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The Teaching Coach

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The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.




The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.
Student Award Certificate Bundle - Head of Year - Head of House - Rewards - End of Year Term

Student Award Certificate Bundle - Head of Year - Head of House - Rewards - End of Year Term

This bundle includes 23 award certificates for Head of Year or Heads of House preparing an awards assemblies at the end of the year/end of term. These are in PDF form and are ready to be handed written or can be edited in adobe using the text tool. These certificates include a range of awards, for example: Attainment and progress Effort Attendance (improved, 97%+ and 100%) Homework Subject areas (with space left for you to add subjects) Leadership, Resilience, Kindness, Community Spirit, Sports Star, Public Speaking, Avid Reader etc. Humorous including Fashion Icon, Best Sense of Humour etc. These are a fantastic way to celebrate lots of students within your year group and distribute awards in a fun and rewarding way!
Attendance Analysis In Tray Task Example 1 -  Head of Year / House - Pastoral Interview Support

Attendance Analysis In Tray Task Example 1 - Head of Year / House - Pastoral Interview Support

This resource is designed to help you prepare for an attendance analysis in tray task when interviewing for a pastoral role. This is a common in tray task and one used by schools to assess knowledge of attendance, triggers and patterns of absence. In this resource, you are provided a set of fictional attendance data to analyse and feedback on. *Scenario: The Senior Leadership Team have requested an analysis of attendance for key students in your year group – specifically a group of students with 95% or below. You have received attendance data for the past six weeks and must identify trends, highlight students of particular concern, and propose interventions. * This resource also includes a support template for your analysis as well as a detailed examplar analysis. Please note: this is a fictional data set with fictional students names. This is a great resource to help you prepare for your own pastoral interview!
Revision Study Exam Preparation Strategies | Form Time Pastoral Tutor Time Activities | KS4 KS5

Revision Study Exam Preparation Strategies | Form Time Pastoral Tutor Time Activities | KS4 KS5

This resource contains 10 activities for form time/tutor time which support students in their revision and studying for exams. Specifically, this 49 slide presentation asks tutors to allocate 10-15 minutes once a week to developing students revision techniques. This set of tasks include: defining revision and why it’s important The Pomodoro Technique making a revsision timetable (with template!) stress relief techniques quick recall quiz The Revision Sprint The importance of study spaces Exam day success visualisaton Prioritisation Matrix for planning conflicting interests whilst revising memory techniques A fantastic way to get your tutor groups thinking about revision and to support them in their studying!
English Subject Department Calendar Key Dates | UK 2025 | Head of Department Teacher

English Subject Department Calendar Key Dates | UK 2025 | Head of Department Teacher

English Subject Department Calendar Key Dates | UK 2025 This resource contains a list of key dates which English staff or a Head of Department may want to note for teaching This resource includes: a 3 page PDF split into months and dates along with a brief suggestion for what to do on the date/week/month a PDF containing recommended texts linking to each of the days/weeks/months on the calendar - links by theme Note: this is not necessarily exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar UK 2025

Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar UK 2025

Key Notable Dates Days Teaching Education Calendar - UK 2025 This resource contains a list of key dates which a member of staff in education may want to note! This resource is a 4 page PDF split into month and dates. Note: this is not exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates

Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates

Pastoral Head of Year Calendar Key Dates UK 2025 | Form Time Assembly Dates This resource contains a list of key dates which a Head of Year or pastoral member of staff may want to note for assemblies or form time. This is a 4 page PDF split into month and dates. Note: this is not necessarily exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
New Year's Assembly | The Meaning of New Year | Traditions | Global New Year

New Year's Assembly | The Meaning of New Year | Traditions | Global New Year

This New Year’s assembly includes the following: Intro New Year’s music and Happy New Year slide History about New Year and the meaning of New Year A short video about New Year Celebrations around the world A short ‘fill the blank’ activity to ask students to guess missing words from New Year traditions across the globe The assembly ends with a chance for personal reflection with a link to form time and sharing these reflections the following day! A great assembly to bring your students back from the Christmas break!
Head of Department | Head of Curriculum | Student Panel Support Guide | Middle Leadership Interview

Head of Department | Head of Curriculum | Student Panel Support Guide | Middle Leadership Interview

Head of Department | Head of Curriculum | Student Panel Support Guide | Middle Leadership Interview In this resource I outline what to expect of a student panel as part of an interview process for Head of Department or Head of Curriculum. This resource outlines what a student panel is, what you can expect them to be like as well as outline questions you can expect to be asked. This document also provides example answers to 8 of the questions to help you prepare for your own student panel! Please note: this resource is not intended to be exhaustive and you should take into account the priorities of the school you are interviewing when considering which questions might be asked. You will also need to tailor questions to your own experience.
Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Supporting Application Covering Letter - Example 2

Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Supporting Application Covering Letter - Example 2

Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Supporting Application Covering Letter - Example 2 This resource is a 2 page application letter for the role of Head of Sixth Form. It is example 2. The letter uses the STAR technique to help demonstrate the impact of work undertaken. The letter covers lots of ideas which you may want to use in your own letter. Please remember the letter is NOT exhaustive and is just an example of what you might include. NOTE: This letter assumes no experience of the role of Head of Sixth form - this letter assumes you are looking to progress from a Head of Year role or similar. If you are looking for a letter which better supports an application with direct experience of the role - there is an another letter in my shop which can be used instead - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13162124.
Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter

Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter

Head of Sixth Form | Head of Post 16 | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter This resource is a 2 page application letter for the role of Head of Sixth Form. The letter uses the STAR technique to help demonstrate the impact of work undertaken. The letter covers lots of ideas which you may want to use in your own letter including: Enthusiasum about Head of Sixth Form role Improving academic outcomes and student well-being Creating support programmes and guiding university applications Leadership expertise in pastoral care and team development Commitment to holistic student success and strategic school improvement Please remember the letter is NOT exhaustive and is just an example of what you might include. NOTE: This letter assumes some experience of the role of Head of Sixth form (perhaps having been in the role already/being a deputy or supporting the role). If you are looking for a letter which better supports an application without direct experience of the role - there is an example 2 letter in my shop which can be used instead.
Inclusion Leader Assistant Principal | Application Letter Template | Interview Support | Leadership

Inclusion Leader Assistant Principal | Application Letter Template | Interview Support | Leadership

**Inclusion Leader Assistant Principal | Application Letter Template | Interview Support | Leadership ** For this letter, Inclusion Leader is assumed to be an AP in the role of looking after inclusion, with a specific SEN department focus. This resource pack includes: a one page outline of the role of an Inclusion Leader a three page example application letter for the role of Inclusion Leader one page of suggested sentences to help write/improve your own letter for the role Please note: this is NOT an exhaustive letter or overview of the role of Inclusion Leader. You should never copy a template, but should always write your own letter when applying to a position. Remember to research the policies of the school if necessary and include examples of your own experience.
Massive Form Tutor Bundle - Form Time - Back to School - Pastoral Support - 50+ activities

Massive Form Tutor Bundle - Form Time - Back to School - Pastoral Support - 50+ activities

20 Resources
This is the MASSIVE form tutor bundle. It includes loads resources (a total of 50+ activities) to help you manage form time and to reduce planning and workload. It contains a range of resources which a great range of of form time foci! 1 x what makes a great learner? form time session 1 x 12 weekly spelling tests 20 x SPaG activities 1 x session on choices and consequencs 1 x christmas for time activities booklet 1 x numeracy maths course 1 x weekly rota for form time 1 x giant christmas quiz 1 x end of year/term giant quiz 1 x growth mindset psession 1 x pastoral form time activity booklet (KS3) 1 x learning to learn session 1 x new beginning and positive thinking session 1 x organisational skills session 1 x library/reading skills form time 1 x success lesson - setting expectations 10 x form time postcards to send home to your tutees! 3 x little inspiration cards to issue to you form for inspiration!
Pastoral Head of Year Interview In-Tray Tasks Overview | What to Expect | Guidance Prep Support

Pastoral Head of Year Interview In-Tray Tasks Overview | What to Expect | Guidance Prep Support

In this 5 page document we cover an overview of 10 in-tray tasks you are likely to find on a Head of Year/Pastoral Role interview. This document provides brief information about some of the tasks you might find on the interview day and some top tips for tackling tasks. However, this document does not provide detailed information on how to handle each task. This document is intended to provide an overview only. Note: detailed documents on how to handle and prepare for some of the in-tray tasks can be found in my shop. You can find a bundle of all of my in tray guides here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12472317
Using Data as a SENCo SENCO | Data Analysis | Attendance Attainment Behaviour

Using Data as a SENCo SENCO | Data Analysis | Attendance Attainment Behaviour

In this 6 page resource, I explore how data interlinks with the role of SENCo, including the type of data you may collect/interact with as a SENCo, how you can successfully gather data and how to best analyse student data in the role to maximise the support you can provide students to help them progress. This resource also covers, in detail, suggestions/tips and processes for analysing behaviour, attainment and attendance data as a SENCo. This resource is intended for new or training SENCos but may also act as a useful refresher for existing SENCos. Please note: this resource does not claim to be an exhaustive list of techniques for analysis but is a well developed and thorough consideration of how best to use data in the role of SENCo.
SENCo SENDCo Interview Questions and Answers - Interview Support - Interview Preparation

SENCo SENDCo Interview Questions and Answers - Interview Support - Interview Preparation

