is perfect for the end of the year and to get tutors reflecting on their form tutor role, their highlights and their low lights. I have had great success with this in the past a tutors generally appreciate the opportunity to feedback as well as the opportunity to reflect in a informal way on their year. Please leave a review if you like the resource and follow my page: www.facebook.com/teachcoach/
Student Vulnerability Multiple Disadvantage Venn Diagram Template Safeguarding - Example 3

Student Vulnerability Multiple Disadvantage Venn Diagram Template Safeguarding - Example 3

This resource is a venn diagram which can be used to better understand your year group and which students may have multiple vulnerabilities - therefore which students may need more targetted support and intervention. This venn looks at safeguarding, behaviour and PP. This sheet pairs well with my venn diagram template and they can be used together. Please also follow me on: www.facebook.com/teachcoach A bundle of my three venn diagrams can be found here: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/understanding-your-year-group-class-vulnerability-venn-diagram-bundle-12344429
Little Inspiration Cards: Set 2: Overcoming Challenges Growth Mindset

Little Inspiration Cards: Set 2: Overcoming Challenges Growth Mindset

This PDF contains a set of 18 overcoming challenge or growth mindset cards. Each card contains a quote or message which relates challenging negatives thoughts and overcoming difficulties. These have been designed to be used to support student thinking and wellbeing. They can be printed or given to students as a set, or used as part of a wellbeing session. These could also be used during tutor time or PSHE lessons if appropriate. There are lots of potential uses. These are not a replacement for counselling or other mental health services and are not intended to be reductionist. Instructions for use are included also.
Emotional Check In Worksheet - Anxiety Worries Fears Reflection - Pastoral Recovery Curriculum

Emotional Check In Worksheet - Anxiety Worries Fears Reflection - Pastoral Recovery Curriculum

This check-in board is designed to be used with students to help them check in with themselves emotionally as well useful for adults to help students reflect on behaviours and mood. The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like. This may be particularly useful to help students self regulate. This works well with my other ‘check in’ board on self-esteem. This can be found in my TES shop. Please follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
12 Weekly Spelling Tests - Literacy Booster - Catch Up - Form Time

12 Weekly Spelling Tests - Literacy Booster - Catch Up - Form Time

In this resource, you will find a PDF of 12 weekly spelling tests. This are aimed at students who’s spelling is below their chronological age or who have been identified for catch up. These spelling lists are comprised using the KS2 spelling lists including words from Years 3-4 and 5-6. The lists become progressively harder as the weeks progress with 9 onwards being Year 5-6 words. These can be distributed to students as a homework or used as part of a catch up programme. Please follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Team Questionnaire - Get to Know Your Team Department - Leadership Relationship Building

Team Questionnaire - Get to Know Your Team Department - Leadership Relationship Building

This resource is a questionnaire/quiz designed to be used to get to know a new or existing team. For example, a department team or tutor team. It consists of 20 questions - ranging from about questions about staff interests and hobbies to questions which help gather feedback on strengths, preferred methods and ideas for the focus of the student group. This is a fantastic way to connect with your team and a great way to begin involving your team in discussion and decision making. Please follow me on: facebook.com/teachcoach
Christmas Carol Plot Review Worksheet - Homework - Revision - Low Ability

Christmas Carol Plot Review Worksheet - Homework - Revision - Low Ability

This resource was designed as a homework task for a low ability Year 11 group to reflect and review their knowledge of the plot of a Christmas Carol. It was printed in A3 and then used alongside a summary of the novella from youtube. The task just promotes students to recall information about the plot and key ghost scenes, as well as to consider key scenes from the novella narrative. Follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Year 7 - KS3 - Student Voice Quality Assurance Questions

Year 7 - KS3 - Student Voice Quality Assurance Questions

This resource includes two sets of student voice questions aimed at at Year 7 - they could also easily be adapted for other year groups. The questions are aimed at assessing the start that Year 7 have made to the year as well as gaining student feedback on behaviour and teaching and learning in lessons. Please check out my page on: https://www.facebook.com/teachcoach/