
KS1 year 1 and 2 PHONICS working wall display pack phase 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CEWs tricky words suffixes
Everything that is needed to create an English working wall display in a KS1 classroom.
All resources are on blue and green patterned borders, so the colours go well together no matter which phase(s) you are working on. Resources are also perfect for use in interventions.
A huge amount of resources are included in this bundle:
Main title bunting
Sub-titles to arrange the display in different sections
phase 2 phone flashcards
phase 2 tricky words flashcards
phase 3 phoneme flashcards
phase 3 tricky words flashcards
phase 4 phoneme flashcards
phase 4 tricky words flashcards
phase 5 phoneme flashcards
phase 5 tricky words flashcards
phase 6 phoneme flashcards
phase 6 suffixes flashcards
year 1 common exception words
year 2 common exception words

Big set of punctuation posters KS1/KS2 English/literacy working wall writing display
A big set of 11 punctuation display posters
Perfect for your English working wall
Natural, leaf pattern borders

KS1 year 2 English Working Wall Display pack ~ NATURAL THEME~ titles, posters, writing, reading,
Everything that is needed to create an English working wall display in a year two classroom.
All these resources have been created with a natural theme to make them bold and easy to see.
Files Include:
Main title bunting
Sub-titles to arrange the display in different sections
a wide range of synonyms for commonly over used words
Punctuation posters
sentence starters
year 1 common exception words
year two common exception words
Different writing types

Phase 2 - 5 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 2, 3, 4 and 5 phonics phonemes and tricky words on striped flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

Phase 5 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 5 phonics phonemes and tricky words on striped flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

Phase 4 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 4 phonics phonemes and tricky words on patterned flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

Phase 3 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 3 phonics phonemes and tricky words on spotty flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

Phase 2 phonics phoneme and tricky words flashcards or working wall display cards
All phase 2 phonics phonemes and tricky words on striped flashcards.
Prefect for assessment, intervention or displays.
Flashcards and tricky words also available for other phases.

Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words on bright flashcards working wall English display LKS1
Bright flashcards for all of the year 1 and 2 common exception words.
Perfect for an English display or for use in interventions and assessments.

Synonym display posters and table fan resource English writing working wall year 2, 3, 4 KS1 KS2
Synonyms for eight ‘boring’ words to make children’s writing more interesting.
There are A4 display posters and a table resource included.
The table resource is the same as the display posters but reduced in size. I print, laminate and clip them all together with a treasury tag to make a handy fan for children to use when writing or editing.

UKS2 40 English/literacy morning work/starters/homework/SATs practice differentiated task/activities
Lots of differentiated literacy challenges suitable for UKS2.
Perfect as morning work, starters or time fillers.
Each slide has 3 challenges. Challenge 1 asks children to find synonyms or antonyms of commonly over used words, challenge 2 looks at figurative language and challenge 3 asks that children write a short paragraph using a sentence opener and requests that they use a specific feature of writing taken from the UKS2 writing objectives.
To differentiate, children could be asked to work from challenge 1-3, or they could be given a specific challenge to look at.
They would also work well as homework tasks.

Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words on bricks working wall English display LKS1
Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words on bricks- separate documents so if you only want to use one year group there is no need to sort them.
In basic cursive font.
I add these to my ‘Word Wall’ display gradually as more and more of the words are taught- the children love to watch the wall getting bigger!
If these words are mis-spelled in children’s work, I direct them to the wall and they correct them independently.

bundle/unit of work KS2 non-chronological reports presentation WAGOLL planning sheet third person
Bundle of resources for KS2 non-chronological report writing.
I used these resources to write non-chronological reprots on volcanoes, but I have kept the resources generic so you could use them to write reports on any subject. (The WAGOLL is about snakes.)
The following is included:
PowerPoint presentation that goes through the entire unit of work from introducing what non-chronological reports are, throught looking at features, planning and writing the reports.
WAGOLL , three are included, one is a basic WAGOLL and the other two have features to spot with boxes for colour coding, these are differentiated for higher and lower abilities.on different sections of this and used it for peer-assessment.
One of the slides on the PowerPoint has a cmpleted WAGOLL features slide. I zoomed in
Working wall poster for writing in first/second/third person.
Worksheet to practise writing in third person (I used this as homework).
Non-chronological report planning sheet which follows the format of the WAGOLL.
Non-chronological report write up sheet.

KS2 differentiated non-chronological report WAGOLL editable with features to spot & colour code
Non-chronological report WAGOLL on snakes.
Includes one version of just the WAGOLL and two differentiated versions complete with features to spot and a handy key so that children can colour code the feautes that they find.
There is a higher and lower ability version, the HA version has more features to look out for.

phonics phase 5 alternative spelling of ch phoneme spotter activities flashcards presentation
This bundle includes a presentation to introduce the alternative spelling for the ch phoneme, activities and flashcards.
It looks at ch, tch and t.
There is a phoneme spotting and sorting activity and two activities where children must identify the correct spellings.
The powerpoint is interactive and uses sound buttons to identify the letter(s) making the ch phoneme.
There are lots of flashcards that could be used for segmenting and blending, speed reading and/or display.
More alternative spelling bundles will be added soon!

bundle of display/working wall bunting titles/banners Science, Maths, English and more KS1 KS2
A set of 6 bunting display titles- Enlgish, Maths, Science, Topic, PSHE and Notices.
These are all black bunting with white letters but are editable so you could change the colours to suit your classroom.
Simply laminate, hole punch the top corners and thread onto string or ribbon.

KS2 differentiated writing a diary entry WAGOLL editable with features to spot & colour coding boxes
Diary entry WAGOLL.
Diary entry about watching fireworks from the point of view of a child who is scared of the dark and fireworks.
At the right hand side, there is a section showing what features to find and a box for each feature to allow children to create a colour coded key.
This is differentiated three ways- children must look for increasingly complex features. Fully editable so you can add/remove features to suit your class.

KS2 writing edit/editing station/stations prompts with display/working wall posters year 3, 4, 5, 6
Editing station prompts. There are 8 different stations all together, more than I would use in one lesson but the range of them allows you to choose what is relevant to the specific genre of writing that you are looking at. These are also editable.
Each station gives an editing focus and has the kinds of questions as prompts that an adult would ask if they were working 1:1 with the child.
They also give the children ideas of how to independently up-level their work (for example, instructions on creating fronted adverbials or directing children to use classroom resources such as dictionaries, thesaurus or the working wall.)
Used often enough, the children will become increasingly able to focus on specific areas of improvement when editing their work, rather then perhaps editing a couple of spelling before saying that they are finished- which is what my class used to do!
Also included is a half sized version of each prompt- perfect for display, whilst not taking up too much room on your working wall.