In this resource, we explore 10 questions you might be asked on a SENCo interview and 10 detailed possible answers. This resource is 7 pages long. This is a complimentary resource to the set 1 and set 2 SENCo questions listed in my shop. It can be used in conjunction or on its own to help you prepare for interview. We answer the questions: Why are you interested in the role of SENCo? What skills could you bring to our SENCO role? Give us a summary of your understanding of the Code of Practice: How would you use data to inform this role? How would you demonstrate value for money in this role? Tell us about your ability to work under pressure. A parent arrives in reception angry about the support their child with SEN has received. What do you do? How would you time manage as a SENCo? A student with ADHD is struggling in their English lessons – they are not making expected progress and the teacher is challenged by their behaviour - how would you support the teacher to help the student? Why have you chosen this school to apply to as SENCo? Please note: whilst the questions are detailed and thorough, they are NOT a definitive list, and the answers are not exhaustive. You may want to select parts of the answers which apply best to your knowledge. You should also add to your answers using experiences of your own and include your learning from these experiences that you would take into the new role. You should never use generic answers in an interview setting. Always link your answers with what you know about the school and their priorities.
Designing Interview Goldfish Bowl Activity | Interview Planning Support | Senior Middle Leadership

Designing Interview Goldfish Bowl Activity | Interview Planning Support | Senior Middle Leadership

In this 5 page resource, I take you through things to consider when designing a successful ‘goldfish bowl’ activity to use on an interview for middle and senior leadership. This resource outlines what a ‘goldfish bowl’ is, the potential challenges of using this type of assessment and provides a guide on how to design an effective activity for your interview. This resource also includes an editable observation template for use during goldfish bowl interview activities. This resource has been designed using thorough research and experience of gold fish bowls on interviews. Please note: this is not an exhaustive list and all activities should be tailored to your school context.
SENDCo SENCo SEN Special Education Support | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter 2

SENDCo SENCo SEN Special Education Support | Example Supporting Application Covering Letter 2

This resource is a second example application letter for the position of SENCo in a secondary school. This letter should be developed by including your own examples of where you have completed the points referenced and the impact of that work as well as your learning from the work you have completed. This letter is for guidance only and should not used exclusively to apply for a SENCo role but instead used to support the writing of your own letter. Letters should always be tailored to the school you are applying to and your own experiences. This template is 2 pages long. This resource is aimed a secondary school SENCo role, but could provide ideas for other stages of education also. Please note: covering letters should not exceed 2 pages in length. I never recommend sending blanket templates for prospective roles and always advise an application is tailored to you and the school.
15 Big Pastoral Questions and their Answers Series - 5 Big Questions Series - Interview Prep Guidance - Head of Year - Head of House

15 Big Pastoral Questions and their Answers Series - 5 Big Questions Series - Interview Prep Guidance - Head of Year - Head of House

3 Resources
In these three PDFs, I answer 15 big pastoral questions. These are intended to support existing or new heads of year as well as being potential questions you may get asked on interview. This set includes questions like: how do you create year group cohesion? why are assemblies important? what is included in a successful form time? why is monitoring attendance important? how do you improve the resilience of your year group? what should you do with your failing FT? why are form tutors important? how do you deal with an angry parent? how do you lead a team? The answers to these questions are suggestions only – they are not necessarily definitive. If preparing for interview, I always recommend you tailor your questions to the school you’re applying to and ensure you are giving specific examples of what you’re able to offer. If in post, always remember the policies of your school.
5 Big Pastoral Questions and their Answers - Set 3 - Interview Prep - Head of Year Development

5 Big Pastoral Questions and their Answers - Set 3 - Interview Prep - Head of Year Development

This PDF includes 5 key questions asked on pastoral interview and their answers in detail. These are intended to support existing or new heads of year as well as being potential questions you may get asked on interview. In this set I answer: how do you create year group cohesion? why are assemblies important? what is included in a successful form time? why is monitoring attendance important? how do you improve the resilience of your year group? These answers are suggestions – they are not necessarily definitive. If preparing for interview, I always recommend you tailor your questions to the school you’re applying to and ensure you are giving specific examples of what you’re able to offer. If in post, always remember the policies of your school. You can find set 1 here: www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12348129 You can find set 2 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12527827 Please follow on facebook at: facebook.com/teachcoach
40+ Interview Questions Bundle - Head of Year - Head of House - Pastoral Role

40+ Interview Questions Bundle - Head of Year - Head of House - Pastoral Role

3 Resources
This bundle contains my three sets of interview questions for the role of Head of Year/Head of House. This resource contains 40+ questions which you may face in a pastoral interview. These resources include space for you to write notes on your own answer. Note: this set is NOT designed to be exhaustive. Please bear in mind you may only be asked 6-12 questions at interview - so this set is designed to give you a broad range of questions for prep. This resource does not include answers.