Music Dynamics - Handout and 11 Worksheets - Print & Go
A great product to introduce dynamics to your students.
1 Handout, 10 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
Dynamics introduced - Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Sforzando, Forte-piano, Crescendo, Decrescendo.
Worksheets included:
Dynamic Names - complete the table
Dynamic Meanings - complete the table
Matching Dynamic Names - draw lines to match the name to the symbol
Matching Dynamic Meanings - draw lines to match the symbol to the meaning
Matching Dynamic Names and Meanings - draw lines to match the symbol to the name and the meaning
Dynamics Worksheet 1 - general dynamics questions
Dynamics Worksheet 2 - general dynamics questions
Dynamics Crossword
Dynamics Word Search 1 - find the full name of the dynamic symbols in the word search
Dynamics Word Search 2 - find meanings and dynamic names in the word search
Colour By Dynamics
Answer sheets and printer friendly B&W versions included.
All files are individual PDF format.
Music Symbols Memory Card Game - 64 Colourful Cards
Looking for a fun way to introduce music symbols to your students? Or to reinforce their current knowledge. These 64 bright colorful cards can be used in a variety of ways with single students, pairs or small groups.
Memory game instructions are included, along with 6 variations to keep students entertained no matter what knowledge level. Or simply use the picture cards as flashcards for students to name the symbol.
Back design included - print back to back for a professional look. Print and laminate for a lasting resource.
American and English terminology for note and rest names included.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
The Piano - Handouts and Worksheets
The Piano - Handouts and Worksheets.
6 Information Sheets
The Piano - Upright and Grand Piano with pedals explained
Parts of the Grand Piano
Early Keyboard Instruments - Dulcimer, Clavichord & Harpsichord briefly explained
History of the Piano
Piano Facts
Inside A Piano
8 Piano worksheets and answer sheets
The Piano - question sheet based on the information sheets
The Keyboard - color each letter note on a keyboard in a different color
Finding Treble Clef Notes - color in the corresponding keyboard note for each treble clef note - 9 notes
Finding Bass Clef Notes - color in the corresponding keyboard note for each bass clef note - 9 notes
Finding Notes - Using the different phrases from Frere Jacques find each treble clef note on a keyboard picture
Famous Piano Composers Hidden Message Word Search - find the names of the composers to reveal a hidden message
Piano Hidden Message Word Search - find words associated with piano/keyboard to reveal a hidden message
Piano Crossword - answer questions about the piano to solve the crossword
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Recorder Finger Charts - Colourful Posters
Recorder Finger Charts - colourful posters to display in the classroom.
Two octaves starting from Middle C - all flat and sharp notes also included.
39 individual note posters.
Three versions included
note name with recorder finger chart - 39 posters
note name, treble clef note with recorder finger chart -38 posters
treble clef note with recorder finger chart - 37 posters
Treble Clef Note Posters also included - 36 posters
Posters with multiple notes on the one sheet - great as handouts for students.
Versions with just white notes, and others with sharp and flat notes included.
Colours used match the boomwacker colors.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets. 164 sheets in total.
Primary Chords - PowerPoint, Handouts and Worksheets
Primary Chords in Music.
PowerPoint explaining what Primary Chords are on which notes of the scale they are built. 2 slides.
2 Handouts based on PowerPoint.
5 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
Questions ask students to recognise, name and write primary chords in various major keys. Sheets 1-3 treble clef only. Sheet 4 includes bass clef questions. Sheet 5 asks students to name key and chord letter name.
Please note this product only introduces Primary Chords. Knowledge of major scales and/or key signatures is assumed.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Files in PDF and PowerPoint form.
Peter and the Wolf 11 Handouts and 17 Worksheets - Print & Go PDFs
Peter and the Wolf - Handouts & Worksheets - all you need to introduce students to the orchestra through the story of Peter and the Wolf.
11 Handouts
Meet the Characters
Meet the Instruments
Instrument Information Handouts
Orchestra Layout Handout
17 Worksheets / Acitivities
Name the characters
Name the instruments
Match the character to the instrument
Story Sequence Cut & Paste Activity
Music Elements Sheets
Orchestra Color In Sheet
Instrument Research Activity
Composer Research Activity
Instrument Questions Worksheet
Answer sheets included.
Booklet cover page included - print a booklet or use as individual worksheets.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
20 Christmas Carols Music - Color Coded Music for Boomwackers, Keyboard & Recorder
20 Christmas Carols - Color Coded Music for beginners. No Prep, Print and Go sheets. Color coded music for Boomwackers, Keyboard & Recorder.
3 versions of each Christmas Carol are included.
music with lyrics
color coded music notes with letter names beneath
color coded note name versions - perfect for students who dont read music.
Colored keyboard diagrams and Recorder Finger Charts also included.
Songs included
Angels We Have Heard On High
Auld Lang Syne
Away In A Manger - version 1
Away In A Manger - version 2
Deck The Halls
Ding Dong Merrily On High
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Good King Wenceslas
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Jingle Bells
Jolly Old St Nicholas
Joy To The World
O Christmas Tree
O Come All Ye Faithful
O Holy Night
O Little Town Of Bethlehem
Silent Night
The First Noel
We Three Kings
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Check out preview to see all included sheets.
Relative Keys in Music - Handouts and 8 Worksheets
Relative Keys in Music.
2 Handouts explaining Relative Keys and How to Find Relative Keys. 2 versions - English and American terminology.
Relative Keys Chart
8 Worksheets and Answer sheets
2 sheets - Finding Relative Minor Keys
2 sheets - Finding Relative Major Keys
2 sheets - Finding Relative Keys - mixture of finding major and minor keys
1 sheet - fill in the minor keys on the Circle of 5ths
Fun Crossword - find relative keys and answer questions to complete the crossword.
Printer friendly B&W version also included.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Music Treble Clef Notes Interactive PowerPoint Memory Game
This interactive PowerPoint game is a fun and engaging way to practice recognising treble clef notes. This game may be played independently, in pairs, in small groups or as a whole class.
The object of the game is to match a treble clef note with its letter name. Players will take turns flipping over two cards. If they match, the cards may remain facing up. If they do not match, they need to be flipped back over. Play continues until all cards have been matched.
This game covers the 5 lines and 4 spaces on the treble clef. Bottom line E - Top line F.
18 Cards - 9 Treble Clef Notes and 9 Letter Names.
Check out the video to see how the game works.
File format: PowerPoint
Christmas Color by Music Notes - 30 No Prep, Print & Go Sheets
30 fun Christmas Color by Notes and Rests sheets. No Prep, Print and Go.
10 Different Designs
Note recognition
Rest Recognition
Notes and Rests combined
Note and Rest addition
Treble Clef Notes
Bass Clef Notes
Music Symbols.
Check out the preview to see all the sheets.
Every sheet in American and English terminology.
Answer sheets included.
Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Treble Clef Notes Activity
Christmas Hidden Message Word Search - A Treble Clef Notes Activity
A fun christmas worksheet based on treble clef notes. Students find the treble clef words in the word search to reveal a hidden christmas joke.
Answer sheet included.
Dynamics in Music Bundle
A complete unit of work introducing Dynamics.
Dynamics introduced - Pianissimo, Piano, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte, Fortissimo, Sforzando, Forte-piano, Crescendo, Decrescendo.
10 Posters for display.
Memory game - a great way to reinforce students knowledge.
1 Handout, 10 Worksheets and Answer sheets.
Worksheets included:
Dynamic Names - complete the table
Dynamic Meanings - complete the table
Matching Dynamic Names - draw lines to match the name to the symbol
Matching Dynamic Meanings - draw lines to match the symbol to the meaning
Matching Dynamic Names and Meanings - draw lines to match the symbol to the name and the meaning
Dynamics Worksheet 1 - general dynamics questions
Dynamics Worksheet 2 - general dynamics questions
Dynamics Crossword
Dynamics Word Search 1 - find the full name of the dynamic symbols in the word search
Dynamics Word Search 2 - find meanings and dynamic names in the word search
10 Rhythm Clapping Sheets in 3/4 Time
3/4 Time Rhythm Clapping Sheets
10 Sheets with a variety of rhythms for students to clap. Students are asked to write the counting underneath each rhythm (examples given) and then tick off each rhythm they can successfully clap.
All rhythms are in 3/4.
2 Sheets for students to write their own rhythms.
Answer sheets with the counting underneath included.
Sheet 1: 10 rhythms focusing on quarter notes and pairs of eighth notes (crotchets and pairs of quavers).
Sheet 2: 10 rhythms focusing on quarter notes, quarter note rests and pairs of eighth notes (crotchets, crotchet rests and pairs of quavers).
Sheet 3: 10 rhythms introducing half notes (minims).
Sheets 4 & 5: 6 rhythms on each sheet focusing on sixteenth notes (semiquavers) in groups of 4.
Sheet 6: 6 rhythms focusing on dotted quarter notes and eighth note pattern (dotted crotchet and quaver pattern).
Sheet 7: combines all the rhythms used in sheets 1-6
Sheet 8: 5 rhythms focusing on 2 sixteenth notes and 1 eighth note pattern (2 semiquavers and 1 quaver pattern).
Sheet 9: 5 rhythms focusing on 1 eighth note and 2 sixteenth notes pattern (1 quaver and 2 semiquavers pattern).
Sheet 10: combines all the rhythms used in sheets 1-9.
Sheet 11: students write their own rhythms.
Sheet 12: students write one rhythm of their own, and then copy rhythms from 4 of their classmates.
Great to use if you have different abilities within your class. Great to support student understanding when introducing new note values.
Sheets 11 & 12 suitable for any knowledge level.
Sheets in American and English version.
Color and printer friendly B&W versions.
PDF format.
Alto Clef Notes Speed Tests
15 Alto Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheet
Students are asked to name all of the notes and record the time it takes to complete each sheet.
15 Alto Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheetlines and spaces only, and introduce more notes as the tests progress.
Sheets 1-5 - test notes on lines and spaces only - bottom line F - top line G
Sheets 6-10 - add E below the staff and A above the staff
Sheets 11-15 - add in two ledger line notes - A below the staff - E above the staff
A “Write Your Own Speed Test” sheet. Students can write their own to share with their class mates.
Printer friendly B&W version included.
Answer sheets included
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests
15 Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheet
Students are asked to name all of the notes and record the time it takes to complete each sheet.
15 Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheetlines and spaces only, and introduce more notes as the tests progress.
Sheets 1-5 - test notes on lines and spaces only - bottom line G - top line A
Sheets 6-10 - add F below the staff and B above the staff
Sheets 11-15 - add in two ledger line notes - B below the staff - F above the staff
A “Write Your Own Speed Test” sheet. Students can write their own to share with their class mates.
Printer friendly B&W version included.
Answer sheets included
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Bass Clef Notes Crosswords
4 Bass Clef Notes Crosswords - a fun way to reinforce students knowledge of bass clef notes, early finishers or sub tub worksheets. Students read Bass Clef notes to find words to complete the crossword. 50+ Bass Clef notes to name on each sheet.
2 crosswords use line and space notes only. 2 crosswords include ledger line notes.
Each crossword includes a Word Bank version - great for students who need a little extra help.
Answer sheets included. Printer friendly B&W version of all sheets also included.
Treble Clef Notes Crosswords
5 Treble Clef Notes Crosswords - a fun way to reinforce students knowledge of treble clef notes. Great for assessment, early finishers or sub tub worksheets. Students read Treble Clef notes to find words to complete the crossword. 50+ Treble Clef notes to name on each worksheet.
3 crosswords use line and space notes only. 2 crosswords include ledger line notes.
Each crossword includes a Word Bank version - great for students who need a little extra help.
Answer sheets included. Printer friendly B&W version of all sheets also included.
10 Dotted Rhythms Clapping Sheets
10 Dotted Note Rhythm Clapping Sheets
3 sheets focus on Dotted Quarter Note and Eighth Note pattern / Dotted Crotchet and Quaver pattern
3 sheets focus on Dotted Eighth Note and Sixteenth Note pattern / Dotted Quaver and Semiquaver pattern
2 sheets focus on using both patterns
2 sheets for students to write their own rhythms
ENGLISH and AMERICAN version included.
Printer friendly B&W versions and ANSWER SHEETS also included.
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.
Easter Music Worksheets
52 Easter Themed Music Worksheets
This pack of worksheets focuses on note recognition in the Treble, Bass, Alto and Tenor Clefs. (13 Worksheets per clef). Print and go, no prep.
Worksheets focus on
recognition of line or space
match note to name
naming notes
drawing notes
Answer sheets included.
American and English spelling - color/colour
Printer friendly B&W.
Treble & Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests
30 Treble & Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheet
Students are asked to name all of the notes and record the time it takes to complete each sheet.
30 Treble & Bass Clef Notes Speed Tests - 100 notes per sheet beginning with lines and spaces only, and introduce more notes as the tests progress.
Sheets 1-10 - test notes on lines and spaces only - Treble notes E- G - Bass notes G-A
Sheets 11-20 - Treble notes D below staff - G above staff - Bass notes F below the staff - B above the staff
Sheets 21-30 - adds in two ledger line notes - Treble notes G below staff - D above staff - Bass notes B below the staff - F above the staff
A “Write Your Own Speed Test” sheet. Students can write their own to share with their class mates.
Printer friendly B&W version included.
Answer sheets included
Check out the preview to see all included sheets.