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Early Years / Foundation Phase 💜

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Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...




Early Years activities - worksheets, ideas for the provision, outdoor learning, literacy, numeracy etc...
Finger Paint teen numbers

Finger Paint teen numbers

Finger Paint teen numbers Children need to read the teen number and finger paint that number. Rec/Y1 - Early Years Numeracy 3 differentiated worksheets
Circle Time - Make a Rule as a King/Queen - Article 12

Circle Time - Make a Rule as a King/Queen - Article 12

Rights of the Child Foundation Phase Circle time question Differentiate through over writing, under writing and copying from a model. Article 12 - You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously. Literacy P4C
My Special Place and Church - Religious Education

My Special Place and Church - Religious Education

My Special Place and Church - Religious Education Early Years RE Discuss why a church is a special place for Christians. Discuss our special place and why we like to go there. Compare and contrast. Write a sentence about your special place, and draw it. Write a sentence about why Christian's go to church, and draw a picture of a church.
Report Writing

Report Writing

Reception Report Writing We looked at the features of report writing. Then we read a report about chickens/chicks, including the life cycle of a chicken, as we had chicks in Nursery. Our topic was 'mini beasts', we we wrote a report about butterflies. We had caterpillars/butterflies in class. The children had observed the full life cycle of a butterfly. Differentiated worksheets x2
Wyt ti'n hoffi ... ?

Wyt ti'n hoffi ... ?

Reception Second Language Welsh Oral activity Ask peers the questions, and tick or cross if they answer with ydw or nag ydw. Includes 3 differentiated worksheets.
Questioning - What would you like to ask a paramedic?

Questioning - What would you like to ask a paramedic?

My Year 1 class completed this worksheet. We differentiated by my lower group copying underneath my writing, my middle group copied from a model and my higher group and MAT wrote questions independently. We then invited paramedics to come into class for the children to ask them their questions.
Musical Elements for Early Years

Musical Elements for Early Years

I cut these pictures out and my class worked in groups to create sound stories. They choose which order to put the pictures in. Each picture represented a different musical element. Lion - Loud Mouse - Quiet Cheetah - Fast Snail - Slow Children then took it in turns to close their eyes and guess the musical elements used in the sound stories.
Design a  'Friendship Stop'

Design a 'Friendship Stop'

My Reception children designed a sign to go in the yard. Our topic was about friendship. The children wanted to make a ‘Friendship Stop’ for those children who didn’t have anyone to play with at playtime. If they stood near the sign, other children would notice that they didn’t have anyone to play with, and would invite them to join in with their game. I took their designs to a company that made the sign for us.