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The Teaching Coach

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The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.




The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources. You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources. If you can't see what you need, you can email me at: theteachingcoach@hotmail.com.
Back to School Bundle 1 | September Resources | New School Year

Back to School Bundle 1 | September Resources | New School Year

19 Resources
UPDATED 2024 In this first BACK TO SCHOOL bundle, you will find resources perfect for return to lessons and the new academic year. This includes: 10 positive postcards; back and front and using motivational and rewarding quotes 2 x sets of ‘little inspiration cards’ to motivate and inspire both yourself and students 1 x colourful weekly desk organiser page a CPD tracker for tracking your professional development and learning a lesson plan and evaluation pro forma 4 assessment for learning plenaries a class tracker including sheets for class data, detentions, assessment, interventions and homework 10 colourful classroom labels for your storage and trays a set of ice breaker activities for meeting new groups on your timetable a 6 page PDF of guidance for meeting a new group a bank of 60 easy use plenaries a reward stamper for positive student behaviour a success lesson for setting expectations a guide to making your own reward scratch cards to use in your lessons 3 x PDFs of collated links to free CPD opportunities ready to help you develop professionally! 1 x loyalty stamper to use with student attending interventions/extra support
Meeting a New Class Guidance | Behaviour Management | Building Relationships | NQT RQT

Meeting a New Class Guidance | Behaviour Management | Building Relationships | NQT RQT

In this resource you will find 6 page PDF of advice for when you meet a new group - this is great for all teachers, but especially good for NQTs and RQTs. The booklet covers: preparing for your new group how to learn names building relationships mistakes to avoid how to behaviour manage establishing rules and routines This is great preparation for new staff as well as reminder of the basics of meeting a new group! Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
10 Positive Postcard Templates | Success Well Done | Postcards to Send Home | Praise

10 Positive Postcard Templates | Success Well Done | Postcards to Send Home | Praise

In this resource you will find 10 positive postcard templates, this includes the back and front of the postcard. Each postcard includes a different design using phrases like: congratulations well done you are amazing you are capable of more than you know today is full of possible great work you’re brilliant These are designed to be used to promote and reward excellent student behaviour and to share this with home. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Writing A Supporting Statement Guidance Example | Application Support | Covering Letter Guide

Writing A Supporting Statement Guidance Example | Application Support | Covering Letter Guide

In this resource, you will find 5 pages of guidance on writing supporting statements for teaching applications! This includes: Information on what the applications look like/why your supporting statement is important 10 detailed top tips on writing an amazing supporting statement A 1.5 page template/example to help you write an amazing supporting statement Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Staff Literacy Audit |  Staff Confidence | Whole School Literacy | Literacy Lead Co-ordinator

Staff Literacy Audit | Staff Confidence | Whole School Literacy | Literacy Lead Co-ordinator

This resource contains a 1 page literacy audit designed to be used by literacy leads or literacy co-ordinator to ‘assess’ and gain understanding of staff confidence in developing literacy, including speaking and listening, in their own subject area. This audit is designed to give leads of literacy a clearer understanding of what staff need and how they would like to develop professionally. This audit should then be used to direct appropriate professional development and literacy skill support. Please follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
**Complete** Transition Bundle | Y6 Primary to Secondary | Plan, Resources, Booklet, Assembly

**Complete** Transition Bundle | Y6 Primary to Secondary | Plan, Resources, Booklet, Assembly

6 Resources
This bundle is a collection of very popular resources which I have collated over the three times I have completed transition as a Head of Year. These have all recently been re-vamped! The bundle includes: • 1 x word document containing details of the plans for the induction day • 1 x PPT for the ‘writing task’ on abandoned places; this provides a baseline for teachers in terms of writing and helps form tutors get a feel for the ability of students • 1 x learning mat to match the writing task on abandoned places • 1 x student transition booklet which students can be issued with during form time to help aid transition • 1 x instructions for using the ‘shields’ or coat of arms; these are used during form time to help students bond and create a sense of community in their forms • 1 x shield templates • 1 x tour quiz for students to complete as they have their tour around school • 1 x PPT for tutors to deliver in their first interactions with students • 1 x over 15 ice breaker activities which can be used with forms • 1 x student panel question to gather feedback from transition • 1 x PPT for your first assembly with Year 7 •1 x transition rewards assembly • 1 ‘design your own school’ form time for tutors to deliver or could be used as part of transition
Transition Student Booklet | Y6 Primary to Secondary

Transition Student Booklet | Y6 Primary to Secondary

This resource contains a student booklet for Year 6-7 Transition. This can be issued with during form time to help aid transition and/or is ideal for use with SEN/vulnerable students. You can find my other transition resources here: An editable plan template, suggestions and activities for transition: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12538651 Head of Year assembly: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12538622 Form Tutor Welcome Tutor Time Presentation and ice breakers: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12538640 Follow me: www.facebook.com/teachcoach
Transition Plan | Tutor and Student Activities and Resources | Y6 Primary to Secondary

Transition Plan | Tutor and Student Activities and Resources | Y6 Primary to Secondary

This bundle is a collection of resources for Year 6-7 transition. This bundle provides you a plan, student booklet and all of the resource mentioned on the plan also. In this resource you will find: 1 x word document containing details of the plans for the induction day 1 x PPT for the ‘writing task’ on abandoned places; this provides a baseline for teachers in terms of writing and helps form tutors get a feel for the ability of students 1 x writing/planning mat to support the activity above 1 x instructions for using the ‘shields’ or coat of arms; these are used during form time to help students bond and create a sense of community in their forms 1 x shield templates 1 x tour quiz for students to complete as they have their tour around school 1 x PPT for tutors to deliver in their first interactions with students 1 x over 15 ice breaker activities which can be used with forms A Head of Year assembly transition can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12538622 Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Form Tutor Welcome Tutor Time Presentation | Transition Year 6 | Primary to Secondary

Form Tutor Welcome Tutor Time Presentation | Transition Year 6 | Primary to Secondary

This resource contains a 16 slide presentation for form tutors to use to introduce themselves and their expectations to their form during transition. This includes: a welcome slide a ‘meet your form’ starter where students find out information about someone else ‘who am I?’ form tutor introduction slide ‘what does a form tutor do?’ discussion and slide ‘form rules and expectations’ slides a ‘find someone who’ bingo get to know your form activity an all about me worksheet task a target task for students to set themselves 5 targets a 5 minute embedded video from BBC about having a positive mindset 3 blank slides for information from your school a form tutor checklist a final task for students to share adjectives about themselves This resource also includes a PDF of over 15 different ice breaker activities which form tutors can use to encourage their form to get to know each other. facebook.com/teachcoach
Transition Tour Quiz | New Students | Year 6 - 7  | New School | Primary to Secondary

Transition Tour Quiz | New Students | Year 6 - 7 | New School | Primary to Secondary

In this resource you will find a 15 question tour quiz which is designed to be used to help students learn their way around you school. It is an editable format and can be changed for your school. It includes questions which should take students to key areas of the school - for example, the sports hall, the library, reception, the canteen etc. There is also a box on the end of the quiz for students to collect staff signatures to pick up ‘bonus points’. This can be used as part of your transition day or could be used during form time in the first weeks of Y6 being in school. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Transition First Assembly and Rewards Assembly | Primary to Secondary | Head of Year

Transition First Assembly and Rewards Assembly | Primary to Secondary | Head of Year

This resource includes 2 assemblies: a transition assembly for use when students arrive and a transition reward assembly for at the end of transition. The first transition assembly designed to be used as the first assembly which students will see as they arrive at your school. This is designed to be delivered by pastoral leaders/HOY. This includes: a link to entrance music which is uplifting and designed to motivate and make students feel upbeat alongside a positive quote to start the assembly a welcome slide with spaces for staff names slides to introduce staff from the tutor team with space for photos and info a link to a clip from the Red Arrows to promote thinking about team work and a following slide to round off the skills shown in the video an exploration of team work and the importance of it expectations of Year 6-7 expectations of the tutor team; what students can expect space for you to share your transition plan in brief with students a slide of space for listing what students should bring with them - this include a comprehensive list of suggested school supplies 5 slides of common questions from Y6 students about problems on transition ends on the positive quote/music from the starter; ‘we’re so glad you’re here!’ This resource also includes a transition rewards assembly. This is intended to be used to reward students for excellence at the end of transition. It includes: a reflection entrance task a reminder of traits you may have asked students to demonstrate space for form tutor awards space for department awards space for HOY awards ending on a positive quote Make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Deputy Assistant Head of Year Application and Interview Bundle

Deputy Assistant Head of Year Application and Interview Bundle

13 Resources
In this bundle you will find the following resources: a covering letter/supporting statement example for the role of deputy HOY a 6 page PDF with guidance and advice for assistant heads of year including how you can make the most from the role, top tips and lots of FAQs 5 Big Pastoral Questions and Their Answers - Set 1, 2 and 3 - detailed answers to 15 pastoral questions like ‘how do I build relationships with parents?’ Pastoral role interview questions Set 1, 2 and 3 - over 40 questions you might get asked on a HOY interview pastoral interview questions and their answers - 15 questions and answers for supporting your prep a list of common pastoral abbreviations - great to start to wrap your head around the common acronyms used! 40 Ideas for year group attendance, behaviour and rewards 40 Ideas fror Leading a Team and Working Across School New to HOY role advice and tips resource - full of ideas to help you consider how you’ll make the most out of the role
Deputy Assistant Head of Year | Guidance and Advice | Top Tips

Deputy Assistant Head of Year | Guidance and Advice | Top Tips

In this 6 page PDF, I cover the responsibilities that an assistant Head of Year might take on to support a Head of Year. We also cover top tips and guidance for how to be most effective in this role and advice for using this role to gain the experience needed to step up the role of Head of Year full time. It also contains answers to frequently asked questions which you may be thinking about and lists the things you should do to learn the most from your experience. This is a great resource for new and existing Deputy/Assistant Heads of Year. facebook.com/teachcoach
Senior Leadership SLT | Interview Preparation | Prioritisation Task | In Tray Guidance and Example

Senior Leadership SLT | Interview Preparation | Prioritisation Task | In Tray Guidance and Example

In this resource you will find guidance on a Senior Leadership prioritisation in tray task. This guidance goes through the purpose of an in tray like this, including why they’re used, how to ace them and things to avoid! This document also provides an example prioritisation task for you to practice prior to the interview. This is a great way to prepare for a very popular in tray task on an assistant principal/SLT interview. Please note: this resource DOES NOT include a worked example of the answers - this is because there is no correct answers for a priorisation task - you only need to make informed and educated decisions and justify your answers clearly.
CPD Professional Development Record Tracker

CPD Professional Development Record Tracker

In this resource, you will find a PDF of a CPD professional development tracker for staff. Within the PDF, there are three different styles to chose from! Each of them provides space to: list the title of the CPD who delivered the CPD the date it was completed key learning takeaways how the CPD links with the teaching standards Perfect for new and experienced teachers alike! Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
September Assembly | Back to School | Expectations Mindset Positivity | Head of Year Pastoral Leader

September Assembly | Back to School | Expectations Mindset Positivity | Head of Year Pastoral Leader

In this resource you will find a 14 slide ‘welcome back’ September assembly. This is a complete presentation, ready to be used! This assembly includes: an assembly entrance task including links to music to set an uplifting and positive mood a task focused on ‘new beginnings’ and what these might mean a space for staff introductions, including yourself if you are a new HOY a reflection activity for the previous academic year a slide for your expectations as HOY a slide which covers the ‘basics’ - uniform, equipment etc. a slide for school specific information on behaviour, equipment etc. a slide about what students can expect from their pastoral team a slide for any new projects you are launching with your year group a 5 minute clip on ‘study motivation’ a success contract for students to complete with their tutors This is the perfect assembly for starting back in September - either a new HOY or as one returning!
Summer Holiday Work Booklet Pack - Study Skills - Brain Workouts

Summer Holiday Work Booklet Pack - Study Skills - Brain Workouts

This resource contains a 28 page summer workpack! This includes a real range of activities which are meant to be enjoyable and fun whilst also helping students to stay connected to learning and maintain study skills over the holiday period. The booklet includes: a cover front page an introduction page which explains the concept of the booklet and the research around learning over summer 3 brain workouts a summer crossword 2 summer wordsearches 4 extended summer descriptive writing tasks a short summer comprehension task a design your own t-shirt task a reflection activity on the previous academic year a letter to your future self 5 relaxing summer colouring pages a ‘summer favourites’ activity a ‘this summer I will…’ activity a summer snapshots activity which asks students to draw 4 experiences from their summer break 2 summer book review templates 1 summer spot the difference Perfect for form tutors and Heads of Year to issue as well as departments and individual teachers. This is a perfect booklet to give students over the summer to help them capture their summer, relax and stay connected to learning and retaining memory. Please make sure you follow me: facebook.com/teachcoach
Make Your Own Scratch Cards - Reward Templates - Motivation Praise

Make Your Own Scratch Cards - Reward Templates - Motivation Praise

In this resource you will find an editable document of templates for making your own scratch cards for rewards! You will also find the guide for how to make these and where you can buy the stickers to help you make them too. These are great for use as a motivational tool and are excellent to reward students in an engaging and different way. You can purchase scratch off stickers here: Rose Gold: https://amzn.to/3yOsQcb Silver: https://amzn.to/2SBW8dw Gold: https://amzn.to/3uvTmE7 Multi coloured: https://amzn.to/3fA4E65 Please make sure you follow me on facebook.com/teachcoach