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Big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets for Year 2 KS1 maths basic skills revision SATS
A big set of 30 arithmetic starter worksheets.
Each sheet has squared paper at the side to allow children to have space to use formal, written methods and/or pictorial methods to work out the answers to the questions.
A range of basic skills are covered such as:
counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
place Value
adding/subtracting tens
doubling and halving
finding missing parts on a part-whole model
finding missing parts in addition and subtraction calculations.
2 digit addition and subtraction
multiplication and division (2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables)

KS1 Year 2 multiplication and division maths working wall display
Multiplication and division display for working walls
‘Maths’ title in bunting
Various multiplication strategy posters
Vocabulary posters for both operations
Posters for counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

KS1 maths multiplication strategy display posters working wall
Bright and bold display posters to clearly show students different methods for multiplication.
equal groups
skip counting
repeated addition
Text is kept to a minimum, the picture is the prompt to aid children’s recall of the practical way to use each method.

Bundle counting in twos worksheets intervention games homework times tables year 1 and 2 KS1 maths
7 different worksheets and a matching game to target fluency when counting in twos.
These resources would be ideal for interventions or homework.

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths Paper 2 practise revision reasoning and problem solving slides questions 2019
All the questions from the maths paper 2 2019 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation.
Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently.
This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.

KS1 Year 2 SATs Maths 2018 Paper 2 practise reasoning and problem solving slides and questions
All, the questions from the maths paper 2 2018 KS1 SATs are on the smart notebook presentation.
Use this presentation to teach the children how they should answer the questions and then use the corresponding sheets (which have the same questions with different numbers) to let them attempt the questions independently.
This resource can be used as a daily starter or intervention to improve children’s ability to answer reasoning and problem solving questions or to address gaps on individual questions after assessments.

black and yellow metalic display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor EYFS construction area
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a yellow and black theme.
Perfect for an EYFS construction area.

colourful stripes stripy display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a colourful stripy theme.

cloudy sky display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a cloudy sky theme.

Blue spots spotty display bunting numbers and letters classroom decor
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a blue spotty theme.

Calm blue display bunting numbers and letters classroom
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a calm, blue theme.

Eucalyptus display bunting numbers and letters
Letters (upper and lower case) and numbers (0-9) on triangular display bunting with a Eucalyptus theme.

Caterpillar and butterfly complete display/science investigation area pack bundle
Bundle of resources to create a caterpillar and butterfly investigation area or display.
‘Our Caterpillars’ display bunting
Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards
Caterpillar and butterfly key vocab cards
All items have a matching leaf design

Caterpillar and butterfly key vocab cards for display or science investigation area
12 vocab cards for learning about caterpillars and butterflies.
With a nice leaf design in the corner.
I used these when setting up an investigation area in year two when we had class caterpillars! (I also sell these as part of a bundle which includes butterfly and caterpillar fact cards and display bunting.)

Caterpillar and butterfly fact cards KS1 science investigation area display
20 bright and colourful fact cards about caterpillars and butterflies.
I used these to set up a science investigation area in year 2 when we had caterpillars that we kept to observe and release as they turned into butterflies. (I also sell them in a bundle with matching display title bunting and key vocabulary)
These cards concentrate on the things that children will notice while the caterpillars are in the classroom. They allow the children to find out about what they can see happening.
These cards are also a geat resource for teachers and support staff to explain what is happening and answer any tricky questions that the children might ask!

'Our Caterpillars' display/investigation area bunting title natural green leaf design
‘Our Caterpillars’ bunting.
The bunting has a green leaf background that will completment natural classrooms perfectly.
I used this bunting to create an investigation area in year two when we got caterpillars in class. (I also sell this bunting as part of a bundle which also has matching caterpillar fat cards and key vocab cards.)

Animals that lay eggs display poster hessian/natural back ground KS1 EYFS science
Display poster showing a range of animals that lay eggs.
Animals are from different classification groups such as birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles and insects.
Real photographs used on a natural hessian background.
A good addition to an investigation area or to encourage discussion and generate questions.

year 2 SCIENCE-PLANTS lesson planting sunflowers, what plants need, measuring sunflowers pictogram
Science lessons looking at plants in year 2.
Lesson on planting sunflowers, learning how to take care of them and what they need. Differentiated sheet for children who are new to English.
A log to keep track of how high and fast they grow.
Analysis lesson to create pictograms (with links to the year 2 maths curriculum) to show the height of different sunflowers.
Extra questions for high ability children once they have made their pictogram (links to year 2 maths curriculum).

Complete science unit- year 2 plants- 9 lessons, notebook slides and all resources included
Huge bundle of resources to cover all year 2 plants science national curriculum objectives and also some year 1 objectives and some mathematics (data handling) objectives to promote cross curricular learning.
8 differentiated lessons
Lessons included:
planting a seed (sunflower), finding out how to care for it and measuring it over time.
Investigation over time: What does a plant need to grow. Looks a planting a bean seed and keeping it in different conditions to monitor it’s growth.
Lifecycle of a plant (using the control from the bean seed experiment to allow children to explore this themselves)
Dissection of a plant to look at the different parts and their jobs.
Carnation experient to explore the movement of water in plants. (Using food colouring in the water to colourthe petals- make sure you use plenty of food colouring for it to work!!)
Plant and tree hunt, record using tally marks and present findings in a block diagram (links to data in maths)
Create a mini rainforest terrarium in a bottle. Full instructions and resource list included.
Analyse sunflower growth, show results in a pictogram. Extra questions for HA children to answer once they have created their pictogram (links to data in maths).
The corresponding notebook slides are easy to follow with lots of questions to encourage scientific thinking.
There is differentiation for HA/MA/EAL or NTE

KS1 year 1 and 2 PHONICS working wall display pack phase 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 CEWs tricky words suffixes
Everything that is needed to create an English working wall display in a KS1 classroom.
All resources are on blue and green patterned borders, so the colours go well together no matter which phase(s) you are working on. Resources are also perfect for use in interventions.
A huge amount of resources are included in this bundle:
Main title bunting
Sub-titles to arrange the display in different sections
phase 2 phone flashcards
phase 2 tricky words flashcards
phase 3 phoneme flashcards
phase 3 tricky words flashcards
phase 4 phoneme flashcards
phase 4 tricky words flashcards
phase 5 phoneme flashcards
phase 5 tricky words flashcards
phase 6 phoneme flashcards
phase 6 suffixes flashcards
year 1 common exception words
year 2 common exception